12| I know

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After a few hours of traveling, the group was somewhere west of the Rockies. They didn't know exactly where, but most of them didn't care where they were, including Daisuke.

They were currently taking a break to give Warren time to contact citizen Z and ask for directions, so they were mostly just standing around. Unfortunately for Daisuke, he got the job of taking care of a vomiting Cassandra. He mostly just held her hair in a makeshift ponytail and rubbed her back, since there wasn't much else he could do.

He could practically feel 10k and Murphy's gazes digging into into back, but he didn't pay much mind to them. Cassandra was his main focus for the moment, and he couldn't risk anything happening to her because of a simple distraction. Once the poor girl finished emptying her stomach out, he silently wiped the corners of her mouth clean with his handkerchief.

Once he deemed her well enough to be taken back into the van, he wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders and attempted to bring her up to her feet. It seemed like her leg didn't enjoy this course of action though, as Cassandra quickly protested against it. Daisuke, not wanting to risk any further damage, immediately placed her back down onto the floor with a troubled expression.

He doubted that she would be able to go much longer like this, and the thought didn't please him at all. He didn't want to lose his friend. Well, if you could really call her a friend that is. He hadn't interacted with her as much as he did with Murphy or 10k, but he didn't view the amount of interaction as the deciding factor of friendship or not.

Because of Daisuke's high guard, he could hear the conversation between Warren and Murphy clearly, even if he had his attention on Cassandra. He didn't like the thought of having to face the woman that tortured them and then left them to die, but he didn't necessarily have a say in it. Once it was time for them to get back on the road, Daisuke picked Cassandra up bridal style and took her back to the van before getting back on his beloved motorcycle.


After an hour or so, the group arrived to the new destination. There was a group of zombies standing around the front of the building, all looking in the same direction. All Daisuke could guess was that there was something inside that they wanted. What that thing was, he wasn't sure of.

"You think we're in the right place? Looks small." Daisuke couldn't help but agree. The place did look small, but knowing scientists, it was most likely larger on the inside.

Not soon after, Warren and Murphy got out of the van from the side Daisuke was currently on. The shorter lady motioned him to get off the bike, and he followed, as to not anger her. Even though he was physically taller and stronger than her, he didn't wish to get a bullet to the forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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