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Dear Mom,

I figured out what William meant when he said he would fix me. He's trying to get me to fall in love with him. He's done things like leaving flowers at my locker and walking past and dropping me chocolates during lunch. It makes me uncomfortable and anxious and annoyed. Definitely annoyed. He's also been using pick-up lines on me. Like earlier today in gym. I'm terrible at anything sport related. I was about to go into a one on one soccer match against some other girl who's name I think was... Caroline? I'm not sure. Well, William came up to me before I was about to go onto the field.

"Hey Anne-Marcie," he started with an easy smile. I groaned.

"Just give up William. I'm not in the mood for smooth talk," I snapped. "Actually, I'm never in the mood for smooth talk," I corrected.

"Loosen up Anne-Marcie. For, though you've got a lot of beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite," he said, rolling his eyes playfully. I frowned  and glared at him. He then cleared his throat and pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"Drop it William," I snarled, turning and walking towards the field.

"I can't fix you if you don't give me a chance!" he called after me. I grimaced.

"I can't believe you just said that. Who said I needed to be fixed?" I demanded, whipping around. He bit his lip and looked to the ground. "Exactly," I hissed. I turned back towards the field, wiping a single tear from my cheek.

If anything, he's just proving my theory that love is a poisonous emotion. That's pretty much what I told him the next time I saw him. I had taken the bus that morning, so I was waiting for Danielle to come out of the school so she could drive us to her house and I could hang out there until my dad got off of work. I could've asked her to just drive me home, but we both wanted to hang out.

Anyways, I was praying that she'd come out quickly. Though, I should've known better, for Danielle isn't exactly punctual. And who also always waits at the front of the school? William. And who always apologizes after he hurts me? William. So, I knew, I knew, he was going to come and try to fix my feelings. But, I really didn't feel like forgiving him this time. So, when he approached me, I was ready.

"Hey Anne-Marcie. I'm really sorry for what I said earlier," he said softly. I turned on him, heat in my gaze.

"That's about all you say, huh? 'Sorry, sorry, sorry.' Well guess what? I'm done with sorry! You wouldn't have to say it so much if you weren't such an arrogant fool!" I shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. He looked around nervously, and I could tell he was bothered by the looks of people around, their attention caught by my screaming accusations.

"Chill out, would you?" he said, his tone frustrated.

"ME chill out?! I'm not the one who insults and frightens other people!" I screamed back, tears coming to my eyes. He hesitated. "You really hate me so much that you think that I'm broken," I said, my voice cracking.

"Hate you?! Hell, Anne-Marcie, I love you!" he yelled. I stared at him.

"No you don't." I can't let him say that. If he says that, I run the risk of returning the gesture. That's when I noticed Danielle standing a few paces away, staring at us in shock. I ran to her. "Let's go," I choked out. She took my arm and led me to her car.

I guess I am broken,

Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat