Chapter 10- Worthy.

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"There are more dragons," Laura said. "What," the girls asked. "When Snake Eyes plotted to create more dragons, he snuck into your tank one night and stole Sisu's DNA, which is where I came from." She had to take a breath, this was the most she spoke in years. "But, I wasn't the first one he made." "Where are the others?" Boun asked. Then all of a sudden they heard roaring coming from another room. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say tha those are the other clones, aren't they. " Raya said, Laura nodded. Then they broke the door open and they started to attack them. They all started running from them. The clones were Sisu, but they looked very different. One of them was an albino with red eyes, one of them was just a skeleton, and they all had something, off about them. They aren't her, Nammari thought to herself. They then went into the elevator and the doors closed just as the clones ran into them. The gang just laughed at the near death experience. Then when the elevator stopped. They all ran out of the elevator and towards the exit. But when they did, the shed blew up knocking everyone out.. Raya got up and saw Snake Eyes, "you crossed the line gal." He said as he knocked her out.
3 years earlier- Raya had just gotten done with some painfully boring political work. So much had happened that her brain couldn't remember what the meeting was about. She was walking toward her room when she heard a familiar voice, "hey Raya. " She turned around and saw Nammari. "Hey dep la,"Raya awnserd. Nammari blushed a little when she said that, it was the first time Raya called her that when she was 12. "What are you doing here?" Raya asked. "Actually, " Nammari replied, "I wanted to talk to you." "Wanna, go outside and talk?" Raya asked. She kinda figured whatever Nammari wanted to talk about, she needed it to be private. "Yeah, " Nammari awnserd. They both went to a hill outside of the palace where Nammari started talking. "Raya, I'm sorry, I know that you'll never forgive me, and I can accept that, but I can't accept what I did to you, orphaning you and thousands of other kids." Nammari started to break down while talking. She then couldn't control her emotions and collapsed on her knees, "I'm sorry dep la." Is all she could say. Raya the kneeled down to her level, put her hand on Nammari's shoulder, and said, "I know what you did, I know what happened, but you don't need to feel guilty about it anymore. I forgave you, Kumandra forgave you, and everything is better now." Raya then hugged her and they both hugged for about 15 1/2 minutes. Raya then asked, "what made you tell me this?" "Someone told me that I was just a backstabbing b**ch who broke the world, spread the blame for Sisu's death, and should've been killed by you long ago." Nammari said trying her best not to completely lose her mind. Raya scoffed in disguest, "someone actually said that to you." Raya said. Nammari nodded. "Listen to me my dep la, " Raya said, "never let anyone tell you that you're not worthy of love, or trust, do you understand me!" She said not trying to cry to. "Because, I love you." Raya said. Nammari looked at her and Raya was smiling at her. Nammari then fell into Raya's lap and said, "I love you to." In the arms of her dep la, it was the most at peace Nammari felt in her whole life. The two gazed into each other's eyes, and were about to kiss each other when they heard lightning in the distance. "We should head back." Raya said. Nammari agreed and they both walked back, there hands held each other's tightly, they were inseparable.

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