Episode 23:God medley

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Kenji:those of us closest to victory should go first
Ayaka:no I'm gonna go because on the low chance I clear the game I have the best chance at stopping her
Kenji:you have a point
Ayaka:he probably wanted to solve it as a human and he's probably getting all kinds of beatings up in heaven
Itsuki:I'll go first because Rei is my friend
Natsuki:actually I'll go you don't need to push yourselves so hard for a simple problem
Hiroshi:okay you can go then me then Itsuki then Koshiro then Kenji then Ayaka
Ayaka:no I go before Kenji
Kenji:do as you please I just wanna get back to the real world
Koshiro:I'll just create my own world for me
Kenji:what a romanticist
Koshiro:I never said anything
Natsuki:*grabs an 8 and put in the middle*
Hiroshi:*grabs an ace then puts it in the middle*
Itsuki:*grabs it then puts it down* don't worry I'll help fix this
Announcer:Itsuki Nanori has cleared the game
Itsuki:I'm your shadow Koshiro so Chika won't be in harm's way *vanishes*
Koshiro:hmph *grabs a jack and puts it on the 4th spot* thanks Itsuki but you're not needed now *vanishes*
Announcer:Koshiro Kondo had cleared the game
Ayaka:*grabs a 10 and puts it in the middle* damn
Kenji:*grabs a 7 and puts it in the middle* we should've played old maid instead
Hiroshi:*grabs the 7 and swaps then puts a 2 down* guess that's it for me
Announcer:Hiroshi Gima has cleared the game
Ayaka:*grabs a queen then puts it in the middle* damn it!
Kenji:*pats her back then grabs a 4 and puts it down* don't worry I'll be waiting for you
Announcer:Kenji Arai has cleared the game
Ayaka:*punches him in the face* I love you
Kenji:*slides across the ground then vanishes*
Natsuki:that's one way to confess
*in the god realm*
Chika:I wonder who will come next
Itsuki:guess I don't need to be your shadow anymore
Daitan:great let's do this
Koshiro:no it's a personal affair let them deal with it
Kenji:*appears* Ayaka said she loved me after punching me in the face
Koshiro:how else could she tell you
Misumi:congratulations now you can receive your power of god as well
Koshiro:just for this one time
Itsuki:I can't believe this is happening
Misumi:I'm surprised Ayaka isn't here yet
Kenji:*sits on the table* yeah she has bad luck I guess
Misumi:then I'll make her god myself I want to see her destruction
Misumi:yeah if she doesn't win in the next 3 turns I'll pass her myself
Kenji:I didn't think you would do that
Chizue:I hope you're ready Rei
Rei:*charges at her*
Chizue:*upper kicks him in the face* bad boy
Rei:*turns and kicks off his hand*
Chizue:*kicks him in the gut*
Rei:*slides across the ground*
Both:*light fades as they look over*
Koshiro:want my help or can you do it on your own
Manami:Hiroshi you're here
Hiroshi:yeah now let's do it
Hiroshi:besides I don't need to be a god to do this I'll do it with my own power
Misumi:too bad you'll have to take this power if you're about to die
Manami:I can give you a bit of my power if that's going to happen so don't worry
Hiroshi:*breathes in as his body bulks up a little as air comes out his mouth* Maximum breathing
*in the building*
Ayaka:damn it all *grabs a 2 then puts it down then grabs a queen and puts in the middle*
Natsuki:*grabs a 7 and puts it in the middle*
Ayaka:*grabs a 10 and puts it in the middle*
Natsuki:*grabs it then swaps and puts a 10 in the middle*
Ayaka:*grabs an 8 and puts it in the middle* Fuck it! Why can't I cross the line!
Misumi:*appears* Ayaka you pass
Misumi:I really like you so I'm gonna make you god regardless
Natsuki:what about me
Misumi:sure you pass too
Ayaka:give it to me right now
Misumi:*hands her an orb*
Ayaka:*light comes from her eyes and mouth before fading as she vanishes*
*in the god realm*
Kenji:hey there partner
Ayaka:*grabs him by the face and hops out the window*
Chizue:*looks over* Ayaka!
Chizue:*smiles and cocks her hand back*
Ayaka:*tosses him aside and strikes*
Kenji:*lands sliding back* what power
Rei:damn it
Kenji:did she get rid of your memory
Rei:no not yet but she was causing destruction on earth for a little bit
Ayaka:are you having fun!
Chizue:a bunch what about you!
Ayaka:yeah this is a lot of fun!
Both:*jump back*
Chizue:let's go destroy earth after I settle some personal business okay
Ayaka:of course but can I bring Kenji with me
Chizue:of course I'm gonna bring my servant after I do this
Rei:*charges at her and knees* you bastard!
Chizue:*punches him in the face* what's the rush did you miss me that bad!
Koshiro:*looking out the window* since I'm a god can I bring people back
Chika:yeah I wanted to know that
Misumi:why don't you try it for yourself
Chika:*closes her eyes* bringing back the Akira that we both knew
Koshiro:*tears up* Akira
Akira:what's with the long face it's like you haven't seen me since two years or something
Koshiro:*hugs him*
Akira:geez you're such a baby
Chika:Akira you're back
Akira:yeah I guess so
Chika:what's your last memory
Akira:oh yeah I think I died in that game
Koshiro:it really is you
Akira:so did you two win the game
Koshiro:yeah we beat the final game we're gods now
Akira:wait you're gods?!
Chika:it's a long story
Hiroshi:so you're the Akira I heard of
Akira:who are you
Hiroshi:the name's Hiroshi it's nice to meet you
Akira:no problem
Koshiro:now then
Itsuki:let's go Hiroshi we need to stop her
Itsuki:Koshiro you coming
Koshiro:I think I'll live in my own world with these two that's all I need
Chika:no we're going back to the real world where we came from
Koshiro:but if we make our own world we can live however we want
Chika:you promised me and we have to go on a date in Shinjuku
Koshiro:since when
Chika:since I became god
Koshiro:but if we go back our powers won't carry over
Chika:lady can I at least keep my power
Misumi:well you have to rip the barrier individually so it would carry over for you
Chika:so if you want your power you can rip the barrier open for yourself
Manami:is it hard to do that
Akira:well what do we have here who is this beautiful thing
Manami:sorry but I'm in a relationship
Akira:okay how's this beautiful thing
Natsuki:you're not my type
Akira:come on
Koshiro:you don't need a girlfriend anyway
Akira:you're just lucky you had Chika by you for the longest
Koshiro:what you want to fight me again
Akira:god or not I'll beat you up every time
Itsuki:*hops out the window* Rei!
Rei:*looks up* Itsuki
Itsuki:let me give you the power of god it's possible to bring back the dead!
Chizue:*charges at him and cocks her hand back* don't interfere you have nothing to do with this
Chizue:*blocks and grabs him by the face then takes him to the ground* it has nothing to do with you
Kenji:so these are the kind of people you hangout with
Ayaka:I'm gonna create my own world then destroy everything then on top of the ashes I'll wake up
Kenji:of course that's what you want
Ayaka:and since you belong to me
Kenji:who said I belong to you I beat the game before you
Ayaka:so what I was chosen that's better than winning
Kenji:at least I put effort into it compared to your bad luck
Ayaka:*clinches him and knees him in the face* shut up
Itsuki:*sticks his hand out as an orb appears* grab it Rei if you become god like the rest of us you can bring back that special person!
Rei:*runs over*
Chizue:*turns and slides him over then grabs the orb and overhand hooks him in the face*
Rei:*turns then steps in and reaches for it*
Chizue:*vanishes appearing on the roof as she absorbs it* too bad you don't need her if I'm your friend right so let me get rid of that memory for you
Koshiro:*appears next to her* I don't know because memories like that are what make us human and you should know that
Chizue:I'm a god now there is no such thing as human to me
Koshiro:I see then you can't be saved
Chizue:I thought you got what you wanted
Koshiro:I mean yeah I do but if I can kill one more god that would be even better
Chizue:haha you know I respected you before but now you're just feisty
Chika:*appears next to him and grabs his hand* he's right because those memories are what remind us that we're alive
Chizue:you guys are such trash *hops down* Rei here I come!
Itsuki:*runs over to him* Rei hur-
Ayaka:*grabs him by the face and takes him to the side* it has nothing to do with you
Itsuki:who are you to say that
Ayaka:because I know how she feels when it comes to the people you love you'll do anything so that distance isn't made
Hiroshi:*hops out the window and strikes*
Chizue:you don't have god power
Hiroshi:because I'm using my own strength!
Both:*jump back*
Chizue:fine I'll make this quick *gets in stance*
Hiroshi:*gets in stance*
Hiroshi:she has no right even as a god to take away something that precious

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