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After choosing to be alive, it is shown that Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie have moved to a small cabin in the woods. There, it is shown that Aiden's, B/N's, and Loki's separation from them has began to erase their memories, and they write their entire lives down on paper, thus beginning the storytelling of the game. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie, still heartbroken about Aiden, B/N, and Loki, cries every night and monologues about the fact that both of them wanted to no longer be tethered, and yet she's never been more miserable. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie can either choose to stay alone, or live with either Tuesday and Zoey, Jay, John or Ryan and Belle . These are the following consequences:

Jodie and Y/N visit Jay, John and Cory's house again with the motorbike they gave them. After Jay and Jodie make love and John and Y/N make love, Jodie and Y/N wake up crying but Aiden and B/N write on the mirror: "STILL HERE" telling them that he's still looking after them, despite no longer being tethered. Aiden's and B/N's presence delights Jodie and Y/N.

After Maddie discussing with Ryan that a future with him and Belle is the only real choice, she and Ryan and Belle try to move as far away as possible from her former life. She and Jodie and Y/N do send Cole a letter with a drawing from 3 little princesses in 3 pink dresses. Maddie monologues about how she and Ryan pretend none of the events ever happened, trying to live a normal life with raising Belle. As Ryan starts a fire on an unknown island, Maddie walks to the beach shore and begins to miss Loki again. Suddenly, a coconut is rolled to Maddie's foot, and writing forms on the sand: "STILL HERE" telling her that he's still looking after her, despite no longer being tethered. Maddie lays down overjoyed, and the garbled words 'I love you' are heard from Loki.

As Maddie, Jodie, Y/N, and Belle monologue about their nightmares, a scene where entities are shown flooding into the human world is shown, with Jodie, Y/N, Maddie, and Belle preparing for battle, presumably with Aiden, B/N, and Loki invisibly accompanying them and Severus, Belle's own entity watching over her.

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