10| Together forever

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

It has been three days since they saw the wonder twins. During that time, the group had found a small town in the middle of a forest in South Dakota. What happened there was all a blur to Daisuke, seeing as nothing extremely interesting happened. Now, back to the present.

According to citizen Z, there was a nearby bunker that was filled with food, so that was where they correctly were. As they walked down the dark hallway, they began to hear a pair of footsteps. Everyone get their guns out, pointing them to the direction the sound was coming from. All of a sudden, to people appeared in front of them.

"Hold it right there." Warren stated as she pointed her gun directly at one of them, raising her voice to gain their attention.

Daisuke and Murphy could clearly see who they were, but apparently the others couldn't see them, even though it wasn't very dark.

"Oh, it's the damn wonder twins." Daisuke could hear Murphy say as a bright light was pointed at his face, making him grunt in annoyance.

Everyone soon noticed them, gasping and greeting each other with hugs and friendly kisses. Daisuke and Murphy stood behind them as they watched, their faces scrunched up at the sight of all the affection.

"Citizen Z send you guys?" Mack asked the now reunited group, a smile on his face.

"Yeah. He told us there was food and somebody named Chester who could help us out." Cassandra responded, standing next to Doc, who nodded on agreement.

"Yeah, he told us that too. We're starting to have our doubts." Mack agreed, his smile turning into an expression of annoyance.

"Okay, well he should be, you know what, right down there. Lets hit it." Warren said before putting the small map away.

This gave Cassandra some time to wrap her arm around Daisuke's neck, who wrapped his arm around her waist as the other held onto Murphy's right hand. about two hours ago, the girl had gotten her leg cut by barbed wire while she was on patrol with 10k, and now it was infected. Everyone agreed that it would be best if Daisuke took care of her, seeing as they have a close bond and he knew a little more about medical things than doc.

The group followed behind Warren as she led them to their destination, which was right down the next hallway they entered. As they walked inside, they noticed a man sitting on a chair with a bullet wound going through his head.

"Well I guess we found Chester." Addy stayed as she walked closer to the dead body, pointing her flashlight at it. "Hello, Chester." Not long after she said that, she began to smash the dead Chester's head until it was only a pile of brains and blood.

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