Chapter 20: Kiniro Joins Abyss, Eternal Loneliness

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A mysterious red aura appeared at Kiniro's feet and enveloped his entire body causing him to scream in pain. 

"AHHHHHHH" Kiniro screamed 

"Kiniro whats wrong" Katashi asked 

"Was that a fight field after all" Kurai asked 

"No its much, much worse than that" Hedeyoshi stated 

"What do you mean" Katashi and Kurai asked at the same time 

"Ugh, sorry guys guess...I wasn't strong enough" Kiniro murmured hitting the ground 

"Get up Kin" Kurai said running to his side after the field returned to normal 

"Kiniro please be ok" Katashi said 

At that moment Kiniro stood up but he was different his eyes were blank and empty and the smile he usually has disappeared from his face. 

"Guys get away from Kiniro" Hedeyoshi yelled 

"What are you saying Hede" Kurai said 

"Are you...Strong enough" Kiniro said quietly 

"What" Katashi said 

At that moment two red lines appeared under Kiniro's eyes and he had an evil grin on his face. 

"Welcome to our side wielder of Chrono Grave" Nagito said as he walked to Kiniro's side 

"What did you do to him" Kurai yelled 

"He's been Reversed" Hedeyoshi answered before Nagito could 

"What does that mean" Katashi and Kurai asked 

"Any player who loses to Link Joker or any card fighter associated to the void, they lose their free will and are in service to the void, although my method of Reverse is different, instead of the void anyone I Reverse is in service to master Abyss" Nagito explained 

"Who's Abyss, Hede do you know" Kurai asked 

"No I haven't got a clue" Hedeyoshi answered 

"Kin snap out of it you can fight this" Kurai said 

"You mean nothing to me" Kiniro coldly said 

"Thats cruel" Katashi stated 

"Lets see Kiniro was it lets return to master Abyss" Nagito said 

"Yes sir" Kiniro replied 

"No Kin don't go" Kurai yelled 

Nagito opened a vortex and he and Kiniro walked through disappearing. 

"No" Kurai yelled 

~The Next Day, At Card Capital~ 

Kurai, Katashi and Hedeyoshi were sitting at a table in the front of the shop and were silent for most of the time. 

"This is horrible" Katashi stated 

"We may have lost Kin, but we can still get him back" Hedeyoshi claimed 

"How do we do that" Katashi asked 

"When a Reverse fighter is defeated they return to normal" Hedeyoshi answered 

"So if we beat him then he will return to normal" Katashi repeated 

"Yes that is correct" Hedeyoshi answered 

During the conversation Kurai stayed silent. 

"Kurai are you ok" Katashi asked 

"We can't win" Kurai claimed 

"Shade what makes you say that" Hedeyoshi asked 

"When I looked at Kin in that state it looked like he was stronger then before, I doubt any of us will stand a chance" Kurai exclaimed 

"It's true that Reversed fighters become stronger than before, but even so if we try then we can save him" Hedeyoshi stated 

"But..." Kurai started to say 

~Meanwhile In Abyss throne room~ 

"Welcome back Nagito how did your mission go" Abyss greeted 

"Sir, I have Reversed the wielder of Chrono Grave and now he serves you" Nagito stated 

As Nagito said that Kiniro walked into the throne room and got on his knees in front of Abyss. 

"I am here to serve you master Abyss" Kiniro said emotionlessly 

"Well, well welcome wielder of Chrono Grave so nice to finally meet you" Abyss welcomed 

"So Nagito got to that kid that beat me" Hiyama stated 

"Look who's talking" Hitomi countered 

"Shut it" Hiyama yelled 

"Calm down guys" Linzo said separating the two 

"Chrono Grave Wielder what is your name" Abyss asked 

"My name is Kiniro Inazuma sir" Kiniro answered 

"Kiniro hand me your deck" Abyss ordered 

"Yes master" Kiniro answered grabbing his deck case 

"My vanguard don't do this fight this power controlling you" Clockwork said to Kiniro in his spirit form 

"Oh you must be the famous Clockwork, Hiyama mentioned you were this boys avatar" Abyss exclaimed seeing Clockwork 

"You won't get away with this" Clockwork stated 

"Oh I will that I can promise you" Abyss said 

Kiniro handed Abyss his deck and it was enveloped in a red aura Clockwork in his spirit form was in pain. 

"My vanguard please fight it what about your friends remember" Clockwork said in pain 

"Friends...I don't have friends I'm....all alone nobody cares about me no one has and never will" Kiniro coldly said 

After Kiniro said those words Clockworks spirit disappeared and the aura that enveloped the deck lingered over the deck. 

"The power of Reverse now runs through your deck now Kiniro you and everyone else will go to the past to protect the timeline we changed for Aichi Sendou if that timeline returns to normal the future will return to ruins" Abyss stated 

"Yes sir" Everyone stated in unison 

After that conversation Abyss opened a vortex for everyone and they all jumped in and disappeared. 

"All is going according to plan, I just need a little more time then the change will become the true timeline, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Abyss announced darkly 

~Back at Card Capital~ 

"But...can we really win" Kurai stated 

"Do you wish to save your friend" A mysterious voice stated 

"Who's there" Kurai asked 

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