Chapter 12- The Choice

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Nammari told Raya she was ready to let her go. But when Raya died in her arms, she instantly regreted what she said. She started crying hysterically. Nammari still holding Raya's body in her arms said, "I love you, how will I move on without you." They were going to start a life together, now, all Nammari could do was cry.  For the first time in her life, she was entirely alone. Meanwhile. Raya woke up in a white void. She couldn't see anything,  or anyone,  she thought about Nammari. She was alone, Raya wanted to go back, but no one comes back from this place. Then she saw a figure of a man. As he walked towards her, she recognized him, "Ba?" She said. "Dewdrop," Benja said. Raya ran over to him and hugged him. "Raya, I'm so proud of you," he said, "you have become such a brave person." They both hugged each other for a long time. Raya then said, "Ba, I have something to tell you." Benja looked at her and said, "you're in love with Nammari aren't you." Raya then broke down. Benja hugged her to try to comfort her, but he knew the truth, nothing would ever make her feel better. "I'm sorry Raya. " he said. Then all of a sudden, a door appeared. Raya saw it and she couldn't believe what she saw, it was Nammari still crying over Raya's body. "Ba" she asked, "what is that?" "Well," Benja replied, "it looks like y
God has given you a choice." Raya looked at her Ba, she missed him so much, but Nammari. "Dewdrop, " Benja said looking at her with kind eyes, "you deserve a life with her." He knew he couldn't go back with her, so he needed to let her go. Raya then hugged her Ba and said, "I love you ba." And he responded with, "I love you, my dewdrop. "Raya then broke the hug and walked towards the door. She looked back at him and he nodded his head to support her decision. She then smiled and walked through the door. Meanwhile, Nammari was still holding Raya's body in her arms. When all of a sudden she heard a gasp for air. And she looked at Raya's face, she was alive. "Dep la?" Nammari asked crying a little. Raya didn't respond and instead pulled her in for a kiss. It was the most passionate kiss they ever shared. This time, no one would ever stop their love for each other. They both felt relief and love for each other, it was the happiest the girls ever felt. As the kissed, Nammari combed her fingers through Raya's hair. "I love you so much Marri. " Raya said. "I love you to Raya." Nammari responded.  Then all of a sudden they felt a small fury presence next to them. They turned around, and it was Laura brushing her head in her dragon form against Nammari's hand. But then, Nammari saw the clones of Sisu. Then the albino Sisu came to them and said, "come along Laura. " Laura looked at her friends, and they motioned her to follow them. They both knew she would only be safe with her own kind. Laura gave the girls one last hug and went towards the gang. The girls said one last good bye to their friend. Then tha Albino Sisu turned around and asked, "we all good?" Raya and Nammari both looked at each other and smiled, then they both put their thumbs up.  "Thank you for keeping Laura safe. " She said as she ran into the woods. Raya and Nammari then looked at each other, and Raya asked, "wanna start that life now?" Nammari kissed her love and said, "I would love nothing more. " Meanwhile, Raya and Nammari buried Boun in the forest and use twigs as a cross, and wrote, "brother" on the dirt pile. Raya then kneeled on his grave and said, "I love you to."

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