Chapter 1- Raya.

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A sudden bump woke Raya up, as we start in the back of a wagon trunk. "Crap," she whispers. Raya didn't remember how she got there, all she knew was that she got beat  up pretty badly by a bunch of thugs. She heard a song playing in the wagon (for reference, yes, the video is the song playing, I know it's a Spanish song playing in South East Asia, but it's fanfiction leave me alone!) And when she exited the car the thugs began trying to unhinge the tires from the car. "Those are hollow tires, your not going to get anything for those." She said. "Oh, crap she's up!" One of the thugs screamed as the 4 of them all drew guns at her. "Look, it's been a hard day for me, now I'd appreciate it if you'd leave, and let me go on with my job, alright, nobody has to get hurt." "No way!" They screamed without lowering their weapons. Raya then pulled out a dull knife and was then shot in the arm. Raya was laying on the ground trying to get up, the pain she felt was insufferable, but she kept thinking, "I have to do this for Nammari, Sisu, and Boun." So she tries to get up with all her strength. And while the others were distracted Raya snuck up on one of the goons and stabed him in the back. "What the hell!!!" they screamed. They then attacked her but Raya fought back and tried her best to protect the tires. The thugs then brought her to the ground and screamed, "Beat her ass up!!" The continually kicked Raya as she laid on the ground. "For the only people I have left." she thought. She then threw her knife at one of their heads stole his gun and shot the rest of them. Raya then went into the wagon, and turned on the radio."Rest, "she thought as she pulled the bullet out of her arm and put pressure on her wound.

What happend to Kumandra? Find out soon.

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