Episode 13:Transition

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Rei:*looking at the ground with his hands clasped*
Itsuki:so those guys are like our seniors I guess they've been playing with lives
Natsuki:what do you mean
Itsuki:they had a life count so I guess theirs was more like a video game
Natsuki:I see
Manami:*puts her chest on his head* Hiro let's go have some fun together I'm in the mood
Hiroshi:leave me alone I'm trying to focus
Manami:come on we'll take a different room
Rei:actually I need him since we have to take another room
Itsuki:let's do the one right next to us
Rei:okay let's go Hiroshi
Hiroshi:*opens his eyes* okay
Manami:be safe okay
Hiroshi:if I died you wouldn't know
Manami:but I would be sad
Hiroshi:*pokes her forehead* yeah sure
Manami:please Hiroshi if you ever find yourself in a tight spot remember that you have to live for me
Hiroshi:*gets up* yeah I'll remember that
Manami:thank you
Both:*walk out*
Rei:*walks ahead and opens the door*
Stalker:*standing there*
Hiroshi:hey are you also in the game
Rei:don't be fooled that's a monster
Hiroshi:what do you mean that's a person
Rei:it's just trying to fool you
Itsuki:seems pretty human to me
Stalker:*charges at him and strikes*
Itsuki:*ducks* woah
Itsuki:*rolls out the way then hops up* yeah it's a monster
Hiroshi:*charges at it and strikes*
Stalker:*lowers his hand then turns and kicks*
Rei:*grabs its foot then takes it to the ground and elbows it in the chest*
Stalker:*pushes him off*
Itsuki:*punt kicks it in the back of the head*
Stalker:*stands up*
Hiroshi:*kicks it in the leg*
Rei:*side kicks it in gut*
Itsuki:*hops up and kicks it in the face*
Hiroshi:*straight punches through its body*
Rei:*jabs it in the head* ten point:death strike
Stalker:*blows up*
Itsuki:room secured
Manami:*opens the door* Hiroshi you okay
Hiroshi:*opens the door* yeah we cleared the room
Manami:great now the two of you get out we have business
Itsuki:you can't do that in here
Hiroshi:I told you I'm not doing that
Manami:*unbuttons her shirt then walks over and holds his arm to her chest* come on sweetie we've been holding this off for so long
Rei:I don't care just clean up afterwards so do what you want *walks out*
Itsuki:be safe *walks out*
Manami:great finally some alone time
Hiroshi:we're not doing this
Manami:please I'm seeking your companionship Hiroshi
Hiroshi:Manami I know I said yes earlier but that's because I was scared
Manami:*grabs his hand* well you don't have to be scared now you can accept me with open arms
Hiroshi:come on Manami
Manami:please Hiroshi I can't do this alone
Manami:*kisses him deeply and clasps his hand*
Hiroshi:*steps back*
Chizue:*punches through the door then runs upstairs*
Hiroshi:wait hold on did you hear that
Manami:just ignore it let's keep going
Hiroshi:we have to make sure the others weren't harmed
Manami:fine but we're continuing this later
Hiroshi:yeah sure
Both:*open the door*
Chizue:so this is where you've been hiding from me
Hiroshi:*gets out in stance* what are you here for
Chizue:why are you so defensive I'm not fighting with you besides you wouldn't last anyway
Manami:*wraps her arms around him*
Rei:well I'm not surprised you found us
Chizue:oh my sweet Rei you willing to die to relieve your boredom
Rei:no I want to live despite what it may seem
Chizue:doesn't matter the next phase it about to begin
Hibiki:*appears* thanks for telling them for me Chizue
Chizue:no problem
Itsuki:(this guy is he really our enemy)
Hibiki:okay before the next phase we have a final game for you guys
Rei:what is it
Hibiki:it's me
Hibiki:the final game is fists
Chizue:oh a fist fight let me go first
Hibiki:fist rock paper scissors
Hibiki:you're not included you automatically pass for having your item you're already top class now for the rest of you
Hiroshi:I'll go first
Hiroshi:besides I have to show the path for Itsuki so he can follow
Hibiki:just know you'll die if you lose
Hiroshi:*breathes in and out* One breath:maximum breath control
Hiroshi:now let's go
Hibiki:okay here we go oh yeah and you
Hibiki:wait in the house for the victors
Hibiki:now let's really go
Hiroshi:*gets in stance* yeah let's do it
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws rock*
Hiroshi:*throws rock*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Manami:I can't watch
Hibiki:*throws paper*
Hiroshi:*throws paper*
Hibiki:okay I'll throw scissors next
Hiroshi:okay then
Rei:*puts his hands together* it was nice knowing you Hiroshi
Manami:don't say that
Rei:it's obvious he will be dying here so I'm giving my condolences
Manami:you can't die Hiroshi! You promised me earlier so you can't die! YOU HAVE TO LIVE! *tears up*
Hiroshi:whoever said we'll really die
Natsuki:*puts her hand on her shoulder* let him go he's putting his heart into this
Manami:if you lose I won't have anything to live for
Hiroshi:don't say that!
Hiroshi:you have a life worth living so don't waste it like that!
Both:*rock paper scissors*
Hiroshi:*throws paper*
Hibiki:*throws rock* damn
Hiroshi:I told you I wouldn't die
Manami:*hugs him crying*
Hiroshi:*rubs her head* what are you crying for I told you I wasn't going to die
Manami:I'm so happy
Natsuki:okay then I'll go
Hibiki:you know we never really got to know you
Natsuki:I'm just a regular person nothing special nothing like these guys so let my sacrifice be worthy
Itsuki:no you're not going to die we're all going to survive
Rei:if you want of course I don't plan on dying yet
Hibiki:now then
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws paper*
Natsuki:*throws paper*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Natsuki:*throws paper*
Hibiki:*throws paper*
Itsuki:just like the last one
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws rock*
Natsuki:*throws paper* I won
Hibiki:guess it won't be a noble sacrifice after all
Manami:I'll go
Hibiki:you won't feel bad if I kill her right
Hiroshi:don't do it now go
Hiroshi:I got your back
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws scissors*
Manami:*throws scissors* phew
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Manami:*throws scissors*
Hibiki:*throws scissors*
Manami:thank goodness
Hibiki:that was close
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws scissors*
Manami:*throws rock*
Hiroshi:*hugs her* you did it Manami you won!
Manami:*falls to her knees* this feeling
Rei:okay I'll go then I have nothing left to go for this is enough for me
Hibiki:so you're one of those
Rei:no I think Manami was the one who felt the most pleasure from this
Manami:shut up
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws scissors*
Rei:*throws rock* it's over
Rei:I'll be waiting for you Itsuki now send us back
Hibiki:sure *snaps his fingers*
Hibiki:now it's just you and me
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Hibiki:*throws scissors*
Itsuki:*throws scissors*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Itsuki:*throws scissors*
Hibiki:*throws paper* congratulations you have passed
Itsuki:*falls to his knees* I did it Koshiro I'll meet your friends I promise
Hibiki:*snaps his fingers*
*in the house*
Hiroshi:told you we'd all make it
Manami:*kisses him*
Rei:get a room you two
Hiroshi:*pulls back*
Itsuki:he's unfazed
Rei:no his ears are red
Natsuki:oh wow they are
Chizue:haha! Red ears!
Manami:it's okay baby just ignore them
Hiroshi:*falls over*
Rei:he passed out because of the embarrassment
Hibiki:*walks in* congratulations for passing all of you I mean I knew you all had the potential to do so
Chizue:so what's next
Hibiki:first I must make a trip to grab some things for each of you then we'll start our next exam so until then just relax
Chizue:fine *walks upstairs* I'm gonna go meditate
Hiroshi:*sits up* geez what are we doing
Itsuki:he said he'll be back we're just going to have another game most likely
Hiroshi:I see then I'll go train
Manami:I'll watch
Hiroshi:fine but don't interrupt me
Manami:yes sir
Both:*walk to a room*
Natsuki:things just don't change
Rei:I wonder how the next game will play out
Itsuki:how'd you beat him on the first try though he tied twice with at least everyone else
Rei:there was nothing to it he just throws scissors a lot
Itsuki:yeah I beat him on the second turn
Rei:were you really planning on dying for our sake
Natsuki:does it matter I'm alive now
Itsuki:I told you she wasn't going to die
Rei:I wasn't surprised you survived I mean you have potential
Rei:have you played any sports before all this
Itsuki:not really I mean I played kickball a lot in school so I'm a really good kicker
Rei:that's a good skill you should practice it more
Rei:*walks off*
Natsuki:*lays back on the couch*
Hibiki:*appears and tosses them uniforms* put these on
Itsuki:*grabs it*
Natsuki:*catches it* why
Hibiki:just do it I need to know if they fit or not
Hibiki:*walks upstairs* Chizue I got a delivery for you
Chizue:*sticks her hand out*
Hibiki:*hands it to her then walks to the other room*
Hiroshi:*standing in stance*
Hibiki:*tosses them*
Hiroshi:*grabs it*
Manami:oh wow this is kinda cute
Hibiki:that's good because this next game is really something
Hiroshi:what is it
Hibiki:it'll help you unlock your ability
Hibiki:you'll see soon
Hiroshi:okay let's go see the others
Manami:fine but don't look I have to change but I also wouldn't mind if you did
Hiroshi:*walks out*
Manami:what a let down
Itsuki:now that I'm looking at it
Rei:all of our uniforms look different
Hiroshi:yeah mine is a gi
Itsuki:a tracksuit top and shorts for me
Rei:a hoodie for me
Chizue:oh sweet it's just a pair of pants and a bandanna
Manami:I got a short sleeve sweater and jeans
Natsuki:why do I get a running uniform
Hibiki:I thought you all would like these I tried really hard to pick your brains for your exam
Itsuki:what is the next exam
Hibiki:monster slaying but the EXTREME version
Hibiki:I'm sure most of you heard of A World's End and if you haven't go read it the author put a lot of work into it
Hibiki:I'm gonna put each of the monsters in there even the main character's monster form all at their peak power
Chizue:sounds fun
Rei:how troublesome
Hibiki:now I'll split you guys into two teams so each team can go out during the day and slay maybe you'll awaken something in a life or death situation
Hibiki:okay team 1 will be Natsuki,Chizue and Hiroshi
Manami:no! How come we're always being separated
Hiroshi:Rei wanna switch
Rei:no I'm good this is exactly the same team as when we played dodgeball
Chizue:I'm the leader!
Rei:so am I
Hiroshi:no Itsuki is you guy's leader I have faith in his abilities
Itsuki:oh sure I'll be leader
Rei:then I'll help with planning
Hibiki:have fun and pray you all survive because I like you guys of course I wish we had more people though
Itsuki:okay then let's do this and let's all survive
Hiroshi:of course
Manami:*grabs his arm* promise me you'll come back unscathed
Hiroshi:if it's anything like those monsters we fought with the other guys I can't make any promises
Itsuki:yeah that thing was strong
Hiroshi:it took the one breath just to compete with it in its maximum power
Manami:please don't die I'll be praying for your safety all the time
Hiroshi:if I do die then become god in this world and bring me back to life
Hibiki:how sweet teen love
Hiroshi:we could bring someone back to life if we become god in this world right
Hibiki:I don't know why don't you see when you become god *vanishes*
Hiroshi:then I will and if I die you're carrying on my will
Chizue:that's too bad because I'm going to be the one true god
Hiroshi:and what would you do as god
Chizue:isn't it obvious I would destroy everything then rebuild the world just to destroy it again
Rei:you know one of the guys said his friend was just like you she's the same way
Chizue:I see so I have a rival
Rei:you wouldn't take her as an ally
Chizue:there can only be one god
Rei:but you can destroy together
Chizue:no I want it all to myself
Rei:I see I guess he was right after all
Itsuki:let's all get through this together

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