Chapter 32: Final Match, Chrono Protectors "Remastered" vs Chaos Messenger Abyss

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"Stand up powerful vanguard" Kiniro yelled

"Stand up the vanguard" Nagito yelled

"Time Creation, Clockwork (4000)" Kiniro revealed

Kiniro transformed into a young boy with blond hair, wearing a light blue robe with pictures of the sun and holding a staff with a sundial on the top of it.

"Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn (5000)" Nagito revealed

Nagito transformed into a silver armoured robotic unicorn with purple rings around its legs and a large red horn with black energy around it.

"My puppet shall take the first move" Abyss stated

"My turn I draw" Nagito stated

"I ride Demon Claw Star-Vader, Lanthanum (7000)" Nagito announced coldly

The robotic unicorn was replaced by a man in silver armour with fire in the elbows, shoulders and 3 streams on the helmet and deep dark red claws.

"Dust Tail moves (5000)" Nagito stated

The robotic unicorn moved to a different area.

"That ends my turn" Nagito stated

Kiniro - Nagito

5 - Hand - 5

0 - Damage - 0

0 - Soul - 0

0 - Counterblast - 0

empty, empty - empty, Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn

Time Creation, Clockwork, empty - Demon Claw Star-Vader, Lanthanum, empty

empty, empty - empty, empty

"Now its my turn I draw" Kiniro stated happily

"The game has only just started and already it looks like Kiniro is having fun, even with the future at stake" Katashi exclaimed

"Well thats just how Kin is, he can be serious when he needs to, but he still manages to have fun" Kurai stated

"I'm sure he can win this time" Hedeyoshi claimed

"I ride Time Past, Clockwork (6000)" Kiniro announced

The young boy grew in size with the same robe unlike the last one this robe has pictures of sundials on it, wearing a blue cap with a picture of a sundial and holding a staff with a mini version of a grandfather clock.

"With Time Creations skill I add Time Present, Clockwork to my hand, next I call Knight of the Leap Year, Herman (7000)" Kiniro stated

A teen wearing light blue full body steel armour with a cannon on his left arm, a clock shaped helmet and holding a metal spear with a clock at the bottom appeared.

"With a boost from Herman, Clockwork attacks (15000)" Kiniro declared

"I don't guard" Nagito decided

"Drive check (Time Ripple - Critical Trigger) all effects to Clockwork" Kiniro revealed

The boy pushed the top of the grandfather clock on his staff and time stopped around him he walked up to the silver armoured man and left and energy bomb and beam in front of him then restarted time this caused the energy weapons to damage the man.

"Damage check first (Furious Claw Star-Vader, Niobium - No Trigger) second (Star-Vader, Nebula Captor - Draw Trigger) power to my vanguard and I draw" Nagito revealed

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