Episode 3:"AKIRA!"

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Koshiro:another game later tonight
Bunko:we can always not accept it
Koshiro:no if I'm able to win I can stack up my life enough and I'll only have to rarely play
Akira:I get it
Koshiro:that's what I'm doing for Chika so she doesn't have to play these games and only ever has to play every once in awhile
Bunko:I see
Koshiro:if this game has some sort of shortened completion in a case where not everyone can win make sure she wins at least
Akira:yeah I know
Koshiro:I don't really care whether I die or not but as long as she can go back to the real world that's what matters
Akira:then all of us will make it
Bunko:yeah we've already survived a couple games
Koshiro:all I need to know is the location and difficulty and I could make a plan to win
Akira:I told you if you use your brain it would work out
Koshiro:that guy from the last game he's smart
Akira:yeah probably smarter than you
Koshiro:he was probably in the correct classroom from the start that's why he knew what room it was
Bunko:so you met some interesting people
Akira:yeah that one girl I think she climbs
Koshiro:or does parkour
Akira:that guy in the hoodie was smart
Koshiro:yeah it would be nice if we got in another game together
Chika:*sits up and yawns* hey guys
Koshiro:how'd you sleep
Chika:it was great I had a nice dream
Koshiro:are you ready for the game later
Chika:as long as you're around I'm okay
Koshiro:you're gonna win okay even if I have to die for that to happen
Chika:*hugs him* you're thinking too much besides we're all gonna live
Akira:yeah we'll make it through this
Bunko:yeah it's possible that we can beat any game that comes our way then escape
Koshiro:we need to train everything we have I mean physical, mental, endurance and intellect
Chika:how do we train intellect
Koshiro:your phone still works like internet and all
Koshiro:we'll each play puzzle games everyday for a set amount of time it will improve your intellect
Akira:then we'll go on runs in the morning
Chika:and get a lot of rest
Koshiro:me and Akira will work on making you two formidable warriors as well
Chika:I am a formidable warrior
Koshiro:I don't see it
Chika:on the inside
Koshiro:then you need to bring what's inside to the outside
Chika:only in dire situations
Koshiro:this is a dire situation!
Akira:alright calm down
Koshiro:but anyway we should start with some small physical training
Chika:like what
Koshiro:push-ups you need to do 10 at best but if you can already do more then go for 20
Chika:push-ups but I can't do those
Koshiro:yes you can besides you said it only comes in dire situations if you get tired enough you'll transform
Chika:but I don't want to
Koshiro:do the push-ups or it's the last time I'm giving you chocolate
Koshiro:as for you
Koshiro:do jumping jacks for a minute straight
Bunko:shouldn't be too hard
Koshiro:at your max speed
Bunko:now you're just forcing it
Akira:now for us
Akira:first punch
Koshiro:tooth smash
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws paper*
Akira:*throws rock*
Koshiro:*palms him in the gut* now again
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws rock*
Akira:*throws scissors*
Koshiro:*punches him in the gut*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Akira:*throws scissors*
Koshiro:*throws scissors* a tie
Akira:*kicks him in the leg*
Koshiro:*punches him in the face*
Chika:*does a push-up* I can't do this
Bunko:just look at them
Koshiro:*throws rock*
Akira:*throws paper*
Akira:*knees him in the gut*
Chika:*starts doing push-ups* if he can do it then so can I
Both:*punch each other in the face and fall back*
Chika:*walks over* you did good
Koshiro:of course
Akira:you've definitely gotten better after that lesson I gave you the other day
Koshiro:I learn fast
Chika:*sits on his chest* we need to check for a store I need some new clothes I'm tired of wearing these school clothes
Koshiro:after we win we'll get you some new clothes
Koshiro:and can you get off my chest!
Chika:but it's comfortable
Koshiro:I can't breathe with you sitting on me like that
Chika:*moves and lays her head on his chest* that better
Akira:*looks at his phone* it's starting soon
Koshiro:in a few hours
Akira:school gymnasium
Koshiro:the school again
Koshiro:what's the difficulty
Koshiro:I see so we might not win this time
Chika:what do you mean
Koshiro:if the games are gonna be held in the school then where's the freedom it's like they want us to die in a place we hate
Bunko:we don't have to accept
Koshiro:no we'll accept because I'll find a way and Chika can get more lives
Bunko:how many games will you put her through
Koshiro:I will play games of all difficulty but the ones of highest difficulty will be the best one
Chika:but what if only one person can win
Koshiro:then I'll die and you go on and win no matter what
Koshiro:I have something to look forward to in this world
Akira:yeah you're right
Akira:what's the point of winning if the most important one doesn't live
Chika:you're saying too much I'm not that special
Koshiro:you're special to us
Akira:that's why you have to live but it won't be just you because Koshiro is going with you
Koshiro:didn't I just say-
Akira:I don't care it's obvious you don't see how important you are so you're going to live no matter what like you said
Koshiro:I'm only living to punch the game master in the face
Akira:then live for that and Chika
Koshiro:*sits up* fine but don't die or else I'm gonna lose it
Chika:hey I was comfortable
Koshiro:I'm gonna plan ahead for this game no matter what it is
*at the school*
Koshiro:this is it
Chika:let's survive this too
Bunko:I only plan on surviving and winning this game
All:*walk in*
Announcer:registration closed
Announcer:the game is tears with a difficulty of 7
Bunko:(could it really be that game)
Akira:this isn't good because there's weapons on that table
Koshiro:(this can't be like that manga game can it?) guys relax we don't know what the game needs to win
Chika:yeah he's right
Announcer:the rules are as follows you can use any weapons or your bare hands and by the end of the 20 minute time limit there must be 2 people left alive
Koshiro:*drops to his knees*
Announcer:failure to meet the win conditions will lead to a game over and loss of 7 lives from your life count
Koshiro:it's over we can't win
Koshiro:I'm not going to kill any of you!
Bunko:*runs over and grabs a pistol then points it at him* then allow me if you're so weak willed
Chika:*stands in front of him* no we need to think this is what they want to see
Akira:*walks over and grabs it* she's right if we don't think it's just senseless murder
Koshiro:is that all
Announcer:a new rule has been added to the game
Koshiro:a new rule
Announcer:failure to meet the win conditions is a definite game over no matter how much life and the entire school is now the playing field
Koshiro:*hits the ground and yells*
Chika:*grabs him* Koshiro get ahold of yourself
Bunko:*presses it against his head* seems like the strategist has lost himself it's sad I thought of sparing him but that's not an option is it
Akira:*pushes past and headbutts her and smacks the gun out of her hand* run you two!
Chika:*grabs his hand* come on let's go!
Koshiro:*looks at her*
Chika:*drags him out* let him go I know he'll win somehow I just know he will
Chika:he's doing this for us just like how he did back then
Bunko:you really want him to live
Akira:did you really plan on killing them both right there
Bunko:if it means my survival then yeah I would
Akira:I see so you were never really a friend to begin with
Bunko:I thought we could go far as a group but if I knew we were playing this I would've left a long time ago
Akira:you must know about these games huh
Bunko:not much I hear talk every now and then and this is a pretty infamous one
Akira:yeah just the name is enough
Bunko:they call it tears because the ending always results in the tears of another person falling to the ground
Akira:it won't be so bad seeing their tears
Chika:*closes the door* just sit down okay
Koshiro:*falls over*
Koshiro:why does Akira have to die why can't I die in his place
Chika:don't talk like that you idiot!
Koshiro:*looks at her*
Chika:*kisses him and pulls back blushing* there you won't die at all you hear me!
Koshiro:we can cheat the game if we knock them out with a choke they'll seem like they're dead
Chika:you're a genius how much time
Koshiro:5 minutes and you brought me up to the fifth floor
Chika:sorry I just wanted us to be safe
Koshiro:let's go
Both:*run out the door*
*in the gymnasium*
Bunko:*swinging a machete*
Akira:*dodges stepping back then kicks her in the leg*
Bunko:*swings downward*
Akira:*jumps back*
Bunko:*charges at him*
Akira:*steps in*
Koshiro:guys please don't kill each other!
Chika:we found a way to cheat the system!
Bunko:*stabs straight*
Akira:*grabs her on the outside of her arm*
Akira:right arm seal
Bunko:*tries to turn*
Akira:*swings her around*
Bunko:*switches her hand and swings*
Akira:*blocks as blood drips from his arm* I'm sure Koshiro found a way to win without any of us dying
Bunko:that's impossible
Akira:you really think so
Bunko:yeah *swings*
Akira:*dodges to the side then puts her in a chokehold* then I'll just kill you myself
Bunko:*grabs his arm*
Koshiro:30 seconds come on
Chika:we'll make it and knock them out so it seems like they died
Bunko:*swings sideways slashing his throat open*
Akira:*tightens his grip then knees her in the back*
Bunko:*eyes fade out*
Akira:I did it guys
Both:*open the door*
Akira:I'm glad you two could live *falls over*
Announcer:game clear the winners Koshiro Kondo and Chika Asai are rewarded 7 lives in their life count for completing the game
Koshiro:*drops to his knees*
Chika:*tears up* Akira
Bunko:*opens her eyes and coughs up blood* I almost died
Koshiro:*stumbles over and grabs her by the neck* you bastard you killed him when nobody had to die!
Bunko:*spits blood in his face* I'm sorry
Koshiro:*tightens his grip* then die
Bunko:*eyes fade out*
Koshiro:*lets go*
Chika:that's enough Koshiro
Koshiro:*stomps her throat and yells*
Chika:*grabs his arm* please Koshiro that's enough
Koshiro:*looks at her with tears in his eyes* Akira why did you have to die
Chika:*hugs him*
Both:*walk out into the rain*
Koshiro:*drops to his knees and falls over*
Chika:*grabs him*come on you can't lay out here in the rain you'll get sick
Koshiro:just leave me Chika I don't want to live anymore
Chika:don't say that you promised me that we would live no matter what happened!
Koshiro:I'm sorry
Chika:*hugs him* please Koshiro I can't live without you
Daitan:*walks over* do you wanna destroy this world
Chika:*looks at her* who are you
Daitan:come with me I have a place you can rest
Chika:how can I trust you
Koshiro:you can trust her we were in a game yesterday
Daitan:*gets under his shoulder* come on let's go
Chika:what's your name
Daitan:it's Daitan Endo how about you
Chika:it's Chika Asai
Daitan:so what are you his girlfriend
Chika:*blushes* no we're just really good friends
Daitan:I see
Both:*walk off*
Chika:but you're not interested right
Daitan:yeah but he's an interesting person he was able to make a plan to win the game
Chika:yeah he did it here too but it was too late and we lost some important people
Daitan:I see
Chika:you're still in your house
Daitan:yeah where were you guys
Chika:we slept in the park
Daitan:of course
Both:*walk in and sit him down on the couch*
Koshiro:*looking at the ground*
Daitan:what happened to your friend from yesterday
Koshiro:*starts crying* Akira!
Chika:*hugs him and rubs his head* I know he didn't deserve that
Daitan:so you guys played that game
Daitan:you said he figured out a plan
Chika:yeah we could've knocked two of us out with a choke and it would seem like we died since that girl she made it out even though Akira almost killed her
Daitan:I'm sorry for your loss
Chika:*rubs his head* don't worry we're gonna win every game we come up against okay
Chika:I'm gonna bring out my inner warrior

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