Episode 1:New reality

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Koshiro:*scrolls down* what I would do to have something like this happen
Chika:*walks over* yo
Koshiro:hey Chika
Chika:*sits next to him* how do you think you did on that test
Koshiro:I probably bombed it
Chika:that means a good thing right
Koshiro:no it doesn't
Chika:oh well it's okay we'll fail together
Koshiro:*smiles* yeah
Chika:you know if you make a puddle on the ground you can see girls panties when they walk back
Koshiro:you serious
Chika:would I tell you if I was lying
Koshiro:I should do that sometime for scientific purposes
Chika:I was right you are a pervert
Koshiro:you're the one who proposed the idea!
Chika:what are you doing anyway
Koshiro:I was just looking at manga
Chika:oh cool what's it about
Koshiro:these Highschool kids get into a death game at the school in order to make the next god of the new century
Chika:sounds interesting
Koshiro:yeah I can understand the main character he's just like me
Chika:I'm sure if such a situation were to happen you'd make it out alive
Koshiro:you think so
Chika:yeah it would definitely bring out your inner potential
Koshiro:yeah I mean you're pretty useless you'd probably become a mega hentai
Chika:what's that supposed to mean
Koshiro:it's nothing
Chika:why don't you tell me
Koshiro:I mean if we were in such a situation
Chika:you wouldn't let me die right
Koshiro:of course both you and Akira
Chika:where is he anyway
Koshiro:you know he's probably in the class sleeping or something
Chika:he could be smoking out the window again
Koshiro:I think we would see it and smell it if he was
Chika:you never know
Koshiro:yeah let's go to class
Chika:yeah maybe we'll see him
Both:*walk inside*
*in the classroom*
Akira:*looking out the window*
Both:*walk in* yo
Akira:what's up
Koshiro:what were you sleeping in here
Akira:nah just bored
Chika:yeah we get it also wanna know a way to look-
Koshiro:*covers her mouth* hey he doesn't need to know
Akira:don't need to know what
Koshiro:it's nothing important
Akira:*smirks* geez you two are kids
Koshiro:*sits next to him* what do you think if a death game scenario happened
Akira:I think Chika would die I mean she's useless
Akira:I think you could do pretty well you're smart
Koshiro:I guess you were right
Chika:of course I'm always right
Koshiro:can we hang at your bar after school
Akira:I can't keep letting you guys drink for free
Chika:come on we're your best friends
Akira:yeah who are gonna drive me into debt if I don't make them start paying
Koshiro:don't be like that
Akira:*looks over* what the
Akira:why is there a second sun
Chika:a second sun?
*massive flash of light*
Akira:*sitting with his head down*
Koshiro:*laying on the ground*
Chika:*laying on top of him*
Koshiro:*slowly opens his eyes* aw man my head what just happened
Chika:*turns over*
Koshiro:hey wake up!
Chika:*sits up and looks at him*
Koshiro:do you remember what happened
Chika:*blushes* I think
Koshiro:*puts his hand on her forehead* are you sick or something
Chika:*stands up* no it's fine
Akira:*lifts his head up* just what was that
Koshiro:I know we came here early but it feels a bit too quiet
Akira:let's go check out the area
Chika:what about school
Koshiro:forget school that's not important right now
Koshiro:let's go
Akira:*gets up* yeah
Koshiro:*gets up*
All:*walk out*
Koshiro:what the hell
Akira:the city it's desolate
Chika:but everything is still intact
Koshiro:let's check a grocery store
Akira:yeah finding food is the most important thing especially if this is an apocalypse or something
Chika:Koshiro do you really think the world has ended
Koshiro:I don't really care if it did I mean as long as I don't have to deal with my parents anymore
Chika:but I'm still a virgin
Koshiro:so am I and so is Akira
Akira:actually I lost my virginity at the bar
Koshiro:what when?!
Akira:like a week ago didn't I tell you guys
Koshiro:I don't know
Chika:I don't remember anything about that
Akira:geez you two are so dumb sometimes
Koshiro:shut up
Akira:the lights are off so the power must be gone
Koshiro:let's check there could still be some food left
Chika:yeah there should be
All:*walk in and go into separate aisles*
Akira:*picks up a bottle* the alcohol is still here
Koshiro:seems like the meats are a lost cause
Chika:I think the candy still has some time before it goes bad
Koshiro:of course all you care about is the candy
Chika:hey chocolate is a necessity
Koshiro:yeah to you
Akira:let's focus on setting up somewhere we don't know what could happen next
Koshiro:I guess we should return to the school tonight I mean it's a good area
Akira:yeah it's not a bad choice for now
Chika:come on let's have fun while we're here
Akira:so this is what the world comes to I wonder if anyone else is alive
Chika:*hops on his back* come on doggie get to running
Koshiro:what do you take me for I'm not an animal!
Chika:come on let's go
Akira:can you stop fooling around
Koshiro:tell her to get off
Akira:it's your problem I'm sure you can deal with it
Chika:*rubs his head* come on go for a run or something
Koshiro:you know what I'm going to check on my house
Akira:okay meet me back here
Koshiro:*walks out*
Chika:I remember that one time you threw a rock at your house and cracked the window
Koshiro:don't remind me
Chika:hey I took all the blame for you
Koshiro:yeah I know
Chika:so you owe me that chocolate
Koshiro:just eat what you have on you
Chika:fine but we're going back for more
Koshiro:we have to meet back there anyway
Chika:I've never really seen the inside of your house
Koshiro:it's not all too special just the normal house you see almost everywhere
Chika:I don't get why you wouldn't care about your parents I mean they're your parents
Koshiro:what you mean a man that looks down at me as if I'm a mistake
Chika:I'm sorry I didn't know
Koshiro:it makes it even better if that bastard is dead
Chika:but still it's your parents
Chika:don't you at least feel a bit sad
Koshiro:*tears up* no I'm glad to be in a world without them
Chika:well don't be sad because you have us
Koshiro:yeah I won't let you guys die
Koshiro:*opens the door* it's empty there's nothing here
Chika:*hops down* lets go see your room
Koshiro:its nothing special
Chika:*runs to his room*
Koshiro:*walks after her* hey
Chika:huh it's empty
Koshiro:no this can't be happening
Koshiro:*drops to his knees* my console and all the games stacked up next to it how are they just gone
Chika:maybe whatever happened has destroyed them
Koshiro:then why aren't we dead
Chika:maybe there's a reason for that
Koshiro:let's go there's nothing here for me anyway
Chika:*hops on his back* okay let's go
Koshiro:*runs out the door*
Chika:time sure does fly when you're having fun
Akira:*standing there* they should hurry up it's getting late
Koshiro:*walks over*
Akira:you're finally back
Koshiro:something isn't right
Koshiro:all my stuff is gone
Akira:wait really
Akira:I knew something was off
Koshiro:there's no way this can be real
Chika:*pulls his hair*
Koshiro:hey! What are you doing
Chika:if you can feel that then it's definitely real
Koshiro:then why are we alive
Akira:that's for us to prove and find out
Chika:yeah like you said we're gonna live
Akira:let's go to the school I saw some lights in that direction and some message on my phone
Koshiro:*looks at his phone* you're right
Chika:*looks at her phone* an invitation
Koshiro:"you're invited to a game please show up before registration closes or you'll receive a penalty" is this for real
Akira:let's do it
Chika:didn't you say you were bored
Akira:you're smart so you'll be fine
Koshiro:okay let's go
All:*walk off*
*in the classroom*
All:*walk inside as the lights turn on*
Koshiro:*turns back and tries to grab the doorknob as his hand stops short* what
Akira:what's wrong
Koshiro:it's a barrier
Bunko:*walks in* you've entered the game so you can't leave
Akira:I see
Bunko:besides they're watching so you wouldn't be able to leave anyway
Chika:*hops down* so then what are these games miss
Bunko:I don't know myself but this definitely isn't the real world
Koshiro:but I went to my house
Bunko:I was in my house but my electronics besides my phone were gone
Akira:you too
Bunko:the door will close after registration is over
*door closes and locks*
Koshiro:*walks over and jiggles the knob* they locked us in
Chika:it's okay Koshiro
Announcer:there are 4 participants total
Akira:*looks over*
Announcer:this game is called exchange with a difficulty of 3
Bunko:I guess I'm still lucky
Announcer:the rules are to exchange the stick given to you for a card
Chika:*walks over and grabs one*
Koshiro:*looking at the ground*
Akira:*pats him on the back* come on
Koshiro:right *walks over*
Both:*grab one*
Bunko:*grabs one*
Announcer:once everyone has exchanged their stick for a card the game is cleared and you will be rewarded 3 lives in your life count
Koshiro:(life count?)
Announcer:failure to result in these conditions will lead to a game over and loss of 3 lives from your life count now begin
Akira:I'll go first *puts his stick in and takes a card* I got an ace and it says something on the note attached to the back
Bunko:read it
Akira:"you are the ace of the group a leader who will steer the path to victory" well it's not wrong
Chika:okay I'll go
Koshiro:wait how do you know it won't be different
Chika:stop worrying so much *walks over and puts the stick in and takes a card* I got an 8 and there's a math problem
Koshiro:that sucks
Chika:what's with all these numbers and letters
Akira:just answer
Chika:it's more or less 16
Chika:damn I wasn't even close
Announcer:now proceed to punishment
Chika:what *dart flies past her face as blood drips from her cheek* huh
Akira:everybody get down!
Koshiro:*standing there* (I'm really gonna die)
Akira:*tackles him to the ground*
Koshiro:*grabs her hand and pulls her down*
Bunko:*hides behind a chair* I'll go next
Koshiro:(am I really going to die here)
Bunko:*walks over and puts the stick in and takes a card* I got a jack and there's a question
Akira:*walks over* what's the question
Bunko:Japan is also called Nippon
Akira:obviously the answer is yes
Bunko:yeah my answer is yes
Announcer:incorrect now proceeding to punishment of 11 vitals
Koshiro:*looking at the ground*
Chika:*grabs his arm* snap out of it!
Koshiro:I guess I'm just going to die here
Akira:will you stop talking like that
Koshiro:why we're just going to die anyway
Akira:*punches him in the face*
Koshiro:*slides across the ground*
Chika:Akira what did you do that for!
Akira:*grabs him* I don't care what happens after this but if you're going to be useful then use your brain Koshiro!
Koshiro:*walks over then puts the stick in and takes a card* I also got a jack
Bunko:what's your question
Koshiro:(wait a minute the amount of darts corresponds to the number of the card so face cards go up by one in numerical value) the answer is yes
Announcer:correct your final penalty will begin so please make your exit at the door
Chika:*grabs his hand* Koshiro how did you know
Koshiro:a card has numbers and faces the numbers go up to 10 but the face cards are each a value higher in number so the amount of darts corresponds to the number on the card and not what you get as an answer
Bunko:(I guess this kid isn't so bad after all)
Koshiro:*looks over as turrets sprout from the corner of the room* guys now!
Akira:*runs and kicks open the door*
Koshiro:*picks her up and runs out the door*
Bunko:*runs out the door and shuts it*
Announcer:game complete you have each been rewarded with three lives in your life count which can be increased by playing more games
Chika:are you okay Koshiro
Koshiro:*shaking* yeah I'm fine
Chika:you're shaking
Koshiro:I'm just so relieved I'm not bored anymore
Akira:let's go sleep in the park for the night
All:*walk out*
Koshiro:we're going to live
Akira:yeah we are
Bunko:the only way your life will increase or decrease is by playing games
Chika:I don't know if I could play again
Bunko:the max amount of time you can go without playing is 10 days
Chika:what happens after
Bunko:you die
Chika:*eyes widen*
Koshiro:*covers her eyes*
Koshiro:don't worry you can take a break tomorrow while me and Akira play again
Akira:are you sure
Koshiro:yeah this false reality has given me a real purpose in life

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