Chapter 11: Chrono Grave's Time to Shine

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Authors Note
There is a new change in my fan fiction from now on 'this means that a character is thinking to themselves' with that enjoy
With that red panels appeared in front of me and Hiyama, we placed our starters and the match began.

"Stand up future vanguard!!" Hiyama yelled

"Stand up powerful vanguard!!" Kiniro yelled

"Machining, Little Bee (5000)" Hiyama announced

Hiyama transformed into a cybernetic bee holding a short tipped spear.

"Time Creation, Clockwork (4000)" Kiniro announced

Kiniro transformed into a young boy with blond hair, wearing a light blue robe with pictures of the sun and holding a staff with a sundial on the top of it.

"I've never seen that Megacolony unit before" Kiniro stated

"That's because they haven't been released in your time" Hiyama claimed

"Enough talk I draw" Hiyama continued

"I ride Machining, Mosquito (7000) Little Bee moves back (5000) and with Mosquito's skill I soulcharge (Raider Mantis - Draw trigger)" Hiyama announced

The bee transformed into a black cybernetic mosquito with 4 mechanical arms, laser cannon as a stinger and yellow lines running through the stinger.

"With that I end my turn" Hiyama decided

Hiyama - Kiniro

5 - hand - 5

0 - damage - 0

1 - soul - 0

0 - counterblast - 0

Empty, empty - empty, empty

Machining, Mosquito, Machining, Little Bee - Time Creation, Clockwork, empty

Empty, empty - empty, empty

"My turn now I draw" Kiniro stated

"I ride Time Past, Clockwork (6000)" Kiniro announced

The young boy grew in size with the same robe unlike the last one this robe has pictures of sundials on it, wearing a blue cap with a picture of a sundial and holding a staff with a mini version of a grandfather clock.

"With Time Creation's skill since a copy of Time Past, Clockwork rode on top of this unit I search my deck for Time Present, Clockwork and add it to my hand and with Time Past, Clockwork's skill since I have a copy of Time Creation in the soul he gains 2000 power" Kiniro stated

"I call Space and Time Bird, Phoenix (6000)" Kiniro announced

A red phoenix with clock patterns on its wings appeared behind the boy.

"With a boost from Phoenix, Clockwork will attack Mosquito, with its skill Phoenix gains 4000 power since I have four or more cards in hand (18000)" Kiniro declared

"I won't guard that" Hiyama decided

"Drive check (Time Present, Clockwork - No trigger)" Kiniro revealed

The boy chanted a spell that froze time and after time froze he fired a laser at the mosquito and re-started time to see an explosion sending the mosquito to the ground

"Damage check (Machining, Red Soldier - No trigger)" Hiyama revealed

"That ends my turn" Kiniro announced

Hiyama - Kiniro

5 - hand - 5

1 - damage - 0

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