Episode 14:Monster slaying

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Natsuki:okay is there anything we should look out for
Itsuki:from what we fought the other day those things look like humans but they're monsters
Rei:Hiroshi said he faced something with speed and in the game we dealt with a knight, something with morphing powers
Hiroshi:and that giant thing which when it's enraged turns red and bulks up even more
Chizue:sounds fun
Rei:you two besides Chizue are physically weaker than us it's best you stay away from conflict with these things
Itsuki:however since they look human they do have human weaknesses
Hiroshi:so if there was something like a giant eye
Natsuki:aim for the center we get it
Hiroshi:okay then why don't we split into two groups that do align with our assigned groups
Itsuki:okay then
Rei:I'll take Chizue and Natsuki
Hiroshi:guess it's us and Manami
Itsuki:okay then *stretches his legs* one two one two
Hiroshi:your leg seems pretty flexible
Itsuki:I played a lot of kickball in school so I have a strong kick
Hiroshi:good we can use that
Manami:you'll protect me right
Hiroshi:it's the only thing I can do
Chizue:now I can go test this out
Rei:what does your item do
Chizue:why should I tell you that
Rei:as a last resort you can hand it to me
Chizue:no need you'll be fine I'm sure you fought with them
Hiroshi:he did he's really strong
Rei:alright then teams
Itsuki:let's all meet back in an hour or two
Manami:*hops on his back*
Both:*walk out*
Others:*walk out*
Hiroshi:now then we'll go east
Rei:we'll go north and meet back in a couple hours
Chizue:let's do this
Both:*walk off in separate directions*
Hiroshi:I guess this is meant to help with our ability whatever that means
Itsuki:probably something like an individual quirk for each of us that unlocks in a desperate situation
Hiroshi:makes sense
Manami:there's no I can have one of those
Hiroshi:I technically have an ability already with my breathing
Itsuki:that's just unfair
Hiroshi:it's meant to maximize your power so if you lose after maximum breathing well you die because there's nothing left
Itsuki:then save that as a last resort
Hiroshi:I will
Manami:what's the noise
Itsuki:*stops* huh
Hiroshi:what do you mean
Manami:in the bushes didn't you hear that
Hiroshi:no I didn't hear anything
Itsuki:yeah me too
Manami:*looks over*
Stalker:*ducks down*
Manami:okay this is too creepy I think it's best we bail
Hiroshi:what direction
Manami:*points over towards a bush* there
Itsuki:*runs over*
Stalker:*hops up and jumping back kicks*
Itsuki:*slides underneath then turns and kicks it in the face*
Stalker:*turns and strikes*
Hiroshi:*charges over*
Stalker:*hops over him then charges from behind*
Terror mantis:*grabs it and starts eating it alive*
Itsuki:holy crap
Manami:Hiroshi it's a giant mantis
Hiroshi:okay we'll slowly move if we get its attention I don't think I could win that fight
Hiroshi:mantises are martial artists in themselves they have a style of kung fu named after them for a reason
Itsuki:yeah and they don't mind doing multiple kills
Hiroshi:*slowly steps away*
Terror mantis:*looks at him*
Hiroshi:*goes to the side*
Terror mantis:*moves its head and drops the body as it starts swaying*
Hiroshi:oh no it saw us
Terror mantis:*slowly steps forward swaying with each step*
Hiroshi:*runs forward*
Terror mantis:*slashes*
Hiroshi:*turns taking it on his back as he falls over* augh
Terror mantis:*strikes*
Itsuki:*charges over and kicks*
Terror mantis:*grabs his foot then grabs his arm and pulls him in*
Itsuki:*starts squirming* (damn I can't get loose)
Manami:Hiroshi you have to get up! Please!
Itsuki:(is this really the end for me)
Chizue:*kicks it in the back of the head*
Terror mantis:*lets go and falls forward across the ground*
Chizue:now I can have some fun
Itsuki:it's you
Chizue:don't plan on dying so quickly that wouldn't be any fun
Manami:thank goodness
Chizue:*takes off her shirt and puts it on his back* cover up that wound or you'll die
Itsuki:where are the other two
Chizue:they'll be fine without me now then for this big bug bastard
Terror mantis:*stands up then starts swaying*
Chizue:*charges at it* don't waste my time!
Terror mantis:*strikes*
Terror mantis:*pulls back then strikes again*
Chizue:*parries then kicks it in the face and punches a hole through the center* are you kidding me
Itsuki:(she punched straight through its carapace)
Terror mantis:*grabs her arm as it falls down and tightens its grip*
Chizue:*rips the arm off then walks away* I'll give this to Natsuki you can have the other one if you want
Itsuki:okay let's grab that
Itsuki:*tears it off and hands it to her*
Manami:*grabs it* okay
Itsuki:*gets under his arm* come on we need to keep going
Manami:*gets under his arm* yeah
Both:*walk off*
Shape shifter:*turns into Hiroshi and walks off*
Rei:I told her not to run off like that
Natsuki:yeah I know what you mean she's just unpredictable
Chizue:*walks over* sorry about that I had to save your friends
Chizue:yeah karate man got a wound on his back and I just saved kickball from getting chewed apart
Natsuki:is that
Chizue:this is for you it's a giant mantis arm
Rei:so it's not just monsters but also bugs
Chizue:yeah it wasn't too bad
Rei:then let's go to them first so we can help him out
Fake Hiroshi:*walks over*
Rei:*looks back* Hiroshi
Chizue:hey did you heal already I guess you're pretty strong then
Natsuki:that's not him
Rei:yeah because why hasn't he said anything
Chizue:maybe he's just tired from the wound
Rei:Hiroshi name the woman who's always around you
Fake Hiroshi:*silent*
Rei:so there's shape shifters here too that's even worse
Chizue:*charges at him and strikes* cool let's hope there's one for me!
Fake Hiroshi:*parries and straight punches*
Chizue:*dodges then upper kicks him in the face*
Fake Hiroshi:*looks at her then kicks*
Chizue:*parries and chops him in the throat*
Fake Hiroshi:*punches the ground*
Chizue:*grabs him by the face and slams him to the ground*
Rei:wait are you okay with killing that
Chizue:*punches his head through the dirt* yeah because karate boy isn't a blank meat suit
Rei:okay let's go find the other's
Chizue:hehe *runs off*
Natsuki:let's go
Both:*run off*
Itsuki:come on man you gotta wake up
Manami:I can't hold him anymore let's stop here
Both:*lay him down*
Manami:oh Hiroshi I'm sorry you had to save me I wish I could be more useful
Itsuki:it's fine
Grabber:*reaches its arm out from behind a tree*
Itsuki:*tackles her to the ground*
Manami:hey I'm in a relationship
Itsuki:*stands up blushing* sorry but something tried to grab you
Grabber:*walks over and grabs Hiroshi and pulls him away*
Manami:*runs and grabs his hand* no I won't let you take him away from me
Grabber:*extends its other hand towards her*
Itsuki:*jumps in front and kicks its palm* not yet
Grabber:*grabs his foot*
Grabber:*arm explodes*
Itsuki:*falls over* what the
Hiroshi:*falls on the ground* augh my back
Manami:*hugs him and sits him up* Hiroshi!
Hiroshi:geez my back hurts
Itsuki:she just saved our lives
Manami:what was that
Itsuki:I think you just discovered your ability
Chizue:*runs over* I heard noise
Grabber:*regenerates and reaches out towards her*
Chizue:*backhands its palm breaking the hand*
Rei:*walks behind it* hey you trying to hurt my friends
Rei:*kicks it in the back*
Grabber:*slides forward*
Chizue:*charges at it and punches a hole through it*
Grabber:*falls to the ground*
Chizue:you're all weak
Rei:I heard a scream
Manami:that was me
Hiroshi:so you woke me up and I don't feel that hurt anymore
Rei:perhaps she healed you when that happened
Hiroshi:*gets up and stretches* check my back
Itsuki:*lifts up his shirt* well there's a scar but other than that you're healed
Manami:*hugs him* thank god
Rei:we should try to find the trigger because besides Chizue she's the most valuable thing we have
Hiroshi:what are you talking about she's not an item
Rei:until most of us find out ours
Hiroshi:she is not an object! You can't just call people by such!
Itsuki:he's right Rei she's special for sure but how she helps is on her that's not for us to decide
Rei:whatever let's just go back
Chizue:you guys can do that I'm sleeping outside
Rei:*puts her in a headlock and walks off* nope we're not doing that
Hiroshi:okay let's go
Manami:*hops on his back* great I hate it out here
Hiroshi:how about you take tomorrow off we'll go out
Manami:but what if you get hurt again
Hiroshi:don't worry I'll be okay
Itsuki:I wonder what my ability would be
Hiroshi:I'm sure it would be something related to you
Itsuki:you probably won't even have an ability since you have your breathing techniques
Hiroshi:if its something related to each of us you must have something to do with your leg
Itsuki:and your karate
Itsuki:when I master my ability I'll use it to kill the game master
Hiroshi:I get it
All:*walk off*

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