Chapter 25: Best Friends Face-off, Chrono Protectors "Redux" vs Eternal Curse 1

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"Stand up the vanguard" Kurai yelled

"Stand up powerful vanguard" Kiniro said coldly

"Prodigy Magician, Maaya (5000)" Kurai revealed

A young blond haired girl with a magicians hat, wearing a purple magician outfit, holding a scroll in one hand and a wooden staff in the other appeared behind Kurai.

"Time Creation, Clockwork (4000)" Kiniro revealed

A young boy with blond hair, wearing a light blue robe with pictures of the sun and holding a staff with a sundial on the top of it appeared behind Kiniro.

"Well, well what do we have here" Nagito said noticing the unit

"Huh thats weird I thought that guy used Shadow Paladin but I dont recognise that unit at all" Hiyama said confused

Kiniro just raised an eyebrow at the development.

"I can see what you are all wondering and to answer that this is my new clan Spellbound Hex" Kurai answered

"Interesting another clan we never noticed before" Nagito said interested

"Great so now theres another clan we know nothing about" Hiyama said annoyed

"It means nothing I will still win" Kiniro claimed arrogantly

'The Reverse really has changed you that much you never underestimate unknown challenges' Kurai thought

"I'll take the first turn I draw" Kiniro stated

"I ride Time Past, Clockwork (6000)" Kiniro announced

The young boy grew in size with the same robe unlike the last one this robe has pictures of sundials on it, wearing a blue cap with a picture of a sundial and holding a staff with a mini version of a grandfather clock.

"With Time Creation's skill I add Time Present, Clockwork to my hand" Kiniro stated

"With that I end" Kiniro stated

Kiniro - Kurai

6 - Hand - 5

0 - Damage - 0

1 - Soul - 0

0 - Counterblast - 0

empty, empty - empty, empty

Time Past, Clockwork, empty - Prodigy Magician, Maaya, empty

empty, empty - empty, empty

"My turn now I draw" Kurai stated

"I wonder what this new mysterious clan holds" Nagito said

"Who knows, I'd rather think about how things will be after we succeed" Hiyama said

"This match isn't over so why don't you save your comments for after I win and get my friend back" Kurai yelled

Kiniro stayed emotionless at that comment.

"I ride Young Magician, Karron (8000)" Kurai announced

The young girl was replaced by a hazel haired boy wearing a purple librarian outfit, holding a silver tome with alchemist symbols on the cover and wearing hat matching the outfit but with gold lining.

"Maaya moves back (5000)" Kurai stated

The young blond haired girl moved behind the boy.

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