Episode 19:Epic return

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Chongkun:*sitting on the ground*
Chizue:*running* out of the way!
Stalker:*comes from the side*
Chizue:*turns and backhands it then grabs it and tosses it over*
Chongkun:*hops over then sits down*
Chizue:so this is the big boss
Hiroshi:we told you not to run off like that
Kenji:so this is the big boss
Chongkun:you haven't even dealt with my most skilled soldier
Itsuki:woah that's some power I can tell he's strong
Red stalker:*walking over*
Natsuki:these guys don't have a red mode
Red stalker:*charges past them*
Daitan:*elbows it in the body*
Red stalker:*cross blocks her body*
Daitan:*coughs up spit*
Kenji:*stands in front* come on you're cruel hurting a girl like that
Red stalker:*charges at him and strikes*
Kenji:*dodges then goes behind him and jumps back*
Red stalker:*turns*
Chizue:*clotheslines it*
Red stalker:*spins then lands*
Natsuki:*kicks it in the face*
Red stalker:*grabs her foot and slams her to the ground*
Hiroshi:*charges at it and strikes*
Red stalker:*dodges and kicks him several times*
Hiroshi:*coughs up spit* (he's fast)
Red stalker:*knees him in the gut*
Hiroshi:*grabs him then turns and slams him to the ground*
Red stalker:*hops up*
Itsuki:*charges at it and kicks*
Red stalker:*steps back*
Kenji:*knees it in the back*
Itsuki:*kicks it in the face*
Hiroshi:*breathes in and out as smoke comes from his mouth* one breath
Red stalker:*looks over*
Daitan:*elbows it in the side*
Chongkun:(they have good teamwork but they'll never defeat me)
Chizue:*charges past towards him and kicks*
Chongkun:*hops over her and lands* you're feisty
Chizue:*charges at him and strikes*
Chongkun:*backhands her*
Chizue:*turns and kicks him in the side*
Chongkun:*turns and kicks her in the back of the head*
Chizue:*turns and strikes*
Chizue:*upper kicks*
Chizue:*aerials into a kick*
Chizue:*slides over his back then turns*
Chizue:*narrowly dodges and grabs his wrist then turns and slams him*
Chongkun:*stands up then tosses her into the air*
Itsuki:*charges at him and spin kicks* take this!
Chongkun:*hits him in the gut*
Itsuki:*coughs up blood*
Chongkun:*grabs him by the face then turns and throws him aside*
Chizue:*spins then comes down and strikes*
Chongkun:*uppercuts her*
Hiroshi:*punches a hole through its body then charges forward and roundhouse kicks*
Chongkun:*blocks then low kicks*
Hiroshi:*hops over and kicks*
Chongkun:*ducks then rams him in the gut*
Hiroshi:*slides back*
Kenji:*charges at him and elbows*
Chongkun:*blocks with his hand*
Kenji:*kicks him in the back then strikes*
Chongkun:*dodges then back elbows him in the face*
Red stalker:*regenerates then gets up*
Natsuki:*charges at it and kicks*
Red stalker:*blocks then kicks*
Natsuki:*spins over then kicks it in the face*
Red stalker:*slides back*
Natsuki:*charges at it then elbows*
Red stalker:*parries*
Natsuki:*knees it in the gut*
Red stalker:*pushes her back then kicks her in the face then turns and hook kicks her in the body*
Natsuki:*blown back*
Daitan:this guy is still going on even after that
Chika:he just won't go down
Natsuki:*gets up* I won't lose to a mere soldier I can't let the guys outdo me
Red stalker:*charges at her*
Natsuki:*goes to the side*
Red stalker:*appears in front of her*
Natsuki:*jumps back*
Red stalker:*appears beside her*
Natsuki:*turns and kicks*
Red stalker:*blocks*
Natsuki:*pulls her foot down and uppercuts*
Red stalker:*takes the hit*
Natsuki:*kicks it in the leg*
Red stalker:*leg blown off*
Chika:she's strong
Natsuki:*left high kicks it in the face* take this!
Red stalker:*falls to the ground*
Natsuki:*turns around* geez
Red stalker:*slowly regenerates*
Daitan:*runs over and kicks the body away* he's gonna get up again so we should keep the pressure up
Kenji:*steps back*
Chongkun:*palms him in the gut then turns and elbows him in the face*
Kenji:*falls over*
Itsuki:*kicks from behind*
Chongkun:*turns and blocks then grabs him by the face*
Chizue:*kicks him in the back*
Chongkun:*lets go*
Itsuki:*lands then switches to compound vision* (now to see his moves)
Chizue:*starts striking*
Chongkun:*blocking and dodging*
Itsuki:(what the? It's like he has no gaps in his defense)
Chizue:*front kicks*
Chongkun:*dodges and elbows her in the face*
Hiroshi:*charges at him and chops*
Chongkun:*blocks then pushes his hand down*
Hiroshi:*roundhouse kicks*
Hiroshi:*straight punches several times*
Chongkun:*blocking and parrying*
Itsuki:(I'm losing track of him?! I need more my vision must go further!)
Chongkun:*blocks then falls back and puts his foot on his stomach and flips him over*
Chizue:*charges at him*
Chongkun:*hops up*
Chizue:*punches him in the gut* what's wrong are you not enjoying this!
Chongkun:*palms her in the face*
Chizue:*parries then kicks him in the face* because we're having a lot of fun!
Chongkun:*steps back*
Chika:*puts her hands together* (please Koshiro we need you to be here we need your assistance!)
Chizue:*starts striking*
Itsuki:*charges at him from behind*
Chizue:*kicks him forward*
Itsuki:*hops up and kicks him in the face then turns and drives him towards the ground*
Chongkun:*catches himself then grabs his foot and punches him in the gut*
Itsuki:*coughs up blood being blown back*
Hiroshi:*catches him* Itsuki you okay
Itsuki:he's so strong and fast I can barely see his moves
Hiroshi:I know he's definitely the toughest guy we've fought but we have a chance
Itsuki:yeah I just need to break my limits and push my compound vision to its limit
Hiroshi:don't go too far you don't want to go blind
Itsuki:it's fine the risk is worth the reward
Hiroshi:yeah besides we have people we have to live for
Itsuki:yeah let's do it
Hiroshi:*gets in stance* one breath:maximum breathing
Itsuki:*looks at him* ultimate vision
Chongkun:*dodges and kicks her back*
Both:*charge at him and strike*
Itsuki:*left high kicks*
Hiroshi:*straight punches*
Itsuki:*spinning back kicks*
Hiroshi:*roundhouse kicks*
Chongkun:*dodges then punches him in the face*
Hiroshi:*steps in and knees him in the gut*
Chongkun:*pushes his knee down and palms*
Hiroshi:*clasps his hand*
Chongkun:*pushes him down*
Chizue:*charges at him and kicks*
Chongkun:*blocks sliding back*
Itsuki:*charges past her then left high kicks*
Chongkun:*dodges then turns and hits him in the gut*
Itsuki:*grabs his wrist* now Hiroshi
Hiroshi:*hops over then comes down with a chop*
Chizue:*grabs him from behind* hurry it up karate man I wanna finish him off!
Hiroshi:*chops him in the wrist*
Chongkun:*turns and kicks*
Hiroshi:*jumps back*
Chizue:okay then I'm gonna finish this now
Red stalker:*regenerates then charges past them*
Rei:it's time
Koshiro:*drops down*
Rei:*tosses her over*
Chika:Koshiro please help us!
Koshiro:*comes down and kicks it in the face* stay away from her!
Chika:*smiles* Koshiro you're alive
Chongkun:(an outsider)
Ayaka:*kicks him in the face* haha! I've returned!
Kenji:*slowly gets up* wow it's really you
Rei:*lands* that's what you get for keeping me out of this game
Ayaka:*turns back and looks at him*
Kenji:*smiles* how's it going psychopath
Ayaka:*runs over*
Kenji:*opens his arms* do your worst
Ayaka:*punches him in the gut then tackles him into a hug* I really hate you
Kenji:that's one way to say hello
Ayaka:I told you not to die
Kenji:I'm fine the guy was just really strong and he knocked me out with that last hit
Chizue:my servant you're here
Rei:well then let's beat this guy and make it to the last game
Chizue:hold on I need to introduce you to someone she's a really strong and cool person
Rei:I've been told
Kenji:I'll give your gifts when this is all over
Ayaka:you're too nice I'll just destroy it all
Ayaka:yeah let's do it!
Chongkun:(this menacing aura just from those two girls)
Koshiro:*grabs it by the face and takes it the ground holding it down*
Chika:*hugs him from behind crying* you're really alive!
Koshiro:of course I am those bastards could never kill me even if they tried
Red stalker:*turns and kicks off its hand*
Koshiro:*blocks then pushes it to the ground and tears its leg off then punches through it* this is for Akira!
Kenji:heh you're still going wild Koshiro
Koshiro:*kicks the head off* that's for Chika!
Daitan:you never changed
Koshiro:*kicks the body away* and that's for all the people who had to suffer through this nonsense!
Chika:*tightens her grip* let's get out of here
Chongkun:(damn can I really take these two on right now)
Ayaka:*charges at him and grabs him by the face and tosses him over*
Chizue:*knees him in the back*
Ayaka:*kicks him in the gut then upper kicks him in the face*
Chizue:*elbows him on the top of the head*
Chongkun:*coughs up blood*
Itsuki:great they got it covered *falls back*
Natsuki:*grabs him* you can rest for now
Ayaka:he took us here with his ability it was totally badass!
Chizue:that's my servant for you!
Kenji:*charges at him and knees him in the back of the neck*
Chongkun:*falls to the ground*
Ayaka:*grabs him by the neck* you bastard that was my kill it doesn't belong to you!
Kenji:*smiles* don't you have anything to say to me
Ayaka:yeah I'm really gonna enjoy killing you later *puts her fist on his cheek* bastard
Koshiro:yeah I know I'm gonna make sure you make it out of here
Chika:*hugs him*
Daitan:let's just take this break for now even if it's short
Kenji:can you get off me I have to get you those things
Ayaka:fine *gets up*
Kenji:*gets up and runs off* I'll be back in a sec
Chizue:so then that's Kenji
Ayaka:yeah a good bastard
Chizue:what will you do if he dies in the game
Ayaka:I find that hard to see but if it happens I'll win then I'll kill everyone
Chizue:oh really even me
Chizue:but if I become god I can bring him back to life
Ayaka:but what if it's a situation where it's never really him just something formed from memory
Chizue:that would suck
Ayaka:so then I'll kill everyone
Chizue:well let's win together I'll send you both back to the real world and all of you who want to go back to your regular lives
Kenji:*walks back* a promise is a promise
Ayaka:sweet it's black roses and red wine
Kenji:you can enjoy that only if you win
Koshiro:so then what will this final game be
Hiroshi:most likely something simple I mean we've fought hard enough
Misumi:hello my beautiful participants
Koshiro:*looks over*
Chika:*hops on his back and covers his eyes* you know the rules
Misumi:this is enough all of you will be in the final game
Itsuki:*opens his eyes* huh
Natsuki:we're going
Misumi:*snaps her fingers*
All:*appear in a building*
Misumi:come on sit down
Koshiro:*sits down*
Chika:*sits next to him*
Itsuki:*sits down*
Ayaka:*sits down and puts her feet on the chair arm*
Chizue:*hops on the chair*
Bunko:*sits down*
Daitan:*sits down*
Kenji:*sits down*
Natsuki:*sits down*
Manami:*sits down*
Hiroshi:*sits down*
Rei:*sits down*
Misumi:you'll be playing Trash I'm sure you all know what that is
Koshiro:the card game
Misumi:bingo but there is a twist and that is because the joker is included
Hikari:*appears* hey guys I'm glad we can all play together
Koshiro:*charges at him as he cocks his hand back* I'll give you something to play with!
Hikari:*blocks with a barrier* barrier
Koshiro:*blown back*
Kenji:*grabs him* still as reckless as ever
Koshiro:*looks at him*
Misumi:now it's the same rules but if you pull a joker you die
Chika:*looks at him* Koshiro
Koshiro:don't worry just look at me the entire time I won't let you die
Hiroshi:don't worry Manami I'll make sure you win
Itsuki:I see
Misumi:to make it interesting though the joker can replace any spot just like a jack but the joker will replace a random spot however if the spot it is to replace is already taken by a jack or you pull the number needed for the spot you'll die for real
Rei:how simple
Kenji:simple and dangerous
Misumi:by the end of it there will be a new god of this world
Hikari:*sits down* now let's have a fair game
Koshiro:I'm gonna kill you bastard
Chika:*grabs his hand* it's okay Koshiro
Itsuki:okay then I'll go first *draws a nine then replaces the card and puts a card in the middle* whoever needs a 9 can take that
Ayaka:*grabs it then puts it down and places a 9 in the middle* extra 9 from me
Kenji:*grabs it then swaps his card and puts a queen in the middle* thanks for that one Ayaka
Ayaka:no problem
Misumi:(now things are going to be interesting)

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