Chapter 31: Void's Descendent, Abyss Identity Revealed

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While Kurai, Hedeyoshi and Katashi won their matches and met up at the end of Katashi's match, Kiniro was on his way to Abyss throne room so that he can return to the moment that this quest started.

~Outside Abyss Throne Room~

"This has to be the place" Kiniro said to himself

Kiniro pushed on the doors and it revealed the familiar throne room with torches at the top of podiums to illuminate the room with statues of each clans legendary units, red stone walls, black space like floor with a red carpet in the middle and at the end of the room a throne made of shadows standout with Abyss and Nagito standing in front of a giant vortex.

"Ah, welcome back Kiniro Inazuma" Abyss greeted darkly

"So you must be Abyss huh" Kiniro asked

"That is correct and soon you and your world will bow before me and the Void" Abyss answered with dark aura surrounding him

"So your working for the Void then that would mean" Kiniro started to say

"My plan never was to save the future in fact, I'm the one who brought it to ruins in the first place" Abyss interrupted

"Then you lied to Nagito and the rest of your fighters" Kiniro yelled

"Of course with them thinking this was the way to save their future they were easy to control" Abyss replied

"Nagito why follow him now that you know the truth of his plans" Kiniro stated

"Oh he knows and he won't go against me either" Abyss claimed

"Why's that" Kiniro asked

"Because he is my puppet" Abyss answered

At that moment Nagito's eyes were blank and red lines appeared under them.

"You Reversed him, how could you do such a thing" Kiniro yelled

"You see, when I first approached the fighters they gladly followed my orders willing to save their future, especially Nagito...but one day" Abyss stated


I was in my throne room all alone, the fighters were busy doing other things and I was contemplating my plans.

"Soon my plan to leave this future in ruins will be complete and the Void and I will rule for all eternity" Abyss said darkly to himself

"YOU TRICKED US" Nagito yelled in rage

"Hmm" Abyss said to himself

Nagito Hintoshi was outside my throne room doors and was about to enter and in the process he heard my plans.

"Well, well if it isn't Nagito my loyal fighter" Abyss said

"I was, but why would I help you knowing that you plan to destroy my time, I won't fight for you anymore, I'm telling the others about your plan" Nagito stated

"Oh you misunderstand you can't leave, I won't let you ruin my plans" Abyss explained removing his cloak

"W-w-what are you" Nagito said in shock seeing the true Abyss

"What am I you ask, I'M YOUR MASTER" Abyss answered

A blast suddenly hit Nagito and he screamed in pain.

"AHHHHHH" Nagito screamed

Nagito's eyes were now blank and he had two red lines under his eyes.

"You ready to serve me, Nagito Hintoshi" Abyss asked

"Yes Master Abyss" Nagito replied

~End of Flashback~

"So Nagito found out about your plans and you Reversed him to keep his mouth shut" Kiniro said

"Yes and now my puppet defeat Kiniro Inazuma" Abyss yelled

"Yes Master" Nagito answered

'If he's Reversed then all I need to do is defeat him' Kiniro thought

"Alright then bring it on" Kiniro yelled

At that moment the others made it to the throne room.

"Kin/Kiniro" Kurai, Hedeyoshi and Katashi yelled in unison

"Hey guys you made it" Kiniro said

"Of course, as if we would let you fight them alone" Katashi stated

"Thanks guys, but you guys should just let me handle them I can handle Nagito now" Kiniro stated

"We're fine with that, doesn't mean we can't support you right" Hedeyoshi claimed

"Yeah, but first I should explain something first" Kiniro stated

Kiniro told the others of what Abyss told him.

"SO IT WAS YOU" Hedeyoshi yelled

"Who knew Nagito was Reversed the whole time" Kurai stated

"Enough talk let us begin your destruction" Nagito stated darkly

"Bring it" Kiniro stated

Two red panels appeared in front of the two and they were ready to start the match.

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