Chapter 7- A not so safe house

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Raya and Nammari headed to their bed. This was the first time they slept together in 4 years, when they were younger, and happier. "I'm so glad you're back," Nammari said.  Raya had been a shell of herself for so long, but ever since Raya almost lost her, she wasn't going to let go of her. "I'm glad you're back to." Raya responded.  They then got in bed with each other when Raya said,  "you know, I thought about what you said, in the wagon, 'do you ever think about home', well, I do." Raya started to confess to Nammari,  she swore she'd never tell anyone what she had been hiding, but something about Nammari  made her feel more comfortable. "I thought I needed to be strong, but after I saw you die, I thought I wasted us, I realized that I pushed you away from me, when I should've been there for you." Nammari looked at her dep la and said, "Raya,  I understand why you thought you needed to distance yourself from me, you were afraid,  and to be honest,  I was afraid to,  our home was gone, as were our families, but for four years, I watched you turn into what I was 5 years ago, cold. I never want you to turn out like me." Nammari put her hand on Raya, and Raya put her hand on Nammari's,  just like they did 5 years ago. "Dep la, " Raya said, "when all of this is over, I want to start a life with you, I want us to have our own adventures. Nammari smiled, "I want that to, I love you so much Raya. " "I love you too. " Raya responded. They then laid down and hugged each other. In the hands of her dep la, this was the safest Raya ever felt, and the happiest. Meanwhile- Sisu was sleeping in her bed when all of a sudden,  a figure stepped through her doorway. Sisu figured it was Raya since she saw her sword,  "Hey, girl" Sisu said. "I just wanted you to know that I am so happy that you and Nammari are back together, and that this has been one of the greatest adventures I have ever been a part of, and you and Nammari are my best friends. " The figure started walking toward Sisu and all of a sudden,  the figure drew the sword. Raya heard a noise upstairs  and jolted out of bed. "Raya, what's the matter?" Nammari asked. "Somethings wrong!" Raya screamed and ran out of the room. And then she saw a person walking down a dimly lit stairs, and when Raya saw his face, she immediately froze. This is impossible, she thought.  And who was the swordsman, none other than the owner and CFO of the shrimporium, Boun. They both exchanged looks, Raya's was of shock, but his was of anger. Boun then walked away, but Raya caught a glimpse of the sword, and there was blood on it. "No!" Raya screamed. Nammari then met up with her. "What happened," she asked. "I don't know," Raya said clearly in shock. Then they heard Laura scream. "Nammari,  you go after Laura, I'll check on Sisu. " Raya said.  Nammari nodded in agreement. Meanwhile Boun was dragging Laura on the ground toward Snake Eyes's wagon. "Yeah!!!" Snake Eyes exclaimed,  "atta job." Nammari then charged at him but Boun turned around and when Nammari looked at his face. She stopped in terror,  "Boun,  what are you doing!" Nammari screamed. But Boun started to shoot at her but she dodged the bullets, but then he shot a net at her and she was stopped. Boun then got into a wagon and the gang drove off. As Nammari, removed the net, she looked at the barn and saw Ralph's body behind the barn. Meanwhile- Raya was walking on the second level of the house and saw the body's of both Jack and his mom. No, Sisu was spared, she thought. Then she walked into Sisu's room, and she saw Sisu's back side, she's sleeping Raya thought to herself, but then she went around the corner and screamed. Sisu was beheaded. "No!!!!" Raya screamed while crying, Sisu was just healed, and now she was killed. Nammari then walked into the room and saw Raya crying.  As soon as she came to Raya, she hugged Nammari looking for comfort. Nammari, when she saw the body, hugged Raya tighter.

Yes, I just killed Sisu. More to come. P.S. if you want to find the theme that would best fit Evil Boun,  play the video.

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