Chapter 4- The Child.

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Raya and Nammari quickly drove to the address given on the note. And while heading off Nammari said, "Raya?" "Yeah." Raya responded.  "Do you really believe that there's another dragon?" "I don't know." Raya awnserd, "Sisu isn't in her right mind right now, but, I really don't know." Nammari remembered a time where Raya was happy, bright, and forgiving, it was what Nammari loved about her. But now Raya was turning into her, cold, calculated, and unemotional.  It broke Nammari's heart to see her turning into the one thing she never wanted Raya to become, her. But Nammari also changed,  instead of being stone cold she started to soften, and it was thanks to Raya. She was the only thing she could cling onto, and as long a Nammari was breathing, nobody was going to take her away from her. "We are about 15 minutes out," Nammari said. Raya was thinking about what Sisu said, a new dragon was out there, in danger. Raya wouldn't believe Sisu, but her inner voice started to bug her about it. And as she looked at Nammari,  she remembered the one thing she forgot to mention to Sisu, the final thing the world took from her, her ability to love. "Do you ever think about home?" Raya asked.  "Yeah, all the time," Nammari replied.  "I don't want to forget them, the people and the dragons I served, my mother, my friends, you, I know it sounds weird for me to say, but I want to honor them, and to keep their memories alive." "I don't really think about it," Raya said, "it just brings back my fear and brings back terrible memories. " "Raya" Nammari said, "you've changed, you used to be so happy, we used to be happy together, why did you push me away?" Raya then coldly said, "I'm going to be blunt with you, do you want to know why I left you, it's because bad shit, happens to the people I care about." After Raya said bad, her voice became shaky, as she remembered her Ba. "The pain you feel after losing someone you deeply care about, is something that I can't experience again, and I never want it to happen to you, it's better this way!" But deep down, Raya truly cared for Nammari, Sisu, and Boun. But she couldn't get close to them, because to her, having friends let alone a lover, was a death sentence for them. She thought herself a walking disease.  "But Raya," said Nammari,  "you may be scared to care about me, but I will always care about you, no matter what happens. " "When did you become the emotional one?" Raya asked jokingly.  Nammari chuckled a bit and then said, "we are here." They got out of the wagon and into a lot in the center of a motel. They both looked around for someone in need of help. Then, they found a girl hiding behind a trash can. "Hello?" Nammari asked. The girl looked extremely scared and was very defensive.  "She won't talk to you." A voice behind her said. They both turned around ready to fight to find an old woman.  "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, my name is Renee,  and the girl is Laura. " She said. "Why did you ask us for us?" Raya asked "Because I know you are the only one's that can protect her." Renee replied.  "From what?" Raya asked. All of a sudden Renee was shot from up in a balcony. The girl screamed at Renee's dead body. Dazed Raya said, "I'll take care of the sniper, Nammari,  grab the kid!"Nammari nodded in agreement as she ran towards the kid, the gunman shoots again and misses the kid. Nammari grabs the child as Raya climbed up to confront the sniper. However the gunman saw her and shot at her, she was able to dodge the bullets and throw a knife at the gun breaking it. Sadly, he learned karate and punched Raya pretty hard in the stomach. Raya, dizzy,  fought back, kicking him in the head. The fight was hard but Raya gained the upper hand, she found her knife and stabed him in the side. After pinning him to the ground, Raya asks, "Who sent you?!" "You know exactly who." Shit, Raya thought, she knew exactly who sent her. "Nammari!" Raya screamed. "Yeah," Nammari replied,  keeping Laura safe. "We need to get back to the tank, Sisu's in danger!!!!!" Meanwhile... Boun was going through his daily routine,  taking a shower, cleaning up the house, and giving the medicine to Sisu. Boun used to have a lot of pain in his legs when he walked, but it's been so long, it has become numb to his brain. The memory of watching his family die is also enough to keep his mind off his pain. "Good morning Sisu." Said Boun.  But as he looked around, nobody was there. "Sisu!" He called again. Then, a man walks in, wearing a black jacket and sunglasses.  "Sisu eh." He said as he drew his gun at Boun. "How bout you tell me about her."

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