Chapter 2- The last of the Kumandrians

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." The radio said. "And welcome to the Giannis Antetokounmpo show, and here with Keston Phoenix, we are discussing the tragedy of what happened in Kumandra." "Giannis, it's 1945, why are we still talking about Kumandra?" Keston asked. The moment he asked that question, Raya turned it off. She already knew what happened, and she didn't need to be reminded of it. Raya continued down a desert road towards the buyer. She hated doing this, but it was the only way to keep Sisu healthy, and to keep her friends safe. Another wagon stopped her on the side of the road. And a man steps out of the wagon and goes to meet her. He was wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses. He then enters the backseat of the car and says, "Well if it isn't my favorite client,  the Gaurdian of the Dragon Gem." She started to tear up a little bit, remembering what her father said to her, "Raya, princess of heart, my daughter, you are now a guardian of the dragon gem." Ba. She thought.  "Sorry for bringing that up." He said. "It's alright." she responded. "Now, I'm a simple man, I like to get right to business, so just tell me where my supplies are, and I'll pay ya." He said. "I hid it in the tires." Raya said. The man checked the tires to check if she was telling the truth. "Well Raya I gotta say, you really are as good as they say." He then hands her 15 Jade. "What?" Raya asked. "I thought you promised me 30 Jade?" "Yeah but I heard about your little, hmm, incident at the Yaris club last night, so I'm only giving you half because of the complications." Raya pleaded, "No, I need 30!" One of his bodyguards pulls out his gun, but the man signals to put his gun down. "You know that I'm the only one who knows what you are, and I am the only one who can help you, so if you don't want the money.." "OKAY!!" Raya interrupted, "I'll take it." "Smart girl" he says. Raya then takes the jade and leaves. "Snake Eyes," the bodyguard asked, "permission to follow her?" "Yes," Snake Eyes responded,  "I wanna know what she's hiding." Meanwhile,  "Okay," said the pharmacist, " thats five anti-sezierual injections, one althzimer medication, and one antibiotic." Raya nodded her head. "That's 15 Jade." Raya sighed in relief and then pays for the drugs. Raya then arrives at a metal dome to be greeted by Boun. "Hey Raya." Boun said. Raya felt extreme remorse for Boun, he lost his entire family once when he was a 6 year old, and has lost his family once again. Boun was injured during the destruction of Kumandra and is now barely able to walk. He uses a cane to walk around and he has started to grow a little bit of a beard. "Hey Boun," Raya said, "where's Nammari?" "You know where she is Raya." Boun said. And he was right, Raya knew exactly where she was. Nammari was standing in a graveyard where most of Kumandras residents were buried. She stared at her mother's grave trying her best not to cry. She loved her mother, she inspired her to be a strong leader, and Nammari never got to say goodbye. "Hey Nammari. " Raya said. "Hey Raya. " Nammari responded.  They had both shared something once, a Kindle of friendship that grew into something more, they both knew it, but it was years ago. And ever since Kumandra was destroyed, they both, Raya especially,  had given up, and become distant. "You okay?" Raya asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just." Nammari then lost it and said, "I miss them." Raya then put her hand on her shoulder and said, "I miss them to." They both stood there after Nammari calmed down and Raya asked, "How's Sisu?" Nammari just looked at her, "that bad huh?"

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