Dragon's Hideout

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Desperate to keep the condenser technology exclusive to the CIA and its allies, the CIA send Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie to destroy the condenser. Ryan and their old colleagues at the CIA, Vince and Nick, are sent in as their support team, where tensions are still present. Trekking across heavily snowing fields, the team manages to follow a convoy to the facility, where Maddie and Ryan, disguised in the uniforms of two deceased soldiers, take a pilfered submarine to the base, only to be captured. They are tortured by the Kazirstan General, who wants information out of them - if Maddie doesn't speak up, Ryan will get his left eye cut out.

To make matters worse, Loki  is separated from Maddie by a containment field meant to keep entities away from the living. Luckily, he manages to deactivate the containment field, unleashing the entities other on the soldiers, and frees Maddie and Ryan. Maddie has to dive underwater to put explosives on the condenser to close the rift. She gets in fight with the Kazirstan General, where the General is killed by the sea entity, that he created himself

Alternatively during the fight, Maddie is rendered unconscious when the General is killed by the sea entity. Ryan arrives and rescues Maddie, who struggles to remain conscious. They escape and Ryan pulls them out of the water onto a snowy bank. He attempts to perform CPR on Maddie and eventually gives up, telling Maddie that he loves her. He lays down beside her, holding her hand. Vince, Y/N, Jodie, and Nick then arrive to rescue them.

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