Episode 16:Himari

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Rei:*laying on the couch*
Chizue:come on it's time to go
Rei:you can go without me
Chizue:no way where I go so does my servant so you're coming
Rei:just let me think first
Chizue:fine we'll be waiting outside
Chizue:let's go
Natsuki:don't rush me
Both:*walk out*
Rei:*reaches out* Himari save me
Rei:*sitting with his head down*
Teacher:okay class today we have a new student now please introduce yourself
Himari:nice to meet you all I'm Himari Shiba and I'm going to be here for 6 months so I'd like to get to know many of you
Teacher:Rei why don't you show her around
Rei:*sits up* huh uh yeah sure
Teacher:thank you
Himari:*walks over and sticks her hand out* nice to meet you
Rei:yeah let's just get this over with
Himari:alright let's do it
Rei:*stands up and walks out*
Himari:*walks next to him* so does this school have anything special like clubs or something
Rei:I don't know
Himari:I thought you would I mean you seem like the kind of guy who would be in a club
Rei:I hate people it's an inconvenience talking with others
Himari:that's not true it's good to be social
Rei:why should I
Himari:I mean you can make friends wouldn't you want friends
Rei:what benefit would that give me
Himari:you would have people who have your back and I think it's nice having friends because it sucks being alone
Rei:I could care less for people because they've never once done anything to help me
Himari:*stands in front of him and points at him* okay then I'll be your friend
Himari:*puts her arm around him* too bad I'm gonna be here for you the entire six months I'm here
Himari:too bad we're gonna be friends so if you got any problems you come to me and I'll listen to them
Rei:don't get any ideas
Himari:and since we're friends let's give each other nicknames
Rei:I told you we're not friends
Himari:you can call me Hima and what's your last name
Rei:why should I tell you that
Himari:please Rei do it for the team
Rei:what team there is no team
Himari:we are the team Rei
Rei:geez you're annoying
Himari:don't be mean Rei friends don't talk like that
Rei:I told you we're not friends
Himari:if you don't tell me I'll end up finding out eventually so it's best you tell me now
Rei:it's Hattori my name is Rei Hattori
Himari:oh that's unique then you don't need a nickname
Rei:then what's the point of you having one
Himari:to show how good friends we are
Rei:forget it you're on your own *walks off*
Himari:hey Rei wait up *walks after him*
Rei:*walks faster*
Himari:okay that's how it's gonna be
Rei:*starts running*
Himari:*runs after him* you can't run from friendship Rei
Rei:leave me alone you crazy bastard!
Himari:it's not nice to call your friends mean things
Rei:*turns then hops off the locker*
Himari:*turns around* wow you're athletic I wouldn't have thought since you look so skinny
Rei:fine I'll be your friend but don't expect much from me
Himari:*smiles then walks over and puts her arm around him* great we're gonna be the best of friends
Rei:shut up
Himari:*flicks his cheek*
Himari:yeah that stings doesn't it
Rei:don't do that again
Himari:learned that myself so don't be mean or I'm gonna flick you on the cheek
Himari:*flicks his cheek*
Rei:I wasn't being mean!
Himari:*flicks his cheek* you're being dismissive and you're yelling
Rei:okay you're asking for it
*six months after, hospital*
Himari:you know I had a really great time with you Rei
Himari:what's the long face
Rei:it's just that the six months is over
Himari:it doesn't mean you won't have good memories to remember
Himari:*hugs him* thanks Rei for giving me some meaning in my last moments of life
Rei:*looks down and tears up*
Himari:*kisses him* don't look down you'll find other people just like me who give you something to live for
Rei:*starts crying*
Himari:*holds him close* I know I want to live too I really don't want to die *tears up* but you made it all worth it
Rei:*covers his face*
Himari:make sure you live Rei carry on my will as your reason to live since you're my first and only friend
*in the present*
Rei:*sits up* you're right I have to live because I need to get out of here
Rei:it's nothing I'll see you later
Itsuki:okay be safe out there
Rei:*walks out*
Chizue:there you are my servant so did you finish thinking
Rei:yeah I remembered why I have to live
Chizue:alright let's do this team
Chizue:Rei wanna make another bet
Chizue:oh you're confident this time
Rei:because I know I'll win
Chizue:you want me to do anything if you win
Rei:no this one is for fun *smiles*
Chizue:haha alright let's do it and kill that final bastard
Rei:*ties the hoodie around his waist* this one is for you Hima
All:*walk off*
Chizue:what are you betting
Rei:that me and Natsuki will discover our abilities
Chizue:okay I'm betting that this guy will give us a challenge since I was told he was the main character's monster form
Rei:then we should definitely unlock our abilities in this situation
Chizue:I never read the series so I wouldn't know
Natsuki:actually I have
Natsuki:yeah after the 15 day period he had become complete and before his true metamorphosis he let his parasite take over as his clothes mended to his body
Chizue:sounds cool
Natsuki:you can say he's definitely one of the strongest in his series besides the beast and insect core because he's somewhat downgraded after he becomes an evolved human
Chizue:I see
Hooded figure:*watching from a tree*
Rei:so then why don't we wait for him to turn into an evolved human
Natsuki:as an evolved human he doesn't feel pain but he just came out and his sister was an evolved human just a few months more but she could be strong
Rei:so then his inexperience would be his downfall
Chizue:*snoring standing up*
Rei:can you listen for once!
Chizue:*opens her eyes* sorry you were just boring me so much
Rei:geez you're such an annoyance
Chizue:don't talk to me like that you're my servant
Rei:as if
Chizue:*grabs him by the neck and cocks her hand back*
Natsuki:*looks over*
Hooded figure:*charges at her*
Hooded figure:*slides underneath*
Chizue:*grabs his hood and pulls him back*
Hooded figure:*turns and knees*
Chizue:*blocks with her hand and kicks*
Hooded figure:*blocks and grabs her by the neck*
Chizue:*grabs him by the neck*
Both:*staring at each other*
Natsuki:thank god she caught him
Rei:they seem even so far
Natsuki:I wouldn't be sure I mean he's one of the strongest for a reason
Hooded figure:*slowly pushes her down*
Chizue:*smiles* you really are a worthy challenge
Hooded figure:*pushes her down to her knees holding her neck*
Chizue:*lets go then pushes his hand down and pivots kicking him in the face*
Hooded figure:*kicks her in the gut*
Chizue:*rolls back to her feet*
Rei:*walks over* if I'm your servant then wouldn't it be irresponsible if I let you do all the work
Chizue:hey he's my prey
Rei:don't worry I fought with the one who strikes at god on even level
Chizue:so you fought another human at even level
Rei:that means something because my style is unique
Hooded figure:*points at him*
Rei:okay then you hooded bastard
Hooded figure:*strikes*
Rei:*blocks and parries*
Hooded figure:*knees*
Hooded figure:*kicks*
Rei:*narrowly dodges*
Hooded figure:*front kicks him*
Rei:*slides back*
Hooded figure:*charges at him and strikes*
Rei:*dodges then turns and kicks off his hand*
Hooded figure:*takes the hit and knees him in the back*
Rei:*pivots then hops back*
Hooded figure:*appears in front of him and punches him in the gut*
Rei:*coughs up spit then high kicks*
Hooded figure:*blocks and strikes*
Rei:*dodges then side kicks*
Hooded figure:*takes the hit and leg sweeps him*
Rei:*turns and kicks him in the face then hops back off his hand*
Hooded figure:*appears in front of him and hand stabs*
Chizue:*grabs his hand* I told you not to die
Rei:you're right he is a real challenge
Chizue:*pushes him back then charges at him and strikes*
Hooded figure:*strikes*
Rei:(Hima give me the strength to win just this once)
Himari:*puts her hand on his shoulder* yeah you can totally win this Rei
Rei:*smiles then charges at him*
Hooded figure:*pushes her away*
Rei:*grabs him by the neck as they're engulfed by a vibrant light*
Chizue:so you've finally done it Rei
*in his domain*
Rei:*hand stands up* now then it's time to destroy you
Hooded figure:*looks around*
Rei:*slides past him* ten point attack:Vibrant cylinder
Hooded figure:*gets hit all over*
Rei:*turns and kicks him in the back of the head* now it's your turn Natsuki
Natsuki:*kicks through the side and scissor kicks him in the face*
Rei:you too Chizue
Chizue:*stabs her hand through his chest* thanks for giving me a challenge
*barrier fades*
Natsuki:*upper kicks him in the face* it was a good thing I ran track back then
Hooded figure:*hood fades as he smiles* see Sayaka I told you there were good people *falls over*
Sayaka:*grabs his hand* thanks for giving some fakes a real existence
Both:*fade away*
Rei:I did it Hima *falls over*
Chizue:*grabs him and carries him over her shoulder* let's go back
Chizue:are you okay with not having an ability
Natsuki:actually I do
Natsuki:I have bunny hops because of my days of running track
Chizue:*looks down* yeah you are pretty muscular of course it's nothing compared to me but it's something
*at the house*
Itsuki:*sits up* okay then I'm feeling a little better
Hiroshi:*walks downstairs*
Itsuki:I have an ability
Hiroshi:cool what did you get
Itsuki:compound vision
Hiroshi:like an insect
Itsuki:with that I can even anticipate attacks just from muscle or any type of movements
Hiroshi:so you could dodge me
Itsuki:well I'm pretty sure I've gotten it at a good enough level so I think I can kill him
Both:*walk in*
Itsuki:what happened to Rei
Natsuki:he's fine we just unlocked our abilities
Hiroshi:what did you get
Natsuki:bunny hops
Itsuki:I can tell
Hiroshi:what about him
Chizue:*puts him down* he has a personal domain
Manami:*walks over yawning* are we finished yet
Hibiki:wow you guys did it
Itsuki:now then I can finally kill you *stares at him*
Hibiki:no I deactivated you guys synchronization it will come back when you make it back to the game
Hiroshi:what are we doing
Hibiki:*points over as a screen comes down* you see this these are the people who you will be step syncing
Hibiki:good you're acquainted now then take these wristbands they'll tell you who you have
Itsuki:how do we sync with them
Hibiki:step into their shadow and you'll make it to the next game after you come back here for your debut because this is your final test
Itsuki:I got Koshiro
Rei:*sits up and looks at his wrist* Kenji
Chizue:I don't know who this Ayaka is but I like her
Manami:I got Chika
Natsuki:I got Daitan
Hiroshi:I got Bunko
Hibiki:some of you might see each other since they're together but make sure you get it done so you can come right back
Itsuki:I'll see you guys when we make it back
Hibiki:make sure they don't know you're their juniors or you'll die now bye bye
All:*sink into the ground then vanish*
*in another area*
Itsuki:*pops out of the wall and hits the ground* ow
Koshiro:*looks over* you again
Itsuki:*sits up* how's it going
*in a building*
Bunko:*looking out the window*
Hiroshi:*appears* so this is it
Bunko:who are you
Hiroshi:don't worry I just have to fulfill a quick order and I'll be gone before you know it
*in the arcade*
Daitan:it's so boring being alone I wonder why we all got separated
Natsuki:*appears* seems like this is the place
Daitan:are you another survivor
Natsuki:if you see it that way then sure
*in another area*
Kenji:now where did Koshiro end up or is he not finished yet
Kenji:you again
Kenji:I wonder what this could be about
*in the upper park area*
Chika:*sitting on the bench*
Manami:*appears and catches herself* wow I'm here but I should finish this quickly so I can meet back with Hiroshi
Chika:who are you
Manami:nice to meet you I'm Manami
Chika:okay wait do you perhaps know Koshiro by any chance is he still alive
Manami:that name sounds familiar but I don't know him
*in the lower park area*
Ayaka:*kicking a tree* damn Kenji had to go and sacrifice himself then we all had to be separated
Chizue:*appears* are you Ayaka
Ayaka:what's it to you
Chizue:haha how fun
Ayaka:*turns around smiling* okay I see how this is
Chizue:your friend strikes at god I respect him but he won't have any place when I become the god of this world
Ayaka:I really like you why don't we be friends
Chizue:I was thinking the same thing
Both:*charge at each other and clasp hands smiling* let's destroy this whole world together!
Hikari:*looking at the screen* now they all meet
Misumi:I'm gonna be right back and make sure all of them pass this test because the real game is about to begin
Hikari:yeah and in the final game they can take our place
Misumi:and with that power they can leave this world if they want
Hikari:I'll be waiting Koshiro

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