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The chapter opens with Jodie, Y/N and Maddie sleeping on a train while you control Aiden, B/N, and Loki. There are several things you can do (move people's belongings, wake up Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie, etc.) Later on, the train arrives at a station where the police are searching for 3 wanted people (Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie).

If you choose not to wake Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie, the police will wake them up to ask for their IDs. They'll grab their bags from above and slam it into one of the two policemen and take off running.

Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will have to dodge obstacles and avoid getting caught. After they pass a couple of rooms the player can attempt to open a window, but will not be able to. You will need to use Aiden, B/N, and Loki to blast the window open. After doing so, Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will climb out avoiding a police officer trying to grab them.

Soon they will arrive at the top of the train, fighting off more policemen. Soon they will be surrounded, so Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie jump off the train using Aiden, B/N, and Loki to protect them.

Either way, once they land, Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will run away from the train as the police are still following them. Later, the dogs that were with the police will attack them, and they will have to fight back to get rid of them. After the fight, they will climb up some rocks and hear that the police are coming their way. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will lean against the rocks to stay out of sight from the police.

After climbing up, they will notice the police are on the road and will spot a motorbike. Aiden, B/N, and Loki will then have the option to possess one of the policemen so he can drive the car. Aiden, B/N, and Loki repeatedly slams the car which distracts the other guards. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie take this chance to get onto the motorbike and drive away while the helicopter still follows them.

Either way, once Jodie's, Y/N's, and Maddie's on the motorcycle, they'll be chased down the street and eventually stop to notice the police are on the other side of a bridge armed with guns. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie go straight through and use Aiden, B/N, and Loki to shield them, knocking over police cars and the like and heading to Bakerstown as T. Clieford tells the SWAT team to hold their fire.

Jodie. Y/N, and Maddie will stop near a theatre and the police will arrive. Aiden, B/N, and Loki will be able to do several things. They can take care of a SWAT member and make him jump off a roof. Aiden, B/N, and Loki will also be able to possess the SWAT member in the car, later crashing into the gun store to cause an explosion. Once again, they can take care of another member to shoot several others. Aiden, B/N, and Loki can also knock over cars and can take control of another member to run into the gas station. There are other options you can do to destroy the town, and destroying certain ones will obtain the "Aiden's, B/N's, and Loki's Apocalypse" trophy. Later on, Aiden, B/N, and Loki will possess a member in the chopper above, causing him to take it down and destroy it, causing an explosion.

Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will walk out of the theatre and walk over to Clieford, telling him to tell the others to leave them alone, or they'll kill everyone.

Either way, Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie will tell Aiden, B/N, and Loki that they've got the message and limp off into the distance, ending the chapter.

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