Episode 2:Resilience

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Koshiro:*wiping her cheek*
Koshiro:will you stay still
Chika:but it stings
Koshiro:it's not supposed to be painless
Bunko:I take it those are your friends
Bunko:I'm glad you kicked some sense into him
Akira:it wasn't me
Akira:it was her and his efforts she snapped him out of it and he reached deep into his thoughts for the answer
Bunko:I see
Koshiro:if you sit still I'll give you chocolate
Koshiro:yeah so sit still
Bunko:you had an invite because it was your first game but you can always choose not to go
Akira:so it's like a quest
Bunko:yeah but you have to go on your 10th day unless you want to die
Akira:I see then we'll be fine
Bunko:you sure that you don't need me to come along
Akira:we'll be fine besides we go back and he's smarter than he looks
Koshiro:I won't put a bandaid on it you'll be fine without it
Chika:thank god it hurts to take those things off
Koshiro:but I could just rip it off
Chika:no don't do that
Koshiro:heh I like that look better
Chika:you're so mean
Koshiro:*sits down* I guess this is life now
Koshiro:not like I care I think this world suits me better
Chika:but don't you wanna go back
Koshiro:what would be waiting for me if I do there's nothing I really enjoyed that much
Chika:but you can live freely without almost dying like yesterday
Koshiro:I don't have anywhere to go
Chika:nonsense you can live with me
Koshiro:yeah I'd rather stay here
Chika:come on I'm being nice besides don't you want to see some-
Koshiro:*covers her mouth* don't finish that sentence
Koshiro:besides I don't know your family I only know you
Chika:I can always make up a story like you got kicked out or something
Chika:besides you don't deserve to suffer especially in a fake world like this
Koshiro:heh *reaches out* when I meet the game master I'm gonna punch him in the face one good hit that's all I want I don't care if I die
Chika:then if you don't plan on living let's do it together
Chika:*grabs his hand* I don't think it would be as fun if you died
Koshiro:I wonder if it even rains in this fake world
Chika:who knows
Koshiro:hey lady
Bunko:I have a name you know
Koshiro:yeah whatever so is there levels to this place
Bunko:I don't know I've only ever played a couple games
Koshiro:and are there ever games where only one or two people will survive
Bunko:yeah my first game was like that I was the only one who survived
Koshiro:I see so there are games that will push your faith in friends
Koshiro:then I'll make sure that one of you guys if not all of you survive till the end
Akira:*smiles* that's just like you always thinking of others and never yourself
Akira:if you were given a chance to be god you would say no and give it to the person most important to you
Koshiro:yeah because god can suck it well in this case the game master and if it's a women then they can kiss my ass
Chika:I feel like those are both things you'd want
Koshiro:shut up
Akira:what are we supposed to do in the meantime
Koshiro:we should go look for more people
Akira:yeah it's clear there are others in these games like us
Koshiro:so we should band together to find freedom from this hellhole
Koshiro:you two okay with staying back
Chika:we're doing that later anyway
Koshiro:okay let's go Akira
Both:*walk off*
Koshiro:*puts his hands in his pockets*
Akira:so then do you think you'll find some meaning in this world
Koshiro:yeah I think so
Akira:then I'll pass it on to you
Akira:take my spirit so if something happens to me I can trust that you won't breakdown and give up
Koshiro:you can trust me
Koshiro:especially for Chika and that lady's sake I won't lose a single game
Akira:that's what I like to hear
Koshiro:we should check a few more stores
Koshiro:we should only grab necessities and the things needed
Koshiro:let's also look for weapons
Akira:yeah I already got that covered
Akira:I got a pocket knife for myself
Koshiro:what about me
Akira:what could you even use I mean do you even know how to fight
Koshiro:I said I was going to punch the game master in the face
Akira:he probably wouldn't have to flinch for your puny fists
Koshiro:are you really starting this right now
Akira:go ahead I won't hit back
Koshiro:*turns and strikes*
Akira:*grabs his wrist*
Akira:*steps back* you call that stiff leg a proper kick
Koshiro:*starts striking*
Akira:*deflecting the punches* now you're just flailing your arms
Koshiro:*goes for a headbutt*
Akira:*headbutts him* not that easy
Koshiro:ow! What is your head made out of steel?!
Akira:not at all I just stepped in before you got the distance so it doesn't hurt as much
Akira:you shouldn't worry about fighting unless it's inevitable if anything focus on your brain and think a way out of it
Koshiro:yeah sure
Akira:besides I'll handle it all as long as I'm here with you guys
Koshiro:*smiles* yeah you're right
Chika:*laying on the grass* first thing I'm doing when I get back to the real world is getting some good food
Koshiro:is that all you think about
Chika:well that's most of it
Koshiro:of course
Akira:*looks at his phone* it's time we get going
Koshiro:*gets up* alright
Chika:make sure to come back in one piece okay no missing limbs or scars I don't want to see any of it *smiles*
Koshiro:don't worry I'm confident
Both:*walk off*
Akira:do you know what the location is
Koshiro:let me check *looks at his phone* huh
Koshiro:it's the school again
Akira:even after all the darts and turret guns
Koshiro:I have a feeling the school is gonna be a common location
Akira:I guess we just stand in the lobby
*in the lobby*
Both:*walk in*
Daitan:*stretching her legs*
Kenji:*sitting against the wall in a hoodie*
Koshiro:(that guy looks too calm)
Akira:not a lot of people this time around
Koshiro:yeah just some people and a few nobody's
Kenji:*smirks* (this is gonna be fun)
Announcer:registration closed
Man 1:it's starting
Announcer:the game is press with a difficulty of 5
Man 2:shouldn't be all too hard
Announcer:the rules are simple you must press the button in a classroom within the time limit or you can have one person tag the tagger within the time limit
Koshiro:(so we're timed on this)
Announcer:the time limit is 30 minutes and you will be rewarded 5 lives in your life count upon completion and the penalty is a loss of 5 lives from your life count and a game over
Koshiro:(I can't lose this or else I'll die)
Akira:let's go Koshiro
Man 1:I'll stick with you guys I have a feeling we can do it together
Koshiro:don't hold us back
Man 1:yeah
Kenji:*stands up*
Daitan:(here we go again)
Announcer:game begin
Girl 1:let's stick together
Girl 2:yeah
Kenji:*walks out and goes into the elevator*
Koshiro:let's go
Both:*walk in*
Man 1:*walks behind them*
Man 2:*walks in* (a tagger just what is this game)
Both:*walk in*
Kenji:*walks out of the elevator then walks into a classroom* I'll stay here for a bit
Koshiro:we need to focus on the classroom the tagger is a last resort
Akira:yeah I know what you mean
Man 1:what do you think will happen if the timer runs out
Koshiro:we'll probably all die but I'm sure that guy sitting against the wall knew that already
Akira:I see
Koshiro:we don't know what classroom the button is in
Akira:and there's too many classrooms to check individually even if we split up
Koshiro:we'll check the even numbered rooms only
Akira:betting it all on even
Koshiro:I only do even anyway
Akira:okay let's go
Mask 1:*opens a door and walks out*
Kenji:seems like it's started
Koshiro:*walks over to the stairs*
Man 2:*falls downstairs as blood from his body*
Mask 1:*throws a knife down*
Koshiro:*dodges and runs back* guys run!
Akira:yeah *runs off*
Man 1:*runs behind them* (those two are fast)
Koshiro:*goes into a classroom*
Akira:*follows him*
Man 1:*hides in the corner*
Daitan:*looks over* so he's below me right now
Mask 1:*opens the door*
Man 1:*tackles him to the wall*
Mask 1:*grabs him by the neck*
Akira:*runs over*
Koshiro:*grabs him* leave him we can't save him
Akira:*runs over* I still have to try
Mask 1:*looks at him*
Mask 1:*parries*
Koshiro:hurry up Akira!
Mask 1:*blocks and elbows*
Akira:*dodges and throws him over his shoulder then runs off*
Both:*run around the corner*
Mask 2:*walks over*
Man 1:*looks over* huh
Mask 1:*snaps his neck*
Mask 2:*nods*
Both:*walk off in separate directions*
Daitan:*opens a door* not this room either
Girl 1:*looks in* not in here
Daitan:I just said that
Girl 2:come on we need to go
Mask 2:*appears behind them*
Koshiro:he's right above us
Akira:but isn't he still on this floor
Koshiro:there's two killers therefore one will check the even numbered rooms and-
Kenji:*walks over* the other checks the odd numbered rooms
Kenji:I already have the answer
Akira:what is it
Kenji:we need to get rid of the one who checks the odd rooms
Koshiro:how much time left
Akira:10 minutes
Kenji:we'll end him in 2 minutes best
Akira:okay let's go
Koshiro:let's go!
Both:*run off*
Kenji:*walks off* I'll make a signal for the time when it comes
*on the 6th floor*
Daitan:*runs into a classroom*
Mask 1:*opens the door*
Daitan:*slams a chair on him*
Mask 1:*stands there*
Akira:*punches him in the face from the side*
Koshiro:*elbows him in the side*
Mask 1:*turns and knees him in the face*
Daitan:*drop kicks him in the side*
Mask 1:*falls over*
Akira:*takes out his pocket knife and stabs him several times*
Mask 1:*shrugs him off then stabs him in the stomach*
Akira:*coughs up blood*
Koshiro:*charges at him* you bastard!
Daitan:*pulls him back into the classroom*
Koshiro:let me go!
Daitan:it's too late
Akira:(damn will I really die here)
Kenji:*jabs him in the back* hey
Mask 1:*looks at him*
Koshiro:*runs over and elbows him in the face*
Kenji:*stabs him with the end of a comb then kicks it in* finish him off!
Akira:*runs over then elbows him in the throat*
Daitan:*jumps over and stomps his throat* what's the plan
Kenji:we need to go to the 10th floor the button is there
Daitan:*runs over and hops the railing then climbs up*
Kenji:she must be a climber
Koshiro:or she's really good at parkour
Akira:let's go
Koshiro:don't die okay you don't want to make Chika cry
Akira:*smirks* yeah
Kenji:*walks off* I'll see you there
Koshiro:let's go
Both:*run off*
*on the 10th floor*
Kenji:*walks in*
Daitan:*hops the railing* I'm here
Mask 2:*runs over*
Koshiro:*punches him in the body* hurry up in the room
Mask 2:*knees him in the face*
Koshiro:*slides across the ground*
Kenji:*walks into the room*
Mask 2:*looks over*
Koshiro:*tackles him to the ground*
Kenji:well that's odd
Daitan:*walks in* what
Kenji:it wants me to pick the right button
Akira:*walks in* then hurry it up we only have a minute left
Mask 2:*grabs him and pulls him out*
Koshiro:*jumps on his back and puts him in a chokehold* let him go!
Akira:*turns and stabs him in the chest*
Koshiro:*grabs the knife then stabs him in the throat*
Mask 2:*takes the knife out and stabs him in the arm*
Koshiro:*clenches his teeth*
Kenji:*kicks the buttons off then slaps the center* the desk itself is the button
Announcer:game complete the winners Koshiro Kondo, Akira Funai, Daitain Endo and Kenji Arai are rewarded 5 lives in their life count for completing the game
Daitain:those other girls must've died
Mask 2:*head explodes*
Both:*slowly walk in*
Koshiro:you guys wanna team up so we can eventually escape this place
Daitan:if you stick together you won't last long in this world *walks out*
Kenji:I would accept but I'm already in a group with one other person
Kenji:if I see you again I'll gladly help you out besides we're the same *walks out*
Akira:let's go I think I'm gonna pass out
Koshiro:yeah Chika must be worried about us by now
Akira:will you be okay
Koshiro:I can say the same for you
Akira:heh yeah
*at the park*
Both:*slowly walk over with blood on their clothes*
Chika:*sits up and tears up* Koshiro
Koshiro:we made it back
Akira:not unscathed but we made it
Chika:*runs over and hugs them crying* you said you wouldn't be hurt you idiots!
Bunko:well I didn't expect this
Koshiro:*puts his hand on her head* if you stop crying I'll give you chocolate
Chika:*looks at him*
Koshiro:*wipes her tears* but you guys need to patch him up before me
Chika:but your arm
Koshiro:get me last he'll die if you don't help him
Akira:yeah we didn't think a game with a difficulty of 5 would be so dangerous
Bunko:guess you weren't so lucky
Koshiro:*sticks his hand up* I'M GONNA LIVE NO MATTER WHAT!
Koshiro:now let's cook what we found
Akira:yeah all that fighting and running has me beat
Chika:yeah me too
Koshiro:you didn't even do anything!
Chika:let's all go into a game tomorrow
Koshiro:I'll make sure you survive Chika okay
Chika:I was gonna win regardless
Akira:*looks at them* good
Bunko:what's up with you
Akira:I'm probably gonna die anyway but I know he'll be able to take lead after me
Bunko:you can't be so sure you should keep hope
Akira:yeah I'll survive and even if I don't I'll make sure they can live

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