Chapter 8- There's Water

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The girls, after burying the family, then took Sisu's body to a lake. Raya then dug a hole in the ground and put Sisu into it. She then filled the hole and stared at it. Nammari joined her and held Raya's hand, Sisu was the one who brought them back together,  Sisu was the one who taught them how to trust each other. Now, she was dead, killed like she was nothing. "Well," Raya said, talking to Sisu, "there's water." Raya started to break down and Nammari embraced Raya to calm her down, Nammari couldn't say anything without crying. "There's water," Raya said again crying. They both hugged each other for a while, mourning their old friend. The girls then stared into each other's eyes, and kissed each other. And it wasn't a kiss of sadness, or happiness, it was love, pure, unbridled,  strangely beautiful, love. Raya's ability to love had returned, and she wanted it all. Their kissing then became more aggressive, it was like Sisu herself put a fire in their souls.     Meanwhile- (I'll avoid the sex because bleh.) Laura found herself in a cage, she had been running from Snake Eyes for years, her caretaker Renee had protected her for years, but when she discovered the other dragon, Sisu, she knew Laura would be protected with her, she was wrong. Laura was back with Snake Eyes, and she needed a method of escape. "Sir, we're almost there. " said one of the drivers. Laura looked around and wondered what she could use to escape. "Is the dragon still in the cage?" Snake Eyes asked. "Yes sir," the driver awnserd. Laura then saw a boy enter the wagon. She looked into his mind and saw that he was brain washed into killing Sisu and capturing her. She then removed the material they put in his head. Boun felt like he just woke up from a long nap. "Where am I?" He asked as he suddenly collapsed on the ground due to his injuries. The drivers then pointed their guns at him. Boun didn't know who these people were, but he nevertheless grabbed a spare gun and shot them both before they had a chance to shoot. Then the wagon veered out of control, "Crap!!!" Boun screamed as he went to the wheel to try to stabilize it. As soon as he got the wagon back in control, the radio started beeping, Snake Eyes was calling. Boun awnserd it, "Hey, is everything alright?" Snake Eyes asked. "Yeah," Boun responded. The radio cut off and all of a sudden another wagon crashed into theirs. They flipped a couple of times and then stopped far away from the road. Laura finally got out of the cage, and went to Boun. He was bleeding out from the crash, but he asked, "who are you, what happened?" Laura didn't awnserd and instead healed him the way she did Nammari.  "How did you do that!!!!?" Boun exclaimed. Laura didn't awnser and instead pulled him out of the wreckage.  "Should we get out of here?" Boun asked, not knowing what was true or not. Laura nodded her head. They both ran into the woods trying to outrun Snake Eyes forces. They then stopped near a lake. "Okay," Boun said, "who are you?" "Me llammo Laura, " she said. "Oh, you speak Spanish huh?" Laura nodded her head. Boun then noticed a dirt pile, he walked over to find an inscription that said, "Sisu. " Boun started to cry and screamed, "WHAT HAPPEND!!!" Laura pointed at the sword in his pocket and he pulled it out and what he saw horrified him. It was Raya's sword and it was drenched in blood. I killed Sisu and Raya. He thought. He then walked over to the wagon. (Watch video for personification of Boun's situation.)

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