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Dear Mom,

Sorry for splitting the story into two letters. The last one was just getting long, and I didn't think you'd really mind. Anyways, where were we? I think William had just picked me up? I guess I'll start when we arrive at the football game.

The drive with William wasn't at all awkward like I thought it would be. He's very good at making conversation, and I'm very good at scorning him for his bewildering questions and opinions and making him laugh at me. It's a good balance.

We pulled up to the football stadium, and he rushed around to my side to open my door. I laughed as he grabbed my hand and helped me out.

"From the way you're acting, one wouldn't think we were just going to a high school football game," I teased. He laughed easily.

"Hey, football is important to me anyway!" he protested with a forced hurt expression. I giggled and squeezed his hand. Then I remembered that we were in a place where a lot of people could see us. I quickly let go of his hand and whipped my head around.

"The same rules apply," I reminded him. "I still wouldn't like anyone to know." He sighed in annoyance and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I didn't bring you on a date night so that we could reserve ourselves, Anne-Marcie," he muttered. I bit my bottom lip and stiffened.

"What are you implying by that?" I asked tightly. "What were you planning when bringing me on a date night?" He glanced at me quickly.

"That's not what I meant. I'm not going to do anything without your permission, promise," he assured me, taking a firm grip on my wrist. I shook my head and forced a smile.

"No, I was just being sensitive. Sorry," I said and glanced around before quickly pecking him on the cheek. He grinned a big, goofy grin and put an arm around my shoulders as we started walking towards the stadium. He bought tickets and two boxes of popcorn, and we went to find a few seats in the stands. It wasn't until I saw five figures making their way up to us that I realized we had made mistakes as far as where we were sitting.

"Wills!" a deep voice called, causing William to turn his head. His face lit up and he gestured the boys closer. His friends, I guessed. Soon enough, all five of them were standing next to William and staring at me.

"I knew it," one of them with shaggy black hair said. "I knew you had the hots for little Anne-Marcie," he teased, beginning to laugh. I frowned.

"Since when am I little?" I demanded, standing and crossing my arms. They all started laughing and I rolled my eyes and scoffed in annoyance.

"Come on guys," one of them said quietly, pushing his way to the front of the group from the back. He seemed vaguely familiar. He smiled. "My name is Chris. Nice to officially meet you Anne-Marcie," Chris greeted me, holding out a hand. That's when I realized how I knew him. Chris... Christian... I shook his hand back, trying to appear normal and not panicked at all, because, heh, I totally WASN'T.

"Anne-Marcie. But, of course, you already knew that was my name- uh..." I closed my mouth, smiling instead of trying to speak. I glanced over to William to find him frowning at Christian. I smiled genuinely when I realized he was jealous. That little confidence boost was enough to get me to drop his hand and turn towards the other boys.

"Are you all too incompitent to greet a girl properly?" I accused them, placing my hands on my hips and thrusting them out to one side. Christian looked like he was trying not to laugh, and William was eyeing his friends with playful accusations in his eyes. They all stared at me for a moment before all mumbling introductions. The one with shaggy black hair is called Simon, there's Blake, one named Gabe, and a final one named Nicholas, who's short but still taller than me.

"A pleasure," I said with a playful curtsy, provoking nervous laughter from each one of them. It's funny how teenage boys act so tough, but it sometimes only takes a single line to make them nervous. "Now, if you'll excuse me," I said and started walking down the aisle of seats.

"Anne-Marcie, where are you going?" William called.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be back in a sec," I called back before continuing on. I wasn't really going anywhere, I just wanted to hear what they'd say behind my back. I got to the end of the aisle and walked down to the bottom of the bleachers. I stood under where they were talking and started to listen quietly.

"No, I'm serious dude, that chick's hotter than anyone would've thought," I heard Simon tell William.

"Yeah, I know. I wish she would just agree to be my girlfriend," William said in a tone that would pass for wistful. God, he's a great actor.

"Yeah, I always thought she was a little weird," Blake admitted.

"Not weird, just quiet," Gabe added.

"Her friends though..." Nicholas said, and about three of them whistled. They all started laughing, and I smiled. They should think Danielle and Lilac are amazing. Blake in particular.

"Hey, it was good to see you William," Christian said hastily. All of the others agreed, and William returned the favor. They all went back up to they're seats and I let out a breath. I started back up to the seats. When I got there, William frowned.

"Where'd you go?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bathroom," I replied, sitting down. He nodded and turned back to the field.

I wasn't really paying attention to the game, too stuck on the fact that Christian is one of William's gang. I at least know that we won. I remember because William jumped up and hollered, making me practically jump out of my seat. Afterwards, we went and got a small dinner at a little diner, and we started heading back to my house. But then, I realized he wasn't driving to my home.

"Where are we going?" I questioned him suspiciously. He smiled, still facing forward.

"Just taking a little detour."

Nervousness rising,

Anne-Marcie May

Love is a Death Trap (First in the Series)Where stories live. Discover now