Chapter 6: The Quest

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We can see Natsu in a private room with Makarov and Laxus while the Thunder legion is waiting outside...

Makarov: Ok you said you wanted information? What do you need? *still careful around him*

Natsu: I presume in the next few days you will get reports about strange "shooting stars" or lights that shot in different directions. You see they are actually people, people who I'm looking for. *looking serious*

Laxus: W-Why are you looking for t-them?

Natsu: Because they are important to me. *with a solemn face*

Makarov: We will help gather the information and it would help for descriptions about the people.

And as such Natsu explains how they look like and told them they will likely wear scarfs.

Makarov: We will search for them but in the meantime why don't you stay here while we are busy with that?

Natsu: That sounds nice actually and I can train him *points at Laxus* Laxus was it?...

Laxus: Yea... It's odd to be learning from a kid...

Natsu: Hahaha well maybe it would help if I'm in my dragon form but I can't really control my strength in that form so your out of luck...

Makarov: YES! We don't need you destroying a city when you are showing my grandson something! The counsel will have my head!

Natsu: Haha right right anyway I think I'll go and introduce myself to the others. And Laxus when you are free and have a nice big clearing outside of this city then we can train

Laxus: Right... I'll look for a place far away from the population aswell *looking at a map*

Makarov: And please don't tell anyone about the fact you are a dragon!

Natsu: Sure, see you later *walks out of the room*

Freed: I hope everything went well?

Natsu: Yes you can go inside if you want the details.

The thunder legion nodded and went in the room while Natsu went to the guild hall that was... Fighting?

Natsu: What the hell is going on here? *looking around* did I miss something big or what?

???: Oh no it's always like this my name is Lisanna by the way.

Natsu: Oh ok well thanks for telling me and my name is Etherious Natsu Dragneel but please call me Natsu.

Lisanna: Ok Natsu let me introduce everyone my brother sitting there is Elfmen-

She continues introducing the members of the guild until something unexpected happens

Natsu: (I call lazy ass writing...)

Another girl with white hair and one with red hair knocked Lisanna out while fighting before Lisanna can introduce them

Natsu: Well looks like I'll have to stop this. *stepping inbetween the girls*

The rest of the guild was panicking about the kid about to get hurt but wasn't expecting this outcome Natsu karate chopped them both on the head while they fell on the ground and now the two girls stopped while holding their heads and glaring at the boy

Natsu: You know your fight knocked out Lisanna which I presume is your sister *points at white haired girl*

???: Yes, my name is Mirajane but call me Mira *looks at Lisanna* I guess we went overboard... again..

???: I'm Erza Scarlet *still rubbing her head* who are you?

The entire guild is looking at him for the answer.

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