Chapter 15: Prehistoric Mountain Prison

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Kiniro and the rest of the group were drifting through the vortex as usual. When they reached the end of the vortex we landed at our destination.

"Glad we don't get knocked out at the end of the vortex" Kiniro stated

"It's because you didn't jinx it this time" Kurai exclaimed

"Really it was one time" Kiniro replied in an annoyed tone

"I guess we don't experience it anymore because of the results of fixing the timeline" Katashi said

"Indeed you are correct Katashi" Hedeyoshi exclaimed

"Let's go find those fighters" Kiniro announced

"Yeah" Kurai, Katashi and Hedeyoshi yelled in unison

We started our search for the fighters at a riverbank near the park where we landed and found nothing, so we thought about checking the card shop.

~In Front of Card Shop Handsome~

"They've got to be around here" Kurai yelled

"Let's check nearby" Katashi suggested

Suddenly a mysterious figure in a black cloak appeared in front of the group.

"That was quick" Kiniro said sarcastically

"So you're the pests interfering with our plans to save the future" The mysterious fighter stated

"THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO SAVE THE FUTURE" Hedeyoshi yelled enraged

"What would you know boy, you should all just run along and return home" The fighter stated annoyed

"We're not leaving until we stop you" Kurai claimed

"You really think you can stop me" The fighter asked

"We know we can" Kiniro exclaimed

"Very well then, you had your chance, this should teach you a lesson" The fighter said holding a miniature dinosaur skull


"I see, Hitomi, you will go next, don't fail me you must protect the time line we created" Abyss said to the fighter on the left

"Yes master Abyss" The fighter on the left replied

"Before you leave use this before your fight you'll know what to do" The fighter in the middle said while throwing the skull

"Yes sir" The fighter leaving the room replied

~End of Flashback~

"Who wants to cards fight me" The fighter asked in a confident tone

"I'll take you on" Katashi stated


Don't worry Hedeyoshi, everyone I won't lose" Katashi stated

"So who are you" Katashi asked

"I'll tell you" The fighter said as she took of her cloak

The fighter was revealed to be around 17 years old, with long grey hair in a ponytail, wearing a white visor cap, a military shirt, a silver necklace, army pants and black boots.

"My name is Hitomi Linzo and I will be the victor of this match" Hitomi announced

"Ancient creatures of the past, ensnare your pray, and devour them with your mighty fangs, Prehistoric Mountain Prison" Hitomi announced

After making that statement she tossed the skull into the air and the area around them transformed into a wasteland with a giant mountain surrounded by fossils and two cardfight stands made of bones in front of the two fighters.

"What is this place" Katashi asked

"This is my fight field, unlike your usual fight areas this place has unique powers" Hitomi exclaimed

"What kind of powers" Kiniro asked

"You don't wanna know" Hedeyoshi exclaimed with hesitation in his voice

"You've seen this before" Kurai asked in a questioning tone

"I can't say much at the moment, but what I can tell you is that Katashi has to win" Hedeyoshi answered

'I hope he will be ok' Hedeyoshi thought

The two fighters placed their starters and the fight began.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope that everyone will continue to support me on my work and with that vote, follow, comment and enjoy

Chrono ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora