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Dear Mom,

Normal day today. I got up, got dressed. I was wearing this super cute lavender blouse by the way; I wish you could've seen it. I went downstairs to make breakfast. It was my turn this morning, so Bimini- little sis- and Dad didn't have to cook. They just had to clean up. I decided to make us bagels with cream cheese and strawberries. It's one of my favorites, but I don't think Bim likes it all that much. Whatever. She can make what she wants on her day, which is tomorrow.

"Looks good Anny," Dad said, rubbing his hands together. I laughed and shook my head. I carefully held all three plates and set them down on the table in front of each of our spots.

"So," Bim started as we sat down. "Did you meet anyone new yesterday Anne-Marcie?" she asked curiously. I smiled; it was sweet of her to ask. Bimini had just started eighth grade, so she was only three years younger than me. Thirteen to be exact.

"Not really," I responded blandly, though the thought of the boy I'd have to spend detention with swam in the back of my thoughts. Bim then went on to talk about a girl she made friends with at school, and I kind of disappeared into my own mind.


Alright, so, a little time skipping here. I've already had detention and school and all that. I can't tell you how absolutely astonished I was at how the detention played out. It was like he completely switched personalities!

When I got into the room, I had to wait a good five minutes for him to show up so the detention could start. I shot him a cold glare from across the room, and he smiled apologetically and nervously. I rolled my eyes and turned back toward the homework I decided to get done. Then he took the seat next to me... WHAT? I'm getting mixed signals from this guy, and I'm not sure how to respond.

"So... hello," he whispered, and I tensed up. What does he want?!? Why is he talking to me? I think my confusion showed on my face, because he started chuckling. I hissed and looked back to my papers. Then he started talking again!

"I think we got off on the wrong foot," he said politely.

"Detention? No kidding," I snapped, confused on how else to reply. He just chuckled again. What is going on?

"Anyways, my name is William. And yours?" he supplied, prodding any information out of me.

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" I hissed, scowling. He nodded. "My name is Anne-Marcie May. Call me Anne-Marcie," I said tightly. I've gotten into the habit of saying my last name when introduced to new people, and I'm not sure why. He nodded again, then proceeded to pull out his homework of some kind. The rest of detention was quiet, and when we were finally released, he waved to me. I just kept walking.


Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now