Chapter 27: Final Time Jump, Into Abyss Fortress of Darkness

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~Park, Day after Kiniro returned~

After Kiniro and the rest of the group returned to the present, everyone was celebrating the return of their friend and teammate even after saving Aichi's timeline Kiniro and Kurai thought that before they return to the moment these events happened leaving only the four of them remembering what happened they decided to complete one last misson that Kiniro has important information on.

"Ok guys this is gonna be the last mission" Kiniro stated

"Thats fine are you gonna tell us what the mission is" Katashi asked

"We are going to confront the fighters and this Abyss in his own home" Kurai answered for Kiniro

"You knew" Katashi asked Kurai

"Their best friends Katashi and after that eventful day Shade would be the first to know about Kin's plan" Hedeyoshi answered for Kurai

~Flashback, In front of Kiniro's house~

"Kin you gonna tell me why you wanted me to talk to you outside your house" Kurai asked

"I think we should do one more thing before we go back in time to when this all started" Kiniro answered

"What did you have in mind" Kurai asked

"While I was Reversed I was in Abyss throne room while I was there before Abyss messed with him Clockwork got info on what time period we were in and the location, so I think we should go there and face off with them one last time to make sir they won't do this again" Kiniro explained

"Nice, hows he doing by the way" Kurai asked

"He's doing fine, even though he was Reversed like me he returned to normal" Kiniro answered

"What about you how's it feel having PSY Qualia and a clan that only you have" Kiniro asked with a grin on his face

"It's alright especially that Hex skill that will come in handy" Kurai answered

"Your right about that" Kiniro stated

~End of Flashback~

"Sounds like a plan" Hedeyoshi said

"Alright then lets get to it shall we" Kiniro yelled

"Yeah" Katashi, Kurai and Hedeyoshi answered in unison

With that Kiniro held up his deck into the air and along with Kurai, Hedeyoshi and Katashi jump in and head off into their final battle with the four fighters and their ring leader Abyss.

~Meanwhile in Abyss Throne Room~

After failing their mission Abyss wasn't happy and now that the timelines are all back to normal, he is planning on sending his fighters back to change the timelines again.

"Linzo and Hitomi, you two lost your battles against your opponents and thus those Kiniro and his friends have accomplished their mission, so now you four must go to the past once more to save the future" Abyss announced

"Yes Master Abyss" Nagito, Linzo, Hiyama and Hitomi replied in unison

Just then Abyss felt a disturbance.

"It can't be" Abyss said in shock

"What is it master" Hiyama asked

"Its Kiniro and his friends their here" Abyss answered

"What" Linzo and Hiyama yelled

"How" Hitomi asked

At that moment Abyss remembered Clockworks words "You won't get away with this" Clockwork said to Abyss.

"Kiniro's unit must have gotten our location while he was here" Abyss answered

"Well he is the embodiment of the future" Hiyama stated

"Shut it Hiyama" Hitomi yelled

"Enough, Hiyama, Hitomi, Linzo go intercept them before they get here in the mean time Nagito will stay here to help me with preparations" Abyss announced

"Yes Master Abyss" Hiyama, Hitomi and Linzo replied in unison

With that the three walked out the throne room doors and closed the doors behind them leaving Abyss and Nagito the only ones in the room.

"Kiniro Inazuma, you have either made a wise choice or a grave mistake, for coming here you have made it easier for me to make it so my ancestor the void can be the ruler of the world as it should have before that meddlesome blue haired boy and his friends stopped it, soon me and my ancestor will rule the world isn't that right Nagito Hintoshi or should I say my puppet" Abyss said

At that moment two red lines appeared under Nagito's eyes and they became blank.

"Yes Master Abyss you and the Void shall be rulers of this world" Nagito said

"AHHAHAHAHAHA" Abyss laughed darkly

~Hallway, Abyss Fortress~

"Man this place is grim" Katashi stated

"Yeah, I gotta hand it to this Abyss he knows how to have an evil fortress look this creepy" Kiniro said

"Let's admire the place later right now we should get moving" Hedeyoshi suggested

"You're right lets go" Kiniro answered

Kiniro and the gang were running through the hall until they reached a room with nothing in it that is until.

"This will be as far as you go" A voice said

Just then an elevator rose from the floor and revealed Hiyama.

"Well, well you guys really thought you could beat us in our base" Hiyama boasted

"There's his usual over confidence" Hedeyoshi said with annoyance

"HEY" Hiyama yelled

"Get out of our way" Katashi said

"Nope the only way your getting through me is with a cardfight" Hiyama stated

"Fine, I'll fight you Kin, Hede, Katashi go on ahead I'll catch up later" Kurai stated

"Are you sure Shade" Kiniro asked

"Yeah I'm sure" Kurai answered

"Now hold on, I wanna get my revenge against Kiniro Inazuma" Hiyama yelled

"What you scared your going to lose" Kurai said with a grin on his face

"...OH ITS ON NOW I'LL SHOW YOU" Hiyama yelled enraged

"Make sure to finish him quickly Shade" Kiniro yelled as he left the room with Katashi and Hedeyoshi

"I will" Kurai yelled back

Kiniro, Hedeyoshi and Katashi became too far out of sight for Kurai to see.

"Time to show you my new tool from Master Abyss" Hiyama said holding a metal spider web like disc

"Insects of ultimate power and strength, paralyse all who deny your strength and show them misery, Jungle Web Prison" Hiyama announced while spinning the disc

The disc floated in the air and grew across the room as a sphere surrounded the whole room, the area transformed into a jungle with a floor made of webs then two fight tables made of web appeared in front of the fighters.

"Time to fight" Hiyama stated

"Bring it" Kurai said

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