Episode 17:Sky high fall

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Both:*jump back*
Chizue:(this should be easy game)
Ayaka:so you know about Kenji is he still alive by any chance I haven't gotten to kill him yet
Ayaka:just give me an answer it's his fault I've been depressed and then they split up the group
Chizue:is that friend of yours smart
Chizue:so is my friend his name is Rei he said something about meeting him in a bonus game or was it a punishment game
Ayaka:makes sense
Chizue:he told me that he's strong they fought on even terms
Ayaka:so you are alive Kenji and you don't even tell me about it
Chizue:let's meet in the final game when I become god I'll let you destroy as much as you want in this world
Ayaka:actually you can just send me to the real world I have to meet up with Kenji
Chizue:that's fine with me now then let's start this test *charges at her* so let me sync with you!
Ayaka:*hops over* at least tell me your name first
Chizue:it's Chizue
Ayaka:*turns and kicks her in the back*
Chizue:*slides forward then turns*
Ayaka:*runs past her and grabs the tree then rips it out the ground and swings it around*
Chizue:*blushes* haha! I really like you Ayaka!
Ayaka:the feelings mutual! *throws it towards her*
Chizue:*grabs it sliding back then slams it to the ground*
Ayaka:thanks for relieving my boredom for now
Chizue:no problem
Ayaka:I'll remember your name and if you see Kenji tell him I'm coming
Chizue:if you see Rei tell him that he can't die because he's my servant
Ayaka:maybe I should make Kenji my servant
Chizue:*walks over and stands back to back with her* let's bust into a game together
Ayaka:sure thing
Chizue:*sinks through the ground*
Ayaka:*looks up* Kenji I'll be waiting for you bastard
*in another area*
Koshiro:why are you here did you end up in my game again
Itsuki:uh no it's a bit complicated I can't tell you
Koshiro:okay well make it quick I need to meet up with Kenji I know he finished by now
Itsuki:right um your friends my friends are meeting with them
Koshiro:who's with Chika
Itsuki:oh Manami got her
Koshiro:I don't know who she is
Itsuki:yeah I know you wouldn't but she also has someone she cares for his name is Hiroshi I'm sure you remember him
Koshiro:yeah we fought each other when we first met after beating that beast
Itsuki:yeah it was crazy but we've all gotten stronger since then
Koshiro:then will you help me kill those bastards
Itsuki:what about your friend
Koshiro:my goal is to get her out of here and back to the real world but I don't care what happens to me
Itsuki:(he solely lives for others not even himself) you should try surviving too I'm sure she'll appreciate it
Koshiro:you all say the same thing
*at the upper area of the park*
Chika:please if he is alive let me know
Manami:oh yeah Hiroshi said something about that guy who strikes at god and he was in a game with him
Manami:yeah but the guy tricked them so they ended up fighting each other
Chika:of course *clenches her fist* all they do is toy with him
Manami:you're in love with him aren't you
Chika:*blushes* what no! He's just a special person to me
Manami:there's no need to hide it because I also have a special person so I can't be weak I want to be able to meet him in the real world when this is over
Manami:well can you stand up and turn around
Manami:I just need to look at something
Chika:okay *stands up and turns around*
Manami:*stands behind her and sinks into the ground* let's meet again so we can be with the people we love
Chika:*turns around* where did she go
*in a building*
Bunko:so then who are you
Hiroshi:well my name is Hiroshi and you most be one of Koshiro's friend
Bunko:I wouldn't say that considering we're not on the best terms
Hiroshi:oh alright
Bunko:besides the game master he definitely hates me the most
Hiroshi:(how could he hate this person)
Bunko:but that's my fault choosing my survival over everything else
Hiroshi:I see
Bunko:then what do you want
Hiroshi:it's nothing but if I see you again let's win and escape this place *walks over and sinks into the ground*
Bunko:if I can do such a thing I'll have a proper apology by then
*in another area*
Kenji:so what could it be this time
Rei:it's nothing and our friends met so I should make this quick
Kenji:she probably knows I'm alive now so I guess she's gonna be so enthusiastic when we meet again
Kenji:then do what you have to do I'll wait for us to meet again
Rei:yeah see you Kenji *walks over and sinks into the ground*
Kenji:let's meet again Ayaka I'll embrace whatever actions you decide to take against me
*in the arcade*
Daitan:so they put you through some games as well
Natsuki:yeah but we all survived
Daitan:I see you guys were better off then us
Daitan:why are you here are some games starting up or something
Natsuki:maybe so I'm not sure
Daitan:oh alright
Natsuki:if we see each other again let's work together
Natsuki:*walks behind her and sinks into the ground*
*in another area*
Koshiro:well then do what you need to I have plans for meeting with Kenji so let's meet again in the final game
Koshiro:*sticks his hand*
Itsuki:*shakes his hand*
Koshiro:and let's kill those game masters together
Itsuki:sure *steps behind him and sinks into the ground*
Koshiro:now to get out of here and meet with Kenji
*at the house*
Itsuki:*appears* finally made it
Misumi:*holding him by the neck*
Hibiki:sis why are you doing this I did everything as you said it should go
Misumi:trust me I like your no life count system but they all survived not even one person died so your job is done
Hibiki:you bastard
Misumi:*tightens her grip and snaps his neck then tosses him over*
Itsuki:(what the hell's going on?! She killed the game master like it was nothing)
Misumi:you're the last junior so I'll send you off then for your debut maybe you'll see the others if you're lucky
Itsuki:who are you!
Misumi:I'm Misumi *snaps her fingers*
Itsuki:*passes out and vanishes*
Misumi:now we can get to the debut games so now you guys can be together in mixed groups
*on top of a building*
Itsuki:*laying on the roof*
Kenji:hey wake up
Itsuki:*slowly opens his eyes* huh
Kenji:great you're awake
Itsuki:where am I
Kenji:we're on top of a 40 foot building
Itsuki:what is this
Kenji:maybe it could be rooftop hop scotch
Itsuki:no way they wouldn't do something like that would they
Kenji:seems normal to me
Bunko:*sits up* so I'm here too
Manami:*sits up* Hiroshi why are we always getting separated
Manami:you're here so is-
Itsuki:no Hiroshi isn't here
Itsuki:but I'll make sure you live so you can meet with him again
Kenji:well this is nothing but a simple game for me
Misumi:welcome to the debut game sky high fall
Misumi:you can figure it out if you dare if not then I'll leave you with this hint
Kenji:go ahead
Misumi:everyone is capable of surviving
Kenji:are you being honest because if not I'll take you with me
Misumi:what's with you and Koshiro well then I'm telling the truth you can all live if you're careful
Kenji:okay then let's analyze the situation and lead the weak to victory
Kenji:*walks over and looks down*
Manami:aren't you scared
Kenji:if you let yourself get overtaken by fear then you've already lost
Itsuki:don't worry I'll make sure you survive because I know how important Hiroshi is to you
Bunko:oh so you know that kid
Manami:you met him
Bunko:yeah I can tell he's definitely someone real respectful
Manami:yeah he's the best
Kenji:I understand now
Kenji:watch me closely if you don't then you'll miss it
All:*look at him*
Kenji:*hops off the side*
Kenji:*turns and slides off the side stopping short at 30 feet* that's 10 feet down
Kenji:I was right there is a 10 foot drop at each corner
Itsuki:doesn't it hurt
Kenji:no it's light like a feather
Itsuki:okay then *walks over then hops off and slides down the side before stopping short* Manami take that other side
Bunko:(she's like Chika)
Manami:*walks over* I can't do this
Itsuki:think if Hiroshi was here what would he say to you
Manami:*hops down stopping short* thank god
Bunko:*hops down stopping short* there
Itsuki:so then who are you
Bunko:I'm Bunko Uehara also known as the one closest to god
Bunko:they saved me but I don't thank them for it if I have to die for Koshiro to live then I'm fine with that it's a way I can repent for killing his friend
Kenji:can you see it now
Itsuki:yeah a glass or should I call it a sand staircase
Kenji:if we do this we should be careful
Bunko:or we should risk it as Koshiro always does
Both:*start running down the steps*
Itsuki:(how can they just do that)
Manami:I can't do this anymore
Itsuki:please hold yourself together you want to see Hiroshi don't you
Itsuki:then let's go we'll do it at the same time
Kenji:*looks back* both of you hop down those stairs now!
Itsuki:let's go!
Both:*hop down and run down the steps*
Itsuki:*hops over to her side then kicks her over the rest*
Kenji:he just bridged that gap
Bunko:he must have crazy strong legs
Itsuki:*slips then turns and hops over the rest landing* 20 feet right
Kenji:yeah but this one is a bit different
Manami:what the
Bunko:it's a bunch of letters leading down to a parking lot
Kenji:*takes off his shoe then drops it down as it goes through the letter and hits the ground* so they can distinguish whether it's human contact or not
Itsuki:*hops on one* it's safe
Kenji:wait think about all this we just did
Itsuki:yeah it means something doesn't it
Kenji:don't move from your spot if my thought is correct I'll clear the game
Bunko:you have to clear the game because you'll just piss off Ayaka
Kenji:yeah you're right I can't lose here not when I'm this close to the finish
Itsuki:if it's 40 feet from the ground and we traversed half the distance to get here but the last one hits the bottom
Kenji:the answer is 10 *drops down then turns and lands on top of a car*
Itsuki:are you okay!
Kenji:*gives a thumbs up*
Itsuki:what a guy
Bunko:we woke up 40 feet in the air and we each had to traverse 30 feet down to get the final 10 *drops down and lands on a car* so that's how it works you have to start with 40
Itsuki:and end with 10
Itsuki:Manami go ahead I have the answer
Manami:okay if we started 40 feet in the air and we went down to 30 feet then to 20 feet we would have to go down 10 more feet for the final stop *drops down and lands on a car*
Itsuki:if we were starting at 40 feet we would only need to go 30 feet down before the final 10 feet *drops down and lands*
Kenji:now we're back on the ground we should search for the others
Misumi:since you guys made it I'll put you in the semifinals game with a few other people besides the obvious ones who can't make it
Kenji:so me
Misumi:no you're qualified but Koshiro isn't
Kenji:so that's how it is
Misumi:*snaps her fingers* bye bye
*in another area*
Rei:so then we're not invited
Ayaka:I'm so bored
Rei:I can take you two there with my ability
Ayaka:so Kenji is alive
Ayaka:yes I can finally see him again!
Rei:you're just like Chizue
Ayaka:and her too I can see my two favorite people! *puts her hand on her chest blushing* it's gonna be a massacre!
Rei:now let's go I'm sure the second to last game is starting
Koshiro:don't worry Chika I'm on my way
Rei:*puts his arms around them as a barrier forms around them and his hair stands up* I can pinpoint where they are
Koshiro:what's this
Rei:we were able to unlock abilities
Ayaka:this is so badass!
Koshiro:I see you guys really are different
Rei:*flies off* this is for you Hima

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