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Dear Mom,

Later that night, I got a call from Danielle.

"Hey Anne-Marcie," she said sweetly. I instantly got that feeling. The one where you know they're planning something, but you're not quite sure what? Danielle was just radiating those vibes.

"I know that if I reply you're going to rope me into something I don't want. So, please, just get to the point," I asked. I heard her huff over the phone.

"Fine. I'm hosting a party tonight. You'll come right?" she said, and she was unable to keep that mischievous glee out of her tone. I sighed, already defeated.

"I'll have to check with my dad, but otherwise, sure," I replied. She squealed with excitement, and I couldn't help but smile.

"See you there then!" she said and hung up. I shook my head as I smiled. I then hopped off of my bed. I was sure he wouldn't mind, for it was a Friday night. I didn't have anything to do tomorrow.

"Hey, Dad?" I called as I rushed down the stairs. No reply. "Dad!" I called again, louder.

"Hush, would you?" Bim called from the couch. I came over to find her lying across the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap, watching a movie. Bimini is not what you would call a normal middle-schooler. She enjoys kids' movies, and she's not at all worried about her appearance or social skills. I envy her in a strange way. There is nothing wrong with the way Bim is, she's just different. And I love her for it.

"Do you know where Dad is?" I asked, folding my arms and leaning on the couch. She looked up at me.

"He left a few minutes ago. Why?" she asked curiously.

"Danielle invited me to a party tonight and I wanted to make sure he was okay with it," I replied. She sighed.

"Anny, you're so good, all the time. You need to decide things for yourself every once in a while," she said. I smiled wryly.

"Alright little miss. I'll be home by ten. Make sure to tell Dad why and where I went," I called and rushed back up the stairs to choose an outfit. I ended up choosing an off-white blouse to go over a red tank-top, paired with dark blue jeans. I rummaged through my mess of a closet to find my old leather boots. I prayed that they still fit. Thankfully, they did, even if they were a little tight. I did my hair up in a tight bun, pinning a little red bow into it. I quickly did up some thin black eyeliner and red lipstick, then smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Danielle. She replied with a lot of thumbs up. I grinned and stuck my phone in my back pocket and dashed back downstairs. I quickly showed my outfit to Bim, and she grinned and clapped. I bowed and then grabbed a spare house key and opened the door, ready to lock it behind me.

"Hey, I'm not going to wait up for you," Bim called as I was closing the door.

"Okay!" I called back, closing the door and locking it. I jumped into the car and drove off towards Danielle's house. I could hear music from outside, and there were colored lights inside. I frowned. You wouldn't think it was only seven.

I parked the car on the curb and walked up to the house, letting myself inside. I immediately saw Danielle greeting guests with her boyfriend, Silvian. I walked up to them with a smile, and Danielle broke into a grin. She was wearing a tight, short black dress, and I can't lie; it really suited her.

"You really came!" Danielle said excitedly.

"I told you I would," I said, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Hey Anne-Marcie," Silvian greeted with a laugh. I smiled at him.

"Still treating my best-friend well I assume?" I asked with half-joking intensity. He laughed again and nodded, kissing the top of Danielle's head. "Good," I said, and headed off into the party. There were a good amount of people dancing, mostly couples. I looked around to find Lilac in a corner talking quietly to Blake. I smiled a little and kept walking. Even if I think Blake is a little arrogant, as long as she's happy, I'm pulling for them. I stopped short at who was standing across the room watching me with a gaping mouth. There stood William in a group of his talking friends, watching me like a hawk. Maybe the lights were messing with me, but it looked like he was blushing. I smiled a little at him, waving. He blinked and waved a little back. I've never thought of myself as attractive, at least in the desirable way. If I was attractive, it would be in a more subdued, hidden way. People have told me before that I was pretty, what with my long brown hair and bright green eyes. Sharp features and slim frame. But, the way he was staring at me made me feel like the most gorgeous girl in the world. And that scared me. I walked towards the back doors that led into her back yard. The sun was setting, and I sat down on the stairs down from her porch to the yard. I sighed when I heard the back doors open from behind me. Next thing I knew, William was sitting next to me.

"So... hi," he said, and he sounded a little breathless. I glanced sideways at him.

"Hey," I replied, because I couldn't think of anything else to say. I had a feeling I knew what was happening, and I had to come up with a way to avoid it. We sat in silence as I tried to ponder a solution. Then he cleared his throat and I knew I'd run out of time.

"I... I've been meaning to tell you something for a while Anne-Marcie." I didn't look at him. "From the day we first met when I picked a fight with you, it was only because I wanted to talk to you. You attracted me from the very first moment I saw you and heard you speak," he said shyly. He stood and grabbed my elbows to pull me up with him. That's when I started to panic. I didn't want to be kissed. I didn't want to be loved like that.

"Anne-Marcie..." he continued, breathless. "I think I'm in love." My breath caught in my throat, the words creating a bubble of horror in my throat. I wanted to protest, wanted to do anything to prevent those words from being true. But it seemed as if words were failing me. Everything I knew and clung to was failing. Then he spun us around and pinned my body to the wall of the house. I looked up into his eyes with horror, but I think in the dark he mistook it for curiosity or longing. Because right after that, he kissed me, pressing his body right up against mine. Tears of panic came to my eyes. I can't fall in love. When he realized I wasn't kissing him back and that I was coiled as tense as a spring, he backed up. When he saw the tears on my cheeks, he let go of me completely, backing away.

"Anne-Marcie... I'm sorry," he croaked, but he was too late. I raced back into the house, my cheeks cold and wet. I heard Danielle call my name, but I just ran out of the front door and into my car. I checked the time. It was only eight-thirty. I started the car and drove as fast as I could back to my home.

My heart is breaking,

Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now