Episode 25:Conclusion to destruction

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Chizue:this is to see if you can stay human if you forget yourself will it be all over
Itsuki:I'll make sure you forget Rei
Chizue:*creates a couple decks of cards and tosses him one* Rei how much is a jack worth
Chizue:a queen
Chizue:a king
Chizue:great we have up to 13 punches and kicks let's see if we get lucky and I get to go first
Itsuki:fine but it's not like you'll get a high number
Chizue:*tosses down a card* thats 4 four for you! *charges at him and punches him in the chest*
Itsuki:*steps back*
Chizue:*punches him in the face then uppercuts him*
Rei:*looking at them* Manami, Chika and Bunko from that
Chizue:*jumping back kicks him in the chest* and the finale
Itsuki:*slides back as another bubble comes out*
Chizue:oh who was she supposed to be that one seemed important it was pretty big
Itsuki:*tears up* (no who I did lose) okay my turn
Chizue:haha this is fun
Itsuki:*throws down a card* I also got four
Chizue:go ahead and do it
Itsuki:*charges at her and kicks her in the face*
Rei:seems like a random person
Chizue:surely you can do better than that
Itsuki:*straight punches her in the gut then kicks her in the side then hook kicks her in the face*
Rei:a couple more randoms and Manami
Ayaka:the second he hits Rei or me that's when it'll get real
Kenji:I didn't think psychopaths would make a connection like that
Ayaka:it means something to forget your favorite people
Chizue:now then *tosses down a card* your judgement is 6
Itsuki:(how is she fine forgetting people)
Chizue:*charges at him then appears behind him and kicks him on the shoulder*
Itsuki:(when did she?!)
Chizue:*elbows him in the back then kicks him in the side then wraps her arms around his neck and knees him in the back a few times* six people gone
Itsuki:*coughs up spit*
Chizue:*jumps back* you know when you're so lonely that it hurts nothing can be as painful as that
Kenji:what is she saying
Ayaka:I understand because it's when you feel like you wanna die that destruction is what gives you life again
Ayaka:but she was probably genuinely lonely it wouldn't be abuse like I suffered
Kenji:*rubs her head* why didn't you tell me this before
Ayaka:why the hell do you care you're not important
Chizue:*tosses down a card* here goes 7
Itsuki:(damn I can't take this I've already forgotten enough people if this goes to the people from here I might lose)
Hiroshi:Don't lose Itsuki! Remember what you're fighting for!
Itsuki:(he's right I have to make her forget Rei no matter what!)
Chizue:*kicks him in the gut*
Itsuki:*steps in*
Chizue:*turns and high side kicks him in the face then kicks down on his neck* 3 down and it seems like you forgot me as well
Itsuki:(I have to remember why I'm fighting)
Chizue:*punches him in the face then kicks him in the side and knees him in the gut and face*
Itsuki:*falls back reaching out* (no not Hiroshi and you too Koshiro)
Koshiro:if you're thinking of dying I won't stop you
Itsuki:*looks over* (who's that guy up there and what is he saying)
Koshiro:but if you're planning on keeping your promise then your resolve should keep you up so do not fall!
Itsuki:*slowly stands up* thanks whoever you are
Koshiro:the name's Koshiro
Itsuki:thank you Koshiro now then it's my turn
Chizue:oh you were almost done for seems like you're regretting this
Itsuki:*throws down a card then charges at her* shut up!
Chizue:a three how embarrassing that's not even enough for the people in my heart
Itsuki:*high side kicks her in the face then punches her in the gut*
Chizue:that all you got
Itsuki:*headbutts her* forget Rei!
Chizue:*slides back then wipes the blood from her forehead* not bad but those people didn't feel important anyway
*a little while afterward*
Chizue:you seem like you're running out of people so why don't you forget that family of yours
Itsuki:*panting* I can't let you win
Chizue:just to make this easy on you I'll do 3 cards to put just a little 3 you can handle that right
Itsuki:*slowly walks forward*
Chizue:*charges at him then uppercuts him and side kicks him back then charges at him and spinning back kicks*
Hiroshi:*stands in front taking the hit as a big bubble comes out as he looks up* sensei of all people
Chizue:I told you not to interfere you lowly human!
Hiroshi:*puts his hand on his shoulder*
Itsuki:who are you
Hiroshi:the name's Hiroshi and don't forget it this time so keep fighting alright
Hiroshi:*walks off*
Chizue:*charges at him* now just one solitary punch since you're so weak
Itsuki:*looks at her*
Chizue:*punches him in the face*
Itsuki:*looks up* (sis no)
Chizue:she seemed important was she family
Itsuki:no who did I forget this hurts too much!
Chizue:don't worry the pain will go away along with the memory
Itsuki:*looks at her as blood drips from his eyes* you bastard! *charges at her*
Chizue:okay then I'll let you hit me 6 times then I'm hitting back
Itsuki:*hops up and kicks her in the face*
Itsuki:*turns and back kicks her in the chest*
Itsuki:*lands then upper kicks her in the face* how could you!
Itsuki:memories are important it's what makes us human! *uppercuts her then kicks her in the side and spin kicks her in the face*
Rei:Itsuki and Hiroshi and me
Ayaka:it's too late now
Hiroshi:he did it
Itsuki:*charges at her and kicks her in the face*
Chizue:*slides back*
Itsuki:(it was Rei again?!) *charges at her and kicks her several times* why is it only Rei
Chizue:*holding her head*
Ayaka:it's like I said when someone like us has someone that truly regarded us as a friend we become that person they become a part of us more so than anyone else we know
Chizue:I knew I wouldn't forget you Rei
Rei:*stands up*
Chizue:*tears up* because you're already a part of me I can't forget you!
Rei:*hugs her*
Rei:it's over you achieved your goal did you not
Chizue:*starts crying*
Rei:*rubs her back*
Itsuki:but she didn't forget you she still has memories
Rei:isn't it obvious once she forgets those memories you'll die
Rei:without me she would go berserk and just have killed you
Itsuki:fine it's over you win Chizue *eyes fade out as he falls over*
Misumi:*puts her hand on his back* he's dead
Ayaka:it's like I say when there's someone that important they become apart of you
Chizue:are you still here
Rei:I'm right here I didn't go anywhere
Koshiro:so this is the conclusion to destruction
Natsuki:*hops out the window then walks over and picks him up* then you can come with me
Misumi:so you're gonna do something freaky to his body
Natsuki:no I'm gonna bring him back to the real world and resurrect him there
Koshiro:yeah I guess it's time we go back
Chika:and no more gods
Misumi:so one of you won't take up the mantle even after gaining this power
Koshiro:I don't need god
Chika:yeah I have my friends back
Manami:I have Hiroshi even if he forgot one important person
Daitan:yeah I just wanted to survive so I'll go home
Misumi:even you Ayaka
Ayaka:you already know I'm keeping this power
Misumi:great and I know Chizue will as well so I guess you all can go back thanks for playing our game
Rei:just where are you from
Misumi:I'm from the outside
Misumi:you have no concept of the outside it's like how manga characters can't leave the page beings of the 3rd dimension can't make their way to the 4th or 5th
Chizue:that's so fucking cool
Misumi:I knew you would say that
Chizue:*punches him in the gut* what are you hugging me for I don't need it
Rei:*grabs her hand* yes you do because you were crying
Chizue:no I wasn't I'm a strong woman
Rei:sure you are
Chizue:I hate you
Rei:feelings mutual
Chizue:I'm bored I want to play more games
Rei:you just played a game
Chizue:I don't care I want to punch something so let me beat his dead body
Natsuki:there is something wrong with you
Chizue:*sticks out her tongue* and you can go die with him
Natsuki:I'll bring back his memories that you destroyed
Rei:you should apologize you know that's not nice
Chizue:I don't want to
Ayaka:*walks over* Chizue
Chizue:I didn't forget about you
Ayaka:yeah and I knew you wouldn't forget about Rei
Chizue:oh really
Ayaka:because if I was in the same situation I wouldn't forget Kenji either
Chizue:let's see who forgets the other first
Ayaka:okay you're on
Kenji:*grabs her by the back of her shirt* come on we're going now
Chizue:Rei will you stay with me
Ayaka:are you not coming back
Chizue:should I really come back
Ayaka:it's up to you but I'll always visit you whenever
Kenji:just come back to the real world
Chizue:give me one good reason
Rei:because I'll be there
Chizue:you'll be there regardless you're my servant ever since you lost that bet
Rei:wait really
Chizue:of course did you forget that too
Chizue:*cross blocks his body* no excuse now you have to be punished
Ayaka:hmph let's go Kenji we're gonna come back the children of god is what they'll think of us
Koshiro:it's finally all over
Chika:*kisses him* now I can finally have that date I always wanted
Koshiro:it's like you were waiting for me
Chika:I was! Do you know how sad I was I thought you died!
Koshiro:*kisses her*
Koshiro:it's funny how you want to do those things but you can't handle it
Chika:shut up
Koshiro:*rubs her head* I'm glad you're still the same Chika I know
Chika:*hugs him*
Koshiro:*picks her up then hops into the classroom* okay time to go back
Daitan:okay then
Hiroshi:I know we'll go do something but we don't even know where each other live we need to establish that first
Koshiro:*puts his hand on the barrier* now let's go back
Manami:I hope to meet you all again at some point
Chika:of course let's all meet back at a park so we should all get each other's contacts too
Hiroshi:oh yeah that would be fun
Koshiro:goodbye fake world
*in the classroom*
Koshiro:we're back without god power
Chika:but we still have each other
Akira:so that's even better
*in another school*
Natsuki:*puts her hand on his chest* come back to life
Itsuki:*sits up* what happened
Natsuki:hold on *puts her hand on his head*
Itsuki:*looks at her* Natsuki
Natsuki:great your memories came back
Itsuki:wait what happened earlier
Natsuki:you fought with Chizue to make her forget Rei
Itsuki:oh I must've died
Natsuki:yeah she didn't forget him no matter how much she was hit
Itsuki:I see so she really did love him it wasn't just for toying with him
Natsuki:you probably wouldn't even notice if a girl liked you
Itsuki:whatever I should get home my sister's probably gonna kill me though
Natsuki:hey are you free anytime this weekend
Itsuki:I think so why do you ask
Natsuki:*hands him a piece of paper* give me a call then
*in a university*
Ayaka:finally back in this trash hole
Kenji:oh wow you didn't go to a bad place
Ayaka:let's go
Kenji:what do you mean
Ayaka:I'm a god now I don't need to stay here
Kenji:where would we go
Ayaka:we're gonna go on an adventure
Kenji:fine but we have to meet back with the others
Ayaka:I know
*at another school*
Manami:so Hiroshi will you walk me home
Hiroshi:sure thing I mean it's best I find out where you live before we start going out right
Manami:*kisses him* yeah we are going out and you're no longer a virgin
Hiroshi:*ears turn red* oh yeah
Manami:*grabs his ear* wow your ears really do turn red when you get embarrassed
Hiroshi:can we not talk about that
Manami:well come on let's go
Daitan:*walking* now I can finally make it back home
Chizue:*sitting on top of a building* Rei is there anyone you hate
Rei:not really
Chizue:well if there ever is someone you hate let me know I'll destroy them for you
Rei:I can fight my own battles you know
Chizue:you won't ever forget me right
Rei:of course I won't because you're my special person
Chizue:*smiles then grabs him by the chin and kisses him*
Rei:*eyes widen*
Chizue:oh I'm gonna love destroying you in the bedroom one day
Rei:*lays back*
Chizue:now as god of this world I'm gonna commit atrocities and show the people why they're all below me
Rei:*lays his head on her lap*
Chizue:*rubs his head* I will always remain on top

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