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"Wtf Liyah???!!" Dre semi-yelled "Whats wrong with you?" I asked "why did you just kiss Taylor?" "Oh we go together now." I said trying to sound as happy as I possibly could. "Liyah you don't even like Taylor... Or girls!!" He yelled. "Why do you care who I'm with?!" I yelled back "Damn it Liyah I've had feelings for Taylor since we first moved here!"he confessed "You have?...I didn't know Dre...." I said "its not like I love her ...I'm just using her to get back at Trez for what he did to me after I'm done you can have her Dre...problem solved!!" I said while walking away before he pulled me back. "Liyah don't do that Taylor's a good person, she don't deserve to be used by you! She's so beautiful ,kind, and she has a good heart.Don't do it Liyah." He begged "Nobody gonna get hurt big bro trust and believe that!" I replied and finnaly walked back in the kitchen. "Babe, hurry up and eat so I can take my new queen shopping!"Taylor said to me " you don't have to do that Tae-Tae we can just chill in my roo-gco "no you deserve the best and that's what you gonna get as long as you mine ma" she said with a smirk on her face. She began to tounge kiss me and out of the corner of my eye I saw Dre balling up his fists and clenching his jaw. I finally pulled away...even though I don't like Taylor she's a good kisser lol! I ate and we got in her lime green corvette and started heading for the mall!

Liyah taking it too far now!!
Will Dre tell Taylor
Taylor such a good person!

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