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Dear Mom,

Back to what was happening with William...

"William Jackdarren, I demand that you inform me on where we are going," I said with fake authority. He smirked at me.

"When did you find out my last name?" he asked calmly.

"That writing project last month when- stop changing the subject!" I said through clenched teeth when I realized he was chuckling.

"You'll find out when we get there!" he practically sang. I pursed my lips in an angry pout. He straight up laughed. I resisted the incredibly strong urge to curse at him. I crossed my arms and stayed silent through the rest of the ride.

When we pulled up to an unfamiliar house that has music and bright lights blaring inside it, my face went slack.

"You. Did not. Bring me to. A PARTY. Without my permission," I said, my face starting to go pale. He rolled his eyes.

"Anne-Marcie, it's just a party. You need to loosen up," he said, turning towards me with slightly sad eyes. "You could be excited to do things I like too," he added quietly. I felt like he was guilt tripping me. And it worked anyway. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, and all of the sudden, I couldn't continue being mad at him. Unfortunately.

"Even if I demanded that you take me home, you wouldn't right now, so, fine," I muttered. He whooped and pumped a fist in the air, and I wanted SO BAD not to laugh at him and keep showing that I'm angry at him. But I COULDN'T. I giggled and then immediately slapped a hand over my mouth, but he'd already heard me.

"You're not that mad," he said slyly, leaning over and kissing my cheek before ducking away and rushing out of the car. I blinked a few times. Then I grinned.

"Oh, it's on," I muttered, throwing open my door and darting after him. Thank god that I'm faster than him. I caught up to him quickly, throwing myself onto his back. We fell to the ground in a heap of laughter and giggles. I sighed and started to rise from the ground.

"You cannot outrun me," I declared breathlessly, holding out a hand to help him up. He grinned.

"I can't deny it," he said, pulling himself up. I smiled and we started to walk up the porch steps. When we reached the door I smiled and nodded and he pushed open the door.

We were immediately swarmed by his friends.

"You got her to come!" Gabe yelled, a little too loudly. My guess was that he had been drinking.

"Actually, she literally tackled me when she found out that I had brought her to a party against her will," William admitted, to which the five of them started hooting with laughter. I crossed my arms and nodded, a small smile on my face. I glanced at my reflection in the window and tried to nonchalantly fix my tousled hair, before sighing and realizing that it was useless. I turned around to find William watching me with what I would call loving admiration in his eyes. My heart flipped over and my mouth opened a little, my pulse speeding up. My eyes watered as they opened wider without my permission, and my cheeks suddenly felt like they're on fire. I started to say something but instantly lost my train of thought, the statement ending in a bunch of stuttering and strange noises. He chuckled deeply. I looked away, my lips pursed. I glanced back at him quickly, but he was talking to Simon. I smiled at his back and started to walk off into the party. I have a feeling that he was watching me walk away though.


I yawned and glanced over to the clock on the oven. 11:38. I bit my lip. Crap. My curfew is midnight. I rose from the dining table where I was playing cards with a girl named Charlotte and told her a quick parting. I walked off into the party to find William.

I found him with all of his friends other than Christian. From the cup in his hand and the oddly relaxed sag of his face, I got a bad feeling that he'd been drinking. I took a deep breath and prepared to head over to him, but he spotted me before I got the chance to.

"Ay, Anne-Marice!" he said, his words garbled. I've always hated it when people got drunk, for they don't act like themselves. It's scary in a surreal kind of way. "Come have eh drank!" he shouted, and a few heads turned his way. He can't drive like this... but I need a car... I hesitated. "Wassa matter Anny?" he asked as he stumbled over to me. I cringed.

"I'm... leaving," I said quietly. His face fell as much as it could.

"No, you don't have car," he slurred, his eyes focusing and unfocusing.

"I'll find a ri-" I started, but he cut me off, suddenly grabbing my wrist and dragging me to a dark corner.

"You don' trust me, uh?" he asked.

"Yeah, I don't trust you when you're drunk," I whispered. "You probably won't even remember this conversation tomorrow, in your state," I added, looking at the floor. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the waist and put his head on my shoulder, just like he did the night I confessed to him. My breathing sped up, and I wiggled a little to try and escape his grasp. He's stronger than me though, and I couldn't escape.

"William plea-" I started, but I was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine with alarming force. I blinked tears of panic from my eyes, and tried to wiggle free once more, but he pulled me to him tighter. I couldn't help it. I started to cry against him. His hands moved along my back and he pulled at the edges of my shirt. I screamed in fear, and finally, a head popped around the corner. I let my legs give out, and William was now the only thing holding me up.

"Hey!" a voice yelled, and as he rushed forward, I was slightly horrified to find that it was Christian.

"Get. Me out," I managed, and Christian darted forwards and tried to pry William off. William seemed as though he was in shock that someone saw him, and he let go easily. Christian helped me out of the house, and when I looked back, William was still aimlessly staring at the ground. I choked back tears and followed Christian out of the house.

I knew this was a bad idea,

Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now