Chapter 12: Old Friend New Allie

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"This isn't over we will be back" Hiyama stated

After making that statement Hiyama opened another vortex and escaped.

"Well there he goes, now what do we do" Katashi asked

"Let's return to the present and see if it worked" Kurai replied

"Good idea Shade let's go" Kiniro stated

Kiniro pulled Time Future, Clockwork out of his deck and held it in the air suddenly a vortex opened and the three jumped in to return home.


Hiyama was walking down a dark hallway with the rest of the fighters walking in front of him.

"You failed to stop those two Hiyama and now they are closer to bringing destruction upon us" stated the person on the right

"It wasn't my fault" Hiyama yelled in anger

"Says the idiot who failed to notice his mistake" the person on the left countered

"What did you say" Hiyama said in an annoyed tone

"Quiet you three we're here" said the person in the middle

The four fighters opened a large red door and it revealed a throne room with torches at the top of podiums to illuminate the room with statues of each clans legendary units, red stone walls, black space like floor with a red carpet in the middle and at the end of the room a throne made of shadows standout with a man in a jet black full body cloak with his face covered sits.

"Welcome back my loyal fighters" stated the man sitting on the throne

"Master Abyss Hiyama has failed to stop the two boys in their mission of fixing time" the person in the middle stated

"I'm disappointed Hiyama" Abyss stated

"Sir it wasn't my fault, that kid was using a clan I've never seen before" Hiyama countered

"Interesting what is the name of this clan you speak of" Abyss asked

"I believe it was called Chrono Grave sir' Hiyama replied

"I see, Hitomi, you will go next, don't fail me you must protect the timeline we created' Abyss said to the fighter on the left

"Yes master Abyss" the fighter on the left replied


"This is so cool, you always travel this way" Katashi asked

"I'm getting tired of this" Kurai replied

"Don't worry Shade nothing can go wrong" Kiniro stated

"I said to never say that you'll jinx it" Kurai stated in an angered tone

"Trust me I've got control over these powers no-"Kiniro started to say

"Guys there's our stop" Katashi announced

Once again a blinding light surrounds the three and they fall unconscious.

"Ow, are we home" Kiniro asked while rubbing his eye

"Yeah Kin we're home, more specifically at the front of Hitsue High school" Kurai answered

"While we're here let's go see Kai" Kiniro stated

~In Hitsue~

"So this is Hitsue High school I've heard a lot about this place" Katashi said in awe

"By the way Katashi what school do you go to" Kurai asked

I go to Fukuhara High" Katashi answered

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