Chapter 29: Rematch 2, Deadly Soul vs Rogue Enforcers

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"Stand up vanguard" Both fighters yelled

"Greedy Hand (5000)" Linzo revealed

A boy with silver hair, wearing a full-body black leather suit, with goat head shaped shoulder-pads and around his neck with a cloth hanging out of it surrounded by black hands made of darkness appeared behind Linzo.

"Rogue Gunner, Master Core (5000) Hedeyoshi revealed

Hedeyoshi transformed into a mechanical sphere with a blue glow in its center and on the inside of its left and right sides.

"I'll take the first turn I draw" Hedeyoshi stated

"I ride Rogue Gunner, Rookie Pilot (7000)" Hedeyoshi announced

The sphere transformed into a young boy wearing a mechanical suit holding a handgun in one hand and a laser knife in the other.

"With his skill I soul charge (Rogue Gunner, Longshot V2)" Hedeyoshi stated

"With that my turn is over for now" Hedeyoshi stated

Hedeyoshi - Linzo

5 - Hand - 5

0 - Damage - 0

2 - Soul - 0

0 - Counterblast - 0

empty, empty - empty, empty

Rogue Gunner, Rookie Pilot, empty - Greedy Hand, empty

empty, empty - empty, empty

"Now its my turn I draw" Linzo stated

"I ride Yellow Bolt (7000)" Linzo announced

The silver haired boy was replaced by a blond spiky haired boy wearing a black suit with yellow lightning bolt shaped lines and spikes also shaped like lightning bolts hanging out the side.

"Greedy Hand moves back (5000)" Linzo stated

The silver haired boy appeared behind the blond.

"With Greedy Hand's support, Yellow Bolt attacks (12000)" Linzo declared

"I don't guard" Hedeyoshi decided

"Drive check (Blitzritter - Critical Trigger) all effects go to Yellow Bolt" Linzo revealed

The blond haired boy dash over to the young boy with electricity gathered in his hand then when he got close punched the boy in the face leaving him panting with smoke coming off his suit.

"Damage check first (Alpha Rogue Gunner, Dragonic Lord of Metal - No Trigger) second (Rogue Gunner, Recon Drone - Draw Trigger) power to my vanguard and I draw" Hedeyoshi revealed

"That ends my turn" Linzo stated

Hedeyoshi - Linzo

6 - Hand - 5

2 - Damage - 0

2 - Soul - 0

0 - Counterblast - 0

empty, empty - empty, empty

Rogue Gunner, Rookie Pilot, empty - Yellow Bolt, Greedy Hand

empty, empty - empty, empty

"My turn I draw" Hedeyoshi stated

"I ride Rogue Gunner, Blasting Fury (9000)" Hedeyoshi announced

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