Episode 21:First god

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Itsuki:don't worry about it Rei
Chizue:why do you care it's like you want to compensate for something
Rei:yeah just forget it
Chizue:you're just doing this because of that thought you remembered who you lost and you want me to replace them
Rei:I said forget it!
Chizue:*grabs him by the chin* you do don't you! You want me to replace that Hima girl huh don't you Rei
Rei:shut up!
Chizue:nobody can replace the dead so when I become god I'll make sure to get rid of that memory for you!
Ayaka:haha that's just like me
Kenji:he should've listened
Bunko:I'll go next *grabs a king and puts in the middle* I guess not
Chizue:hey Ayaka me against you let's see who gets 10 first
Misumi:you can't do that everyone has to go once
Kenji:I'll go next then *grabs a 2 and puts it down then grabs a 9 and puts in the middle* 9 up for grabs
Koshiro:I'll take it *grabs then 9 and swaps it and puts a 10 down then puts a 9 in the middle*
Natsuki:*grabs it and swaps then puts a joker in the middle* nope
Itsuki:*grabs a 2 and swaps then puts the jack in the third spot and puts a 2 in the middle*
Chizue:*grabs the 2 and puts it down then puts a 9 in the middle* almost there
Bunko:*grabs it then swaps and puts a joker in the middle* I already have one of those so no need to risk more
Chika:*grabs a king and puts it in the middle* sorry Koshiro
Koshiro:*grabs a joker and puts it in the middle* it's fine
Daitan:*grabs a 3 then puts it in the middle*
Chizue:*grabs it then swaps and puts a 4 down and puts a king in the middle* just two more
Rei:*grabs an ace then puts it in the first spot then puts a 4 down then puts a joker in the middle* hmph only 6
Chizue:seems like we're getting closer Rei
Rei:shut up
Natsuki:*grabs a 4 and puts it down then puts an ace in the middle*
Chizue:*grabs it and swaps then swaps with 5 and puts a joker on the 8* Rei
Rei:*looks at her*
Chizue:*flicks his forehead* I'm gonna get rid of that memory when we meet again!
Misumi:that's the first god
Chizue:see you later Rei *vanishes*
Ayaka:man I was so close
Rei:it's fine I'll stop her by winning this game myself *grabs a queen and puts it in the middle* damn
Ayaka:haha I'm next *grabs a 5 and puts it in the middle* what a waste
Kenji:maybe you just suck at this
Ayaka:oh I'd like to hear you say that when I put a knife in your throat
Kenji:woah scary
Ayaka:don't be sarcastic
Kenji:you actually remembered that's good you're getting smarter
Ayaka:*grabs him by his shirt* just you wait till this is over
Kenji:*grabs it and swaps then puts a joker in the middle* bad luck for the both of us
Ayaka:thought so
Hikari:*grabs a 2 and puts it down then puts a 9 down then puts a king in the middle*
Hikari:almost died there
Koshiro:*grabs an ace and puts it in the first spot then puts an 8 in the middle* well that's good
Hikari:(as long as nobody puts an ace in the middle I'm safe)
Chika:*grabs the 8 then swaps and puts an ace in the first spot then puts a joker in the middle*
Hiroshi:*grabs an ace and puts it in the first spot then puts a 5 in the middle*
Bunko:*grabs it then swaps and puts a 10 down then puts an 8 down then puts a 7 down and pulls a 4* guess this is what you wanted to see right Koshiro
Koshiro:yeah I can forgive you now knowing that your death wasn't for nothing
Bunko:*blows up*
Misumi:first death of the game I really liked Uehara she was one of my favorites
Hikari:that's too bad
Misumi:that means her 5,10,8,7 and the joker are up for grabs but I know you guys won't take that
Chika:*grabs the 10 then swaps and puts a 3 down and puts an ace in the middle* almost I could've gotten Koshiro out of here
Koshiro:*smiles* wouldn't you want to take that
Hikari:what do you mean I have an ace already
Koshiro:what are you scared
Koshiro:okay let's do Rock Paper Scissors one round if I lose you don't have to pick it but if I win then you'll take the ace I mean you'll be fine right
Hikari:yeah (luck will be on my side I'm the game master for a reason)
Kenji:seems like you finally got it down
Ayaka:*gropes herself* that's it give me that excitement!
Both:Rock Paper Scissors shoot!
Hikari:*throws scissors*
Koshiro:*throws scissors* again
Both:Rock Paper Scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws scissors*
Hikari:*throws scissors* again
Koshiro:you already know
Both:Rock Paper Scissors shoot!
Hikari:*throws paper*
Koshiro:*throws rock* you got lucky
Ayaka:haha! That's it I'm gonna blow!
Kenji:is that what you were doing
Ayaka:now I'll go *grabs a jack and puts it on the 6 then swaps with a 6 and puts the jack on the 8th spot and puts an ace in the middle* hey god let's do Rock Paper Scissors
Ayaka:don't be a chicken let's do it
Hikari:I can't
Ayaka:if you win I'll give you my jack and you can put it on any spot
Both:Rock Paper Scissors shoot!
Hikari:*throws rock*
Ayaka:*throws rock*
Both:Rock Paper Scissors shoot!
Ayaka:*throws scissors*
Hikari:*throws paper* one more time
Ayaka:nope you know the rules
Koshiro:*starts laughing* that's right how does it feel to be beaten at your own game you false god!
Hikari:*grabs it* guess you planned this all along huh Misumi
Hikari:thanks for the game Koshiro *blows up*
Koshiro:it's finally over
Ayaka:you owe me for that
Koshiro:no I don't
Ayaka:let me touch her chest one time
Chika:Koshiro you won't let her do that right
Koshiro:of course she can't that's disrespectful
Ayaka:I'll get what I want just watch now then I'll be the next god

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