Chapter 12 - The Last Stand Part 2

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The girls and Laura immediately took off the minute Boun said run. Raya knew he was trying to fight the serum, but it wasn't working. Nammari then saw Boun right behind them. He was an unhinged monster and couldn't control his actions. The girls ran through the forest trying to lose him. Meanwhile, Snake Eyes went back to the wagon, but when he did, the clones of Sisu started to circle around him. Snake Eyes just stared at them. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET THEM!" He screamed. But then the albino dragon said, "they are our friends." They then pounced on him and ripped him apart. Raya, Nammari,  and Laura continued to run from a mind controlled Boun, he had no choice but to hunt them down. Fight it Boun kept thinking to himself, but no matter how hard he fought, the pain was to much. The girls then ran into a clearing but Boun caught up with them. He kicked Nammari to the ground, Laura tried to tackle him down but he grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the ground. Boun then pinned Raya to the ground. Fight it damn it. Boun pulled out a knife as he put his knee on her neck. Raya tried to fight him but Boun was a lot stronger thanks to the serum. He then raised his knife and said, "I love you." He then stabbed Raya in the stomach. Nammari woke up and saw what happened in horror. "RAYA!" She screamed. Boun saw what he did, Raya was bleeding out and was on the verge of death. Boun had no choice but to fight the serum. The pain in his head was intense, but the pain of killing his sister was greater. Then Boun's head started to crack as he fought the serum,  this is it. He thought. He looked at Nammari,  Nammari knew what had to be done. Boun seemed to be asking permission,  and Nammari gave it to him. Goodbye Boun, she thought to herself. Boun then rolled on the ground and his head exploded sending pieces of his head flying, and his body hit the ground . Nammari then ran to Raya, Raya was laying down chocking on her own blood. "Hey, dep la," Raya chocked.  "Shh," Nammari replied,  "save your breath." Nammari wasn't about to let Raya go. Nammari started to cry as she looked at Raya's wounds. "Marri," she whispered to Nammari. "Never, let anyone tell you, you aren't worthy of love." She said while clearing her girlfriends tears. Nammari then embraced Raya and said, "Thank you dep la, for melting my heart, I love you so much." Raya then tried to say she loved her back, but she choked to hard. Nammari knew what Raya wanted to say. "It's okay Raya, " Nammari said while crying, "I'm ready to let you go." Raya's hands went slack, and her eyes stopped moving.

Did I just kill off 3 characters in the same chapter. Yes, yes I did.

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