Chapter 5- Snake Eyes

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3 years earlier- Raya looks around a baren wasteland.  But this wasn't any old wasteland,  this was once the kingdom of Heart, her home. The palace that once stood tall and proud was now on the ground, "BA!!!!" Raya screamed as she looked everywhere for her missing father.
Present day- "Come on, hurry!" Raya screamed at Nammari. "I'm trying!" Nammari yelled. Oh God! I'm so damn naive, Raya thought to herself. I have to save Sisu, this is all my fault. Laura was in the back of the wagon holding on for dear life. "Hanging on back there?" Nammari asked Laura. Laura in response just put her thumb up. They got back to the tank to find a wagon. "He's here," Raya said, "be alert, kid, stay in the car." Laura nodded in agreement.  Raya and Nammari explored the area surrounding the tank. They then went inside the tank, to be met by a voice, "hello there," said Snake Eyes. As the lights turned on the girls were met by a platoon of soilders.  "You know, I knew you were hiding something,  but a dragon,  holy shit! You two, are very impressive!" "Where is she!!" Nammari screamed. "Whoa princess undercut, control your temper." Snake Eyes responded . Nammari became internally angry, only one person can call me that, she thought,  and she sure as hell ain't you! "Well Raya,  as you know, I am a simple man, so I'll get down to business,  hand over the girl, and I'll let you live." Meanwhile,  Laura was waiting in the wagon for them to come back. But then she met eyes with some weird creature, but as Laura looked at her, something changed.
Back in the tank, Raya looked at Nammari,  and Raya said, "awnser her question first Snake Eyes." "Don't worry,  they have been well taken care of." Snake Eyes responded.  "NO!!!" Nammari screamed.  As she charged toward Snake Eyes filled with vengeance, he then shot her in the chest. "Nammari!" Screamed Raya as she ran towards her. "No, no no, not you too!" As Raya held Nammari's head up, Snake Eyes said "Well if you won't hand her over, I'll get her myself." He then ordered his guards to shoot Raya. But then the door to the tank flew off and hit the gunmen. "What!" Snake Eyes exclaimed. Nammari, barley clining to life looked at the doorway to see Laura.  She started to walk down to Snake Eyes. "Don't just stand there, shoot her!" A gunmen then fires a bullet that Laura avoided like it was nothing. "Laura,  run!" Raya screamed.  Another gunmen pointed his gun at her but Snake Eyes told him to stand down.  He then looked at Laura who looked like she was changing. "Atta girl." Snake Eyes said. But then he saw what was happening.  "Laura, " he said "stay right where you are." She of course disobeyed him. And she kept walking and started to grow orange fur. Snake Eyes started to back up and soon enough,  Laura had transformed into an orange dragon. "Holy fu-" exclaimed Raya. Laura then attacked the gards with her talons and tail. "MOVE IN!!!!"screamed Snake Eyes as Laura continued to fight them off. Raya then turned to Nammari,  "are you seeing this," Raya said. "Yeah," Nammari said extremely weekly. "Yeah!" Said another voice behind them. Luckily, Raya placed that voice immediately.  "Sisu?" Raya said. "Yeah it's me, listen, I'm getting you guys outta here." Sisu had explained how Laura helped Sisu escape and that they had devised a plan to help the girls escape. "Sisu, listen, Nammari's hurt." Raya said. "I know, we'll get her some help." Sisu replied.
Meanwhile,  Snake Eyes just avoided being mauled by a crazy orange dragon,  then said to his bodyguards,  "go after the other dragon, I want them back." "Dead or alive sir?" They asked.  "Pick one," Snake Eyes responded. "Sisu there coming!" Raya exclaimed.  "Alright then, hang on!" Sisu yelled as they took off like the wind. Nammari started to gasp in pain, "Nammari,  come on stay with me dep la!" Raya exclaimed. "Raya, " Nammari said weakly while holding Raya's hand, "I. Lo" Nammari's hand then went slack and her eyes stopped moving. "NO!!!" Raya screamed as she started to cry, no, not her, NOT HER!!! she thought to herself. Sisu heard Raya and immediately knew what happened,  then all of a sudden Sisu fell on the ground. No not now! as Sisu started shaking,  the seizerus had come back. All of a sudden, a typhoon was forming and it started to affect the people chasing them. And Raya could see, Laura directing the storm at the bodyguards.  Raya was to emotionally drained to think of anything,  my dep la is dead, because of me, she thought as she was holding Nammari's lifeless body. But all she could do was get the injection from her pocket and sedate Sisu with it. After that the storm subsided and soon Sisu was up and ready to go. But Raya took one last look at a desert mound they passed. And she could see the man in the sunglasses, watching them ride off, with his Snake Eyes.

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