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Dear Mom,

I've already got William mad at me. Well, not necessarily mad, maybe just annoyed. I asked him not to share that we're dating, to which he was all huffy and crap. But I digress.

Thankfully though, he didn't tell anyone. I know he'll wait until I'm ready to share it. I don't think we really have the 'honeymoon phase', for I'm still really jumping and anxious. I can't shake the fear that crawls into my head each time I think about our kiss. We haven't kissed since I confessed. We haven't been on any dates either. That is, until earlier today.

I picked up the phone to find William's name displayed across the screen. A cold sweat broke out across my hairline. Was he angry? Would he back out? Of course these would be my immediate thoughts. I sighed and shook my head. You're being ridiculous. I picked up the phone and held my breath.

"Hey Anne-Marcie," William's voice said cheerily. I swallowed.

"Hey William," I managed tightly.

"Are you alright?" he asked warily. I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm just being paranoid," I said quietly.

"About?" he questioned. I went silent for a moment. "Anne-Marcie? Are you there?"

"Yeah. Sorry," I replied quickly. "Just got lost in thought." Should I tell him the truth? He is my boyfriend... "I was worried about what you would say when I picked up," I admitted in a voice that was almost a whisper.

"Oh." That's all he said. Then he cleared his throat. "I was ah- wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream or something?" he asked with a slightly pleading tone. I laughed.

"Gelato," I said with a smile that he couldn't see. He laughed back.

"Alright, fine. Do you want me to pick you up?" he asked politely.

"No, I'll just meet you at Pazzo's. See you soon!" I said and hung up. I didn't mention that the reason I didn't want him to pick me up was because I didn't want Bim and Dad to meet him yet. If I was to chicken out and they were attached to him, it would make it thousands of times harder.

I walked over to my mirror and straightened my hair, then decided to braid it. The light purple sweater I was wearing was fine, but the white shorts might need to go if we were going to get gelato. That would never come out, and I'm famous for spilling things. I changed into black shorts instead, though I think the white ones looked better. Whatever.

I made my way downstairs, not disturbing Bim and her movie watching. My dad looked up from whatever papers he was working on to raise an eyebrow.

"Where are you taking my car?" he asked playfully. I grinned.

"Just going to get gelato," I said, lifting a shoulder in a half shrug.

"By yourself?" he asked, brow line furrowed. "We'll go too if you are going alone." I bit my lip.

"No, I'll be meeting someone," to which Bim finally looked up.

"Who?" she questioned curiously. "Lilac and Danielle? I wanna come if they'll be there t-"

"I'm meeting William, okay?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air in agitation. "And I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon, so, bye!" I called, grabbing my keys and quickly backing out the door. Once it was closed, I pressed my ear to the door to hear they're reactions.

"Who's William?" my dad said gruffly. I stifled a giggle and started walking to the car.


As soon as I pulled up to Pazzo's, I saw William waiting on a bench near the entrance. I smiled and opened the car door, locking it behind me.

William grinned when he saw me walking up towards him.

"Hi," I said, smiling a bit. He grinned happily back and took my hand as we made our way inside. He led me to a little table in the corner and encouraged me to sit.

"I'm going to try to guess something you like. Stay here," he said, beginning to walk towards the bar. I made myself not watch him as he picked out the flavors. He returned shortly, holding two cups of gelato.

"For me, banana," he said, puffing out his chest proudly before declaring, "And for you, hazelnut. You seem like someone who would like hazelnut." I smiled half-heartedly and took it from him, careful not to touch it. He faltered at my expression, then sighed.

"You don't like hazelnut, do you?" he asked sadly. I nodded vigorously.

"I do like hazelnut..." I trailed off. I actually love hazelnuts. I just have an incredible allergy to them.

"Then why do you look so disappointed?" he accused quietly. I sighed and scratched the back of my neck, avoiding his eyes.

"I'm just terribly allergic to them," I muttered. He face palmed, groaning.

"I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry Anne-Marcie," he sighed. Then he turned to me and smiled. "Do you like banana?" I laughed and nodded, smiling. He smiled mischievously back and kissed me. I blinked a few times before smiling against his lips and kissing him back.

Would you call this love?,

Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now