1| Only the beginning

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      *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Darkness. That's all he could see for what felt like years. In reality, he had been asleep for only two days, since he had been the one to be guarding the older males he was traveling with for about a week. Other than that, he also had slight insomnia from the mental illnesses he had from the apocalypse and even before it.

Suddenly, he felt his leg being nudged, making him groan and slowly open his eyes, silently thanking the gods for making it night time instead of day. He looked around him as he sat up, finally noticing the dark skinned woman and the bearded male pointing guns at them as they sat on the boat they had found not too long ago.

The unnamed male sighed as he rubbed his blurry eyes once taking his brass knuckles off of his veiny hands. "Identify yourselves and your business here. There is a sniper watching you, so no funny business." The bearded male had walked closer to them while pointing a flashlight right onto the darker skinned man's face, momentarily blinding him before it was pointed at the other man that seemed to be hiding behind his jacket, "lieutenant Mark Hammond. Delta Force. At least when there was a Delta Force. I'm on a mission for what's left of the government and I need your help." The lieutenant responded as he looked up at the man. "What mission? For what government?" "Look, I honestly don't know. There's a low chance that the people who gave me this order are still alive. What I do know is that I must take these people to a medical lab in California alive." After that, our main character stopped listening to the conversation and instead closed his eyes once again before he was grabbed by his arm and led to a truck that took them to a large camp.

As they walked inside, people stared at them as they passed by, making the Asian man glare at them before looking ahead as Hammond told him to catch up. Once they were inside of a tent, they were served food, which Murphy didn't hesitate to devour like an animal. The Asian man, now known as Daisuke, looked at Murphy weirdly before eating some of the food himself. He didn't really ate pre-z, do the lack of food didn't affect him as it should have.

Next thing he knew, they were in a truck heading to a place that Daisuke couldn't remember because he wasn't exactly listening. He let out a silent sigh as he looked out the car window, noting that they were basically surrounded by forest and water. They weren't on the road for very long before they stopped for a check in with the camp, but something was obviously wrong, seeing as they have been standing around for five minutes without any response back.

The Asian male was rudely snapped out of his mini nap when Hammond dragged him and Murphy out of the truck while screaming at them to show them why they were so importan. Daisuke clenched his jaw before complied to what he was told, lifting his shirt up to show his tattoos and chewed up body. The mark that stood out the most was the one on his chest, since it was right over his heart and darker than the rest. He looked away as he heard the unknown people gasp, knowing that most of their attention was on him since he was absolutely filled with zombie bites. He immediately pulled his shirt back down as everyone's attention was back on the radio once they got a response. Unfortunately, the radio had stopped working and they were forced to go back to the camp. On their way there, they ran into a couple and an older man who seemed to be running away from a school of little zombie kids.

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