9|Cursed Eyes

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The group had arrived to Nebraska. They didn't exactly know where in the state, but oh well. Unfortunately for them, they had no water left, seeing as they used it all on their truck.

Daisuke and Murphy were the only ones that weren't currently dying of dehydration. They simply watched as the people who were supposed to take them to California laid on the ground, doing nothing to help themselves.

"I read once that you could drink your own urine. But all I'm pissin' is dust." Doc stated as he sat next to Cassandra, who rested her head on the sidewalk after thinking that a rusted can was water.

"Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there." Murphy said as he strolled over to Warren, standing in front of her sitting figure.

"Why are you so freaking chipper?" The woman asked Murphy as she looked up at him, raising a tired eyebrow.

"I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I conserve my precious bodily fluids." Murphy respondes as he looked over to Daisuke, who shrugged while stretching as if he was in a gymnastics club.

"I was forced to survive for long periods of time without food or water." Daisuke responded as well before bending backwards, placing his hands on the street so he wouldn't collapse.

Suddenly, a low grumbling sound could be heard from down the street, causing everyone to look over in confusion.

"What is that?" 10k asked as he forced himself to sit up slowly. "Is it an earthquake?"

"More like a zombie quake." Doc said as everyone tried to regain their strength, finally being able to see what was going on. In front of them, there was a huge horde of zombies headed right their way, and it didn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.

"Goddamn guys just won't quit." Warren murmured as she stood up, along with Cassandra and Doc, who had to lean on each other so they wouldn't fall.

"I suggest we run for it." Murphy stated before doing what he just said, but stopping once again when he noticed that nobody except Daisuke was following him.

The hyper man jogged back before running un place, looking at the group. "Come on, people. Pick it up."

"I... we... can't. Dehydrated." Warren panted out before sitting back on the car, shaking her head.

"Come on. Keep movin'." Murphy tried again as he clapped and grabbed Warren's arm, pulling her up. "Come on."

It seemed that she finally gave up, listening to Murphy as she ran behind him. "Let's go."

Daisuke watched as Doc and Cassandra did the same, finally looking at 10k, who was still on the floor. He silently sighed as he got closer to him, helping him up and taking his things before following behind the group, keeping a tight grip on the younger male's arm so he wouldn't collapse.

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