Chapter 26: Best Friends Face-off, Chrono Protectors "Redux" vs Eternal Curse 2

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"Kin let us help you and show you that we are there for you" Kurai yelled

"I told you...stop...calling me THAT, MY NAME IS KINIRO INAZUMA" Kiniro yelled

After saying that two red lines appeared under Kiniro's emotionless eyes.

"Master of the powers of time from an alternate future, descend on the battlefield from a future, where all know despair and loneliness, I CROSS BREAK RIDE Paradox Time Lord, Clockwork The "Redux" (11000)" Kiniro announced with anger in his voice

A grey Limit Break Symbol appears and a red aura surrounds the man, the aura transforms the man revealing a blond haired man wearing a long dark blue robe with a upside-down clock pattern and a large black ring on the back, wearing a black steel gauntlet with 3 black rings around it, an eye patch and holding a giant gold coloured scythe with a holographic clock on the top.

"Clockwork what have they done to you" Kurai asked

"He has been en-fused with the power of the Reverse" Nagito stated

"What does he mean by that" Katashi asked

"When a fighter is Reversed they aren't the only ones infected the clans leaders on Cray are also changed" Hedeyoshi explained

"Man that unit is sick can't wait to see what it can do" Hiyama stated

"Enough talk with the break ride skill I counter blast 1 and place a Chrono Grave on the bottom of the deck my vanguard gets 10000 power and I search my deck for a Chrono Grave and add it to my hand then since I have 4 or more cards in my hand Sean gets a new skill" Kiniro stated

'What is that skill, no matter I will just pull through this turn and get my friend back' Kurai thought

"Then since Time Future, Clockwork is in the soul my vanguard gets 2000 power" Kiniro added

"Now with for vanguards LIMIT BREAK" Kiniro said yelling the last part

'Good luck Shade I know you can handle this' Hedeyoshi thought

"I counter blast 2 and lock Knight of the Leap Year, Herman" Kiniro stated

"He's locking his own unit" Katashi yelled

"Thats the cost for all Reverse units" Hedeyoshi exclaimed

The knight was surrounded by two black rings and screamed in pain as he was trapped in a black sphere and in the form of a white card.

"I draw 2 cards then call from the deck Temporal Collector (7000) and my avatar Time Future, Clockwork (11000)" Kiniro stated

Two lights appeared on the field the first one revealed a boy with red hair wearing a grey robe holding a sundial with a claw in the middle and a blond haired man wearing a long light blue robe with a computer coding pattern, a long blue hat with a clock on it and holding a staff with a digital clock on the top and a blue orb in the other hand.

"Next since I have 7 or more cards in hand my vanguard gets plus one critical" Kiniro added with an evil grin

"*whistle* That is one powerful unit" Hiyama stated

"Yes this is Kiniro Inazuma's, no Chrono Grave's full potential when in service of master Abyss" Nagito exclaimed

"With a boost from Temporal Collector, Paradox Time Lord, Clockwork The "Redux" attacks your vanguard (23000, 2 critical)" Kiniro declared

"I'm impressed Kin, you really have gotten stronger since the first time we met, I'm glad I decided to approach you that day since then I never once regretted becoming your best friend" Kurai stated

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