Episode 15:Insect power

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Hiroshi:*laying in bed*
Manami:*cuddling him*
Rei:well Hiroshi is off today so he can rest therefore Manami is also not here so we'll go as two groups today
Itsuki:okay let's do this Rei
Rei:actually you'll be with Natsuki I'm going with Chizue
Natsuki:seems like you want to be with her
Rei:because it's the safest option for me
Itsuki:don't worry Natsuki I'll keep you safe
Natsuki:you don't need to worry so much if you have to help then do so but I don't necessarily need your help
Itsuki:where is Chizue anyway
Rei:she's warming up outside
Chizue:*stretching her legs then hops on her hands and starts doing handstand push-ups*
Itsuki:makes sense
Rei:yeah so if you activate your abilities please tell me so we can evaluate and find out the trigger
Itsuki:but we don't know Manami's trigger
Rei:it probably has something to do with Hiroshi anyway we both know that
Itsuki:I guess so
Natsuki:okay then let's head out
Rei:I would consider avoiding the bugs they're too unconventional to fight since they have natural advantage over humans
Rei:if anything the more human ones except for the big strong ones could be worth challenging to figure out your ability
Natsuki:alright now let's go
Both:*walk out*
Rei:come on crazy let's go
Chizue:*hops up to her feet* great
Rei:you're such an overexcited soul
Itsuki:okay then the bugs are a no go and we probably wouldn't be able to outrun some of them anyway
Natsuki:how would you know
Itsuki:if you put a roach on human level they're vastly stronger than us not only with speed able to react to flying insects but also the power and weaponry to hold their own even against their predators
Natsuki:you must know a lot about this stuff
Itsuki:yeah besides playing kickball a lot I was always down in the dirt with my big sister we did a lot of exploring
Natsuki:I'm assuming she's back in the real world
Itsuki:yeah she's an entomologist
Natsuki:oh great (I have no idea what he just said but I'll just roll with it)
Itsuki:so I want to get out of here and see my family again
Natsuki:I get it
Itsuki:besides if I became god here who says I would actually be able to interrupt with the real world
Natsuki:yeah he did the say the powers would only work here
Itsuki:exactly so I'm going for my freedom and helping out Koshiro
Natsuki:so that's his name
Itsuki:he said to tell his friends that he's still alive and the other guy said he had a friend like Chizue that's also crazy
Natsuki:well let's just hope they never meet
Chizue:*looking around* oh my beautiful prey where are you I'm feeling very predacious today
Rei:you just love looking for trouble don't you
Chizue:you're strong aren't you
Chizue:I can tell when you came back from that game you were relatively unharmed compared to the karate guy
Chizue:avoiding the second mask without being touched by his blade
Rei:who knows
Chizue:people like you always know how to give a good challenge
Rei:you don't want to do this because if I hit you with the death strike you'll die
Chizue:you really think so
Chizue:*stops* how about some sparring then just light sparring
Rei:I really shouldn't be wasting my time like this but if you shut up about it then fine
Chizue:haha! That's right Rei relinquish in your power!
Rei:(she has a massive presence)
Chizue:*charges at him and strikes*
Rei:*blocks and parries*
Chizue:*spinning back kicks*
Rei:*goes to the side then turns and kicks off his hand*
Chizue:*blocks and grabs his foot then lifts him up*
Rei:*turns and kicks her on the shoulder*
Chizue:*smiles then slams him to the ground and punches him in the chest*
Rei:*kicks her back then rolls back to his feet* (this was a bad idea she's damaging me more than I damaged her)
Chizue:oh Rei this is the kinda fun I've wanted would you like to be my prey
Rei:no you incompetent woman
Chizue:looks who's talking you lower being
Rei:going for my humanity are we
Chizue:*takes a step then appears beside him*
Chizue:*kicks him in the face*
Rei:*slides across the ground*
Chizue:thanks that's really what I needed
Rei:*looks up*
Chizue:now stand up we have monsters to kill and your ability to unlock
Rei:you already have one
Chizue:yeah because of the item
Rei:what is it
Chizue:if I told you it would show you why I'm going to become god
Rei:fine don't tell me then
Chizue:karate man is lucky he's probably getting it on right now
Rei:I doubt it he doesn't seem like that kind of person
Chizue:wanna bet on it
Rei:I don't usually takes bets but I know I'm gonna be right so what will you bet
Chizue:no if I'm correct you're my servant or would slave be better for every game we're in
Rei:fine if I win you're coming with me to beat the toughest monster here
*at the house*
Manami:Hiroshi let's do it
Hiroshi:*opens his eyes* huh
Manami:there's nobody here and we have time so let's do something
Hiroshi:no Manami that's not right
Manami:please we were interrupted last time and do you really wanna die a virgin
Hiroshi:fine but just this once
Hiroshi:but wait we need protection though
Manami:*takes a box out of her pocket* I've been prepared for this kind of encounter ya know
Hiroshi:is that
Manami:yeah it's plan B so let's do it
Manami:*stands up and unbuttons her shirt* now nobody is going to interrupt our intimacy together
Manami:*grabs him by the chin* don't be embarrassed you're going to enjoy this
Itsuki:okay then something should be here soon right
Natsuki:I mean they haven't come to us
Itsuki:maybe we'll get something weak instead of one of the more human ones
Natsuki:they all seem like they used to be human before though
Itsuki:no they're monsters and they only mimic humans to mess with your morality when you attack
Natsuki:I guess so
Vampire:*charges out from the shadows and grabs her*
Vampire:*opens his mouth*
Itsuki:let go of her right now
Vampire:she doesn't seem worthy not like that other girl so I can just drain you
Natsuki:*turns and elbows him in the jaw* not a chance
Vampire:your puny hits can't damage me
Itsuki:*kicks him in the chest*
Vampire:*lets go*
Natsuki:thanks for that
Itsuki:you still have that mantis arm on you
Natsuki:no way
Vampire:*appears behind them*
Itsuki:*turns and back kicks*
Natsuki:*goes to the side and elbows*
Itsuki:*turns and kicks up*
Itsuki:*hops up spinning then kicks*
Vampire:*blocks* do you really think you can contest with me you insect
Itsuki:(I have to keep her safe no matter what I must win!)
Vampire:fine I'll play with you
Itsuki:*pulls his foot down then turns and high kicks*
Itsuki:*hook kicks*
Vampire:*steps back*
Itsuki:*steps in and strikes*
Vampire:*parries and pulls him in then cross blocks his body*
Itsuki:*coughs up spit and falls over*
Vampire:trash like you could never beat someone like me now then
Itsuki:*grabs his ankle* don't touch her
Vampire:*puts his foot on his back then kicks him in the ribs*
Itsuki:*screams in pain*
Natsuki:*charges at him and strikes*
Vampire:*backhands her* I'll deal with you last so don't worry about it
Itsuki:(come on body overpower him we need the power to fight and the vision to see all!) *pupils narrow as his vision splits*
Vampire:now then
Itsuki:(my vision this is compound vision I can see everything around me)
Vampire:*walks over to her*
Itsuki:*stands up*
Vampire:are you kidding me *walks over to him and lifts up his hand as his nails extend* it's time for you to die!
Itsuki:*staring at him* (I can see his attack already from the muscle and shoulder movements)
Itsuki:*dodges then palms him in the chin then punches him in the side then hops up and turns kicking him in the face before driving him to the ground*
Natsuki:*grabs a stick and drives it through his heart* take that you blood sucking bastard
Itsuki:*looks at his hands*
Natsuki:your eyes seem different does it have to do with your ability
Itsuki:*smiles then falls over*
Natsuki:*grabs him* hey I'm asking you something
Rei:*breathing heavily*
Chizue:you're doing well but it's not enough so why can't you accept that you're gonna be my servant
Rei:I work for nobody
Chizue:well you're gonna be working for me soon so just give up
Red bulker:*walks out of the brush*
Rei:then kill that bastard and prove it because he gave us a hard time
Chizue:*looks back* fine and you're gonna be my servant because I have a feeling that they did it
Red bulker:*roars*
Chizue:*charges at it and punches it in the chest*
Red bulker:*takes the hit*
Red bulker:*strikes*
Chizue:*dodges then pivots off its hand and kicks it in the body*
Red bulker:*kicks her back*
Chizue:*flips and lands then charges at it and strikes*
Red bulker:*strikes*
Chizue:*dodges then steps in hitting it in the body*
Red bulker:*punches her to the ground*
Rei:I knew she couldn't handle it
Chizue:*lifts its hand up then hops up and punches it in the face*
Red bulker:*grabs her leg and slams her to the ground*
Chizue:*coughs up blood then smiles*
Rei:(she's smiling?)
Chizue:*kicks out then charges at it and chops it in the body then straight punches it in the body and high kicks it in the side*
Red bulker:*punches her in the gut*
Chizue:*holding its fist as she looks at it* that all you got
Red bulker:*roars then strikes*
Both:*start striking*
Rei:(she looks just like you Hiroshi)
Chizue:*parries and dodges then turns and kicks it in the body then hops up spinning and kicks it in the face*
Red bulker:*slides back*
Chizue:*charges at it*
Red bulker:*roars*
Chizue:*hops over the sound wave then punches a hole clean through the body*
Red bulker:*turns around*
Chizue:death strike
Red bulker:*explodes*
Rei:how did you use that technique you didn't even hit the point
Chizue:there's nothing you can't learn and you owe me now since I just saved your life
Rei:yeah *falls over* (guess I still have nothing)
Chizue:*grabs him and carries him over her shoulder* let's go now *walks off*
*at the house*
Natsuki:seems like we finally made it back
Chizue:*walks over*
Natsuki:you too
Chizue:yeah I beat his ass *walks inside*
Natsuki:(if anything she's the real monster)
Chizue:*puts him on the couch then walks upstairs*
Hiroshi:*laying down*
Manami:*cuddling him* you were so good I knew those breathing techniques would come in handy
Manami:I'm glad you're finally mine
Chizue:*kicks open the door* I knew you did it!
Manami:*tosses a pillow at her blushing* get out this room is occupied!
Chizue:now he's gonna be my servant haha *walks out and shuts the door*
Manami:she's so rude
Natsuki:doesn't seem like you healed if anything you just unlocked your ability *pushes on his side*
Itsuki:*winces in pain*
Natsuki:yeah he probably broke a couple of your ribs so you'll need rest
Itsuki:but you need someone with you out there
Natsuki:don't worry I'm a tough girl and I can't have you outdoing me it wouldn't look right
Natsuki:*rubs his head* I'll unlock my ability too
Rei:so you unlocked your ability
Rei:what is it
Itsuki:compound vision I can see everything and anticipate attacks from the smallest of movements
Rei:I see
Itsuki:yeah I don't know the trigger yet but I'm going to master it
Itsuki:I guess you didn't unlock yours
Rei:nope Chizue just beat me up in something she considered light sparring she took it too seriously
Itsuki:of course
Rei:she told me her ability is the reason why she's gonna be god
Itsuki:I see
Natsuki:I wonder what my ability will be
Rei:it's most likely something that has to do with who you are
Itsuki:I got compound vision because I like bugs and the relationship with my sister
Rei:I wonder what I'll get
Itsuki:don't worry about it I'm sure it'll come naturally
Rei:yeah you're right
Chizue:*walks over smiling*
Natsuki:what are you so happy for
Chizue:I was right
Rei:no way
Chizue:yeah I walked in there I saw clothes on the floor and she was naked
Rei:that's impossible he wouldn't
Chizue:but he did
Chizue:*grabs him by the neck* you're my servant now *blushes* are you ready for all the fun
Natsuki:that's just twisted
Itsuki:what did you bet on
Rei:I don't want to talk about it
Chizue:from now on you're by my side and the only way you're ever gonna die is if I kill you myself okay
Chizue:great *drops him and walks upstairs* I'm tired
Rei:we'll resume tomorrow and take your rest if needed
Itsuki:what about you
Rei:I'll be fine
Natsuki:yeah so don't worry too much I promise I won't die that's for sure
Natsuki:*rubs his head*

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