Chapter 3- The Last Dragon

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Raya took Nammari back to the dome with her. "I'll take care of her." Raya said. Raya enters the dome to find Sisu running around the dome continually.  "Good morning. " Raya said. "Huh, who said that?" asked Sisu in a panicked tone. "It's Raya. " "Who's Raya?" Raya couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sisu, who was once a beacon of light and hope, has become insane and sick. "Listen, Sisu, I nyeed to give you this medicine,  alright. " "Wait, I remember you." Sisu said. "You do huh?" Raya responded.  "Yes, you're the girl who puts me to sleep. " "Well between you and me, I think we both could use some sleep." "NO!!!" Sisu snapped.  Then all of a sudden, Sisu fell on the ground and a typhoon started to form. "Sisu?!" Raya screamed.  Sisu, on the floor shaking, began summoning a huge storm inside the tank. "Raya, get out of there!" Nammari screamed as she tried to enter the tank. The surge from the water started to push Raya back, but she was able to push through and sedate Sisu.  Soon everything calmed down, and Raya picked up Sisu and put her on her bed. "Raya?" Sisu said weakly.  "Ah, so you remember me." Raya said. "I always know who you are it's just sometimes I don't recognize you." Raya then took pills out of her pocket and said, "these will hopefully stop the seizerus." "My girl Raya," Sisu said, "what has this world done to you?" "Well I'll tell you what it did, it took my family,  my home, my life,  until all I have left is myself." Raya replied in anger. "But what about the others? " Sisu asked. "Take the pills." Is all Raya could reply with. So Sisu took them. "I saw a dragon." Sisu said. "What?" Raya asked. "A dragon, you know, an animal that looks like me, did you know that these people think dragons breathe fire?" Raya then jumped up and said, "listen, there are no new dragons, alright,  there hasn't been a new one born in 3 years ." "No, you have to believe me," Sisu said, "there are forces out there trying to capture them." "Forces, new dragons, them, Sisu are you listening to yourself?" Raya snapped.  "Raya, what did I do to Kumandra? " Sisu asked. "Get some sleep." Raya said as she walked out. But Sisu asked again, "Raya, what did I do!?" She kept screaming that question as Raya walked out. I can't tell her, Raya thought, it's for her own good. Raya walked out and Nammari was waiting for her. "How did it go?" She asked. "Could've been better " Raya responded.  "GUYS!!" Boun screamed.  The girls looked over at him and he said, "someone needs our help!"

Is there another dragon, who needs help, why was this chapter so short, find out soon.

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