Chapter 11- The Last Stand- Part 1

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3 years earlier- Raya was trapped beneath tons of rubble from what was formally the castle of Heart, her home, gone. Raya was able to fight through it. And when she emerged, she heard a voice. "RAYA!!!!" it screamed, she instantly recognized the voice, "BOUN!!?" Raya screamed. She ran over to where she heard the screaming. And what she saw horrified her, Boun's left leg was almost completely torn off, and his right leg was covered in blood and was bending the wrong way. His waist was also fractured beyond repair. Raya pulled him out of the rubble trying not to decapitate him. Once he was out he immediately hugged Raya and started crying, "they're dead!" Raya tried to comfort Boun by running her fingers through his hair, he was her brother, she was heartbroken to see him like this. She couldn't say anything to comfort him, because all she could think about was where her Ba and Girlfriend were, and they were probably dead to. Then she felt a hand on her ankle, she jumped a little and saw that it was her Ba. Ba looked like he was just barely clining to life, "BA!!" Raya screamed. "Raya," Benja chocked, "I. Lo.." his hand then went slack, and his eyes stopped moving. Raya then started to scream and weep at the same time. I just got him back!!!! Boun wanted to comfort her like she had him, but she was too far away, any movement he made gave him excruciating pain. "DEP LA!!!" Nammari screamed. Oh, no, Raya thought, not her to. She then turned around to see Nammari upright. Her eyes were red all over, her mom was dead to. Raya then realized why her Ba died again, it was because SHE loved him. Seeing the pain everyone was in, she would never let Nammari die because of her, never again, she thought. Raya then walked away from everyone, and she stayed separated from them leaving Nammari to question what she did to her.

Present day- Raya woke up with a headache, she found herself in the back of a wagon along with her friends. Raya then locked eyes with Nammari. They both remembered the darkest parts of their relationship. But Nammari then said, "No matter what happens Raya, I will always love you." She said this to help Raya's obviously troubled mind calm down, it worked as Raya smiled ear to ear, "I love you to." She mouthed back."Hey!" The driver screamed, "quiet down back there!" Boun then woke up as well, he was right next to Raya and put his head on her shoulder. Nammari smirked when he did that, and Raya just smiled. The boy had been through so much, and she didn't even want to think about what Snake Eyes did to him to make him kill Sisu. Raya just put her head on his, trying to comfort him, and Boun smiled in his sleep. This was the most at peace he felt in years, he loved both Raya and Nammari, and he loved Sisu, he knew they forgave him , but Boun would never forgive himself. Then all of a sudden the wagon stopped. They all woke up after the sudden stop. "What was that?" One of the drivers asked. "How do you think I know?" The other one responded. They went to check outside but when they did, they were both shot in the head. Then, they saw someone they didn't expect, someone who they thought was dead. "Logan?" Raya asked. "Glad I could drop in at the last minute. "He responded with a smirk. Logan wasn't as large as his father, Tong, but he did have his Charisma. "Now let's get you guys outta here." Boun grabbed Laura, in her dragon form, and the gang ran into the woods. They ran for about 15 minutes when all of a sudden, Snake Eyes appeared in front of them and shot Logan in the head. "Well, if it isn't Boun." He said. Boun just gave him a glare, he is still reminded of the pain he put him through. "STAY, AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Nammari screamed. "Whoa undercut, " Snake Eyes responded, "first off, control your temper, if anything he should be happy to see me, after all, I am the one who gave him his legs back. And secondly, I'm not the one you should be afraid of. " He said while holding up a button. "OH SHIT!!!!" Boun screamed. Then when he pressed it, his head started to feel a huge amount of pain. Raya looked at him rolling on the ground trying to fight the serum. He then got up and uttered one word at the girls, "run."

Don't you just love cliffhangers?

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