The Plan

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Unknown p.o.v

That bitch took my son and girlfriend away from me! Aaliyah meant everything to me, I got a plan to get her bck sooner or later. Jus cause I had sex widd her dnt mean she hate her own father.

Liyah's p.o.v

Its time fa school!! I dnt really kno nobody here so Trez gonn give me a ride nd show me around. Our school is APA (Atlanta Performing Arts) . He keeps glancin at me nd wen I catch him he jus looks away. Dre told me he likes, even though I really hate boys right now Ima give him a chance to make his move. He's so cute doe , I love his big green eyes.

Trez's p.o.v

"Ok , I'm tired of da silence!" I yelled a lil to loud cause she jumped. "Um,wat u wanna talk bout den?" She asked in her angelic voice. "I kinda need ta ask u sum!" I said in a quite voice. "Ight, wassup sweetie?" Awwe she called me sweetie!!

"I kno we've only known each other fa 3 dayz(they got here on Friday) but I've been thinkin bout u all weekend, nd I was wonderin if u wanted to be my girlfriend?!"I said kinda fast. "That's really sweet nd all but I need a chance to breathe first! I'm not ready fa a relationship due to my past at least not yet any way .... I'm really srry sweetie!" She replied softly. "Oh, um I'm srry , I shouldn't have asked u so - gco "Trez I was jus playin, we can date but we jus gotta take da shidd slow oka?" She answered happily. "Yea, ight days coo" "I slick think I saw a tear wen I told u no doe!" She laughed "Nahh bruhh, Ima real nigga .. U ain't see no tear!" I semi-yelled "wateva u say babe!" She said all cute. We talked sum more until we got to school. I love my lil liyah nd nun can break us apart...absolutely nun!

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