Episode 5:Signal

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Koshiro:*laying on the couch*
Chika:*hops up* Koshiro!
Koshiro:*falls off the couch then sits up* what was that for!
Chika:how are you doing
Koshiro:I was doing fine until you yelled in my ear like that
Chika:sorry I just wanted to see how you were doing
Koshiro:did you go on your run with her
Chika:yeah I just got back
Koshiro:*lifts up her shirt*
Chika:*blushes* hey stop that's not cool
Koshiro:I don't know you still seem a bit flabby so maybe a break from all the chocolate
Chika:*pulls her shirt down* how dare you tell me to take a break from chocolate!
Koshiro:I'm just doing this for you I mean you should be in top condition for these games
Chika:you're one to talk you're not even that fit or smart
Koshiro:yeah you're right but I'm always mentally prepared for any game we play
Koshiro:keep up the hard work and maybe I'll take you up on the date offer when we get back to the real world
Chika:yes sir
Koshiro:how do you think the game will be this night
Daitan:I don't know are you expecting anything like last time
Koshiro:I don't know but I feel like it shouldn't be too bad or it could be something we overthink
Daitan:okay don't fry your brain
Koshiro:who knows maybe not all games will result in the end of a life perhaps some games will be simple tasks like doing a puzzle
Daitan:we can only hope
Chika:I hope it's not math problems like the first one
Koshiro:I'm sure it'll be fine
Daitan:well we should be prepared either way
Koshiro:yeah whether it be physical, intellect or wits we'll win
Chika:I'm dying of boredom
Koshiro:why don't you go for another run then
Chika:but I did that already
Koshiro:you can go for another right
Daitan:yeah totally
Koshiro:how about you go on another run
Chika:I wanna stay here with you
Koshiro:don't worry I'm not going anywhere I just need some thinking time
Koshiro:*rubs her head* see ya
Daitan:come on let's go
Chika:fine and you better be right at this spot when I get back
Koshiro:of course
Both:*walk out and run off*
Koshiro:now it's time to go meet with you
*at the park*
Kenji:*sitting on the grass* isn't this relaxing Ayaka
Ayaka:I don't care
Kenji:yeah of course you don't
Ayaka:I just want to fight someone I don't care who *swaying back and forth*
Kenji:relax you're getting antsy
Koshiro:I didn't expect you to be here
Ayaka:*gets up and charges at him*
Kenji:*gets up and walks over* I didn't expect you to show up
Koshiro:just a fellow genius looking for input
Kenji:well I gotta say from how you performed in the press game it's no surprise they'd call you one
Kenji:so what do you have in mind
Koshiro:I want to destroy this place and kill whoever is in control
Ayaka:okay I'm liking this
Kenji:doesn't sound rational
Koshiro:if I don't do this I can never avenge Akira or get Chika back to the real world
Kenji:I see but what makes you think I'll want to join you I mean maybe Ayaka but why me
Koshiro:I can tell you hate it here no matter how much fun you think you're having am I right
Kenji:*smirks and pulls his hood up* what if you're right
Koshiro:that's why me and you will crush these guys
Kenji:okay I'll think about it
Ayaka:hey I'm right here I'm totally down
Koshiro:no because if the plan fails I need people to look after Chika for me
Ayaka:I'm not watching that brat
Koshiro:you annoy me more than she does
Ayaka:you wanna go
Koshiro:I don't know why you didn't bring her to the press game she could've been a great help
Kenji:because once she kills she doesn't stop and she'd end up killing the other participants
Koshiro:as expected well maybe I'll see you in a game at some point if not now
Kenji:yeah you too
Koshiro:*walks off*
Kenji:what an interesting guy right
Ayaka:he gets on my nerves telling me to stop while I'm trying to test myself
Kenji:he was smart enough to notice what they didn't say
Ayaka:which was
Kenji:when all participants stop doing jumping jacks after doing the required amount the game will end
Ayaka:I was gonna finish
Kenji:you were probably working hard huh
Ayaka:of course I'm ready to crush these fools with you
Kenji:you're always so fun Ayaka
*at the house*
Chika:that liar he said he would still be here!
Daitan:he probably went on a walk
Chika:then why didn't he follow us!
Koshiro:because I was looking for someone else
Chika:Koshiro there you are
Koshiro:talking behind my back like that I thought we were friends
Chika:we are except for when you don't listen
Koshiro:sorry about that but I just had to discuss future plans
Chika:what future plans
Koshiro:don't worry besides it's nothing too important
Chika:but it's important to me
Koshiro:*puts his hand on her head* you worry too much besides I'm accustomed to this world I don't mind staying but as long as you can go back that's what matters to me
Chika:no we're going back together I can't live in a world without you
Koshiro:then you can wait for me
Koshiro:I won't leave until I crush those bastards for putting us in this situation
Koshiro:so you can make it back and not have to suffer here
Chika:do you even hear yourself!
Koshiro:yeah I know what I'm saying
Chika:*grabs him by the shirt* then forget about crushing them what you should be worrying about is coming back with me and that's final!
Koshiro:geez you're worried so much
Chika:I'm not going to live in a world that you don't exist in I just won't do it!
Koshiro:*hugs her*
Chika:*tears up*
Koshiro:do you wanna skip the game tonight
Koshiro:too bad there's no breaks until you get 50 lives
Chika:*tightens her grip*
Koshiro:don't worry I'm gonna protect you through all of these games
Koshiro:I'm right here you don't have to yell
Daitan:*looking at them* get a room
Koshiro:shush why don't you go in your room if you don't want to watch
Daitan:yeah but it's entertaining
Chika:*hugs him back*
Koshiro:trust me I'm gonna be on your side even if we're on opposite teams your survival comes first
Koshiro:I promise okay even if I lose if it's for your life it's worth it
Chika:shut up we're both going to survive I know you'll find some hole in the system like you did before
Koshiro:we can only hope
Daitan:I wonder what the game will be tonight
Koshiro:if it's higher in difficulty then I'll have to do more strategic moves
Koshiro:I got the notification how about you guys
Daitan:got it
Chika:school classroom
Koshiro:okay then no worry I'll have a plan ready for this one okay
Koshiro:now let's go
Chika:*hops on his back*
Both:*walk out*
Chika:do you think it'll be okay
Koshiro:don't worry once they explain the rules I'm going to be thinking of solutions
Daitan:it shouldn't be too bad
Koshiro:if it's in the classroom then we must be sitting down
Chika:could it be a card game
Koshiro:that's a possibility
Daitan:maybe it's a children's game
Koshiro:that's too simple it could be something that we each get a turn at
Daitan:it should be fine right
Koshiro:yeah we're gonna win
Kenji:this is gonna be an interesting game
Ayaka:I better be able to punch someone
Kenji:is that all you ever think about
Kenji:well maybe in the future
Kenji:huh what's this
Koshiro:well we meet again
Kenji:guess we do
Koshiro:let's win this game
Kenji:of course I can't lose
Koshiro:yeah neither can I
All:*walk in*
Announcer:7 participants total
Ayaka:okay I'm liking this
Man 1:*standing against the wall*
Man 2:(these people seem like they know something I should ask)
Koshiro:a bunch
Kenji:of nobody's
Chika:*hops down*
Announcer:registration closed, now please make your way to the classroom shown where the rules will be explained
All:*walk to the classroom*
Announcer:the game is name guessing
Koshiro:(could this be kagome kagome?)
Kenji:(this doesn't seem bad)
Announcer:the difficulty is 6 and the rules are you need to cover your eyes and ears
Koshiro and Kenji:(eyes and ears?!)
Announcer:once that is done three players will circle around you and you must guess who is behind you and the players circling the person cannot speak
Koshiro:(I know I can find a way to cheat this game it's possible for me and him but the others could lose)
Announcer:you will be rewarded 6 lives in your life count for completing the game and the penalty will be a loss of 6 lives from your life count and a game over
Koshiro:Chika come here
Koshiro:*whispers in her ear*
Kenji:(did he figure it out)
Announcer:first player in the center will be Chika Asai
Chika:okay I can do this
Announcer:the participants around her will be Kenji Arai, Daitan Endo and Man 1
Kenji:okay Chika let's help you win alright
Koshiro:I know you got this Chika!
Chika:yeah *closes her eyes and covers her ears* I'm ready
All:*start walking around her*
Ayaka:how'd you help
Koshiro:it's nothing short of a thought she doesn't need to make conversation
Ayaka:what do you mean they covered her two most important cues
Koshiro:the rules never said we couldn't talk only the ones circling her
Ayaka:so you're going to interrupt
Koshiro:no we already came up with a solution
Kenji:*standing behind her*
Announcer:who is the person behind you
Chika:*smiles* the guy behind me is Kenji Arai
Chika:*opens her eyes and lowers her hands* I did it Koshiro
Koshiro:yeah I saw
Announcer:next player Koshiro Kondo
Koshiro:Chika, Kenji, Daitan you guys have my back right *walks over and closes his eyes and covers his ears*
Announcer:the participants around him will be Man 1, Man 2 and Ayaka Hamada
Kenji:Ayaka get the back okay
Ayaka:yeah I know
Man 1:*walks over*
Ayaka:*walks over*
Man 2:*walks over*
All:*start walking around him*
Daitan:how'd you know it was him
Chika:because I knew it would be someone I trusted behind me and I only had to guess from 2 people
Daitan:but Man 1 already went so why is he going again
Kenji:it's like a test they're trying to see just how he'll win with such little support
Chika:it's easy I'm sure he's figured it out by now
Kenji:you won because of luck
Chika:actually he didn't just talk to you for that reason
Chika:he told me in the order of people it's always the person to the right of you who decides the person behind you
Chika:and that he secretly knew they would separate us so he told me the answer from the start
Kenji:so he didn't just say that to me so I could pick
Chika:even if he didn't you would be the most probable person to stand behind me
Kenji:I see so he already has a solution but I know Ayaka will stand to the side
Man 2:*stands behind him*
Ayaka:*stands beside him*
Man 1:*stands on the other side*
Announcer:who is behind you
Koshiro:(Ayaka on the side so between those two since he already went it's obvious)
Announcer:you have 10 seconds to answer or it will be a game over
Koshiro:*raises his hand* Man 2! It's Man 2!
Koshiro:*looks back*
Koshiro:*walks over*
Chika:*grabs his hand*
Koshiro:I told you I would win
Announcer:next player in the center will be Kenji Arai
Ayaka:Kenji you better not lose
Kenji:*walks over and closes his eyes then covers his ears* don't worry about it
Announcer:the participants around him will be Chika Asai, Daitan Endo and Koshiro Kondo
Koshiro:well he doesn't need my help
Chika:we don't need to help him
Koshiro:not at all
Daitan:*walks over* if you say so
Both:*walk over*
All:*start walking around him*
Ayaka:Kenji you can do it! Go on and show these fools who you are!
*in another room*
Misumi:they already beat the game
Hikari:maybe it's the code word they're using I mean they say back a lot
Misumi:no he manipulated the order from the start
Misumi:he knew that he wouldn't get paired with her so to keep her safe from a distance he purposely kept her close to others he trusted in the game
Hikari:I see
Misumi:that Kenji assisted since he knew about his plan
Hikari:but she guessed
Misumi:do you really think that was a guess I think there's more to this girl than there actually is
*in the game*
Koshiro:*stands behind him*
Announcer:who is behind you
Kenji:*opens his eyes* Koshiro Kondo
Announcer:correct now the last player in the center will be
Koshiro:(he wasn't penalized for opening his eyes after we stopped) I see so you really figured it out
Kenji:you want some flowers for my victory
Ayaka:can I tear them apart
Koshiro:total Denji and Power pair
Announcer:Ayaka Hamada
Ayaka:watch me the almighty Ayaka reign supreme! *walks over and closes her eyes and covers her ears*
Announcer:the participants around her will be Man 1, Man 2 and Chika Asai
Chika:me again
Kenji:I'm sure Ayaka will be fine even without our help but you can try to help if you want to
Chika:*walks over*
Man 2:*walks over*
Man 1:*walks over*
Kenji:I mean it doesn't matter what happens she just won't lose
Kenji:yeah she defies all logic she's nearly superhuman
Koshiro:she's a real benefit in games like the one we were in together previously
Kenji:yeah that's why I didn't bring her
Koshiro:yeah I know you told me
Daitan:why's that
Kenji:because in the real world the day she was transported to this world she was going to kill her whole class
Koshiro:I see you befriended an egotistical psychopath
Kenji:yeah she's a borderline psycho
Chika:*stands behind her*
Announcer:who is behind you
Ayaka:*reaches back and touches her chest* Chika Asai
Koshiro:did she just
Daitan:she really is crazy
Announcer:game complete
Ayaka:*opens her eyes then grabs them by the neck and slams them into desks*
Koshiro:aren't you going to stop her
Chika:*walks over and stands behind him*
Koshiro:it's okay you'll be fine
Ayaka:*grabs a knife out of her pocket and starts stabbing* yeah give me more of that I feel so much bliss it's like I'm reborn!
Chika:*grabs his arm*
Koshiro:*rubs her head*
Ayaka:*standing there as blood drips from her face* a beautiful work of art
Announcer:participants Koshiro Kondo, Chika Asai, Daitan Endo and Ayaka Hamada are rewarded 6 lives for completing the game
Kenji:aw geez you need to clean yourself can we use your shower if it still works
Koshiro:actually I think there's a bathhouse not too far that still works
Kenji:okay let's go
Chika:yay some relaxation *hops on his back*
Daitan:I guess I could use something like this
Koshiro:I'll show you where it's at besides I used to go there a lot with Chika and Akira
Chika:oh yeah we did
Ayaka:*runs out the door*
Koshiro:hey I didn't even say where it was yet
Kenji:she's an overexcited soul
Koshiro:yeah I can tell
All:*walk out*
*at the bathhouse*
Ayaka:*sitting underwater*
Chika:I don't like this she's too freelance
Daitan:just ignore her besides she's doing her own thing
Koshiro:*sits down* if only you were still here to experience this with us again
Kenji:*lays back* well this is quite comfortable
Koshiro:yeah it's weird not having one more person though
Kenji:I'm fine with this you should be worrying about Ayaka
Koshiro:it's fine Chika knows she can come over here if things get restless
Kenji:you're fine with that
Koshiro:yeah we were the kind of kids who took baths together
Kenji:oh wow you two really know each other well
Koshiro:yeah you could say that
Kenji:so then you know how big her boobs are right
Koshiro:*blushes* what are you talking about
Kenji:I mean it's hard not to look Ayaka was probably able to tell because of how big they were
Koshiro:okay I get it!
Ayaka:*resurfaces* nothing like washing the blood off from a good slaughter
Chika:so how did you and Kenji meet
Ayaka:what kind of question is that we're not dating
Chika:well you seem to trust each other a lot
Ayaka:no we're only a group because I get to kill whenever I want after a game
Daitan:she just wants to know how you met
Ayaka:we met in my first game here it was very physical
Chika:what was it
Ayaka:I don't remember the name but we were the last two standing and the game ended I want to kill the guy so damn bad
Chika:wow okay
Ayaka:but he said I can kill as long as we win so it's a win win situation for me
Daitan:I see
Ayaka:nothing better than watching the blood fly and seeing it drip after you mercilessly tear apart your victims
Chika:I wouldn't know
Ayaka:you have pretty big boobs has your friend touched them yet
Chika:*blushes* what are you talking about
Ayaka:you should let him touch them three times since he saves you all the time
Chika:*looks away* I'll think about it
Ayaka:of course I wouldn't let Kenji do that he's undeserving I prefer to fondle them myself
Chika:okay can we not talk about that you sound just like him
Koshiro:*walks over* you guys finish up we're about to leave
Ayaka:make sure to touch her boobs
Koshiro:shut up you psychopath *walks off*
Chika:*smiles* hmph
Daitan:*ties her hair into a ponytail* okay I'm gonna get out I'll wait for you
Chika:hold on I'm coming too
Ayaka:hey Kenji you finished over there!
Kenji:*walks over* yeah I'm done
Ayaka:okay I'm coming out
Chika:*hops on his back*
Koshiro:I'm not gonna touch your boobs
Chika:it's fine if you want to I mean you did help me survive all this time
Koshiro:that girl is a bad influence on you

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